Goodbye August!
We are now on the ninth month of the year 2022. As we all get nearer on the last month of this year, I hope and pray that all of us already marked done the goals that we set for this year. Looking back, I slowly realized how time is so valuable to us. A year can comes to an end instantly without us knowing. Even until now, it still feels bizarre that this year is about to come to an end. Sometimes, I asked myself if I did something great for myself this year or am I still on the same page looking for a path to take. Gladly, I started to really planned out my days in this year. Compare to how I managed my life before, this year is really more specific and thorough. I applied all the things that I learned from the pandemic and this time; I made it sure that it will not only end up as a plan. Let’s just say that I became more determined, eager and passionate when it comes to my goals. I think that as I becoming adult, my ways of thinking also changed through time. My mind nowadays is filled with a dreams and goals which keeps me inspired to do my best in everything that I do. I valued the time that I have right now like my only one team mate which can help me to achieve the person that I want to become. I believe that only us can bring us down or can help us soar higher than we expect from ourselves. The moment that we set our mind and heart into something; things will change according to what we really think. For me, I wanted to make use of this eagerness to see more what I can do. I know that I can do more, be more and achieve more than what I have right now. It may seem impossible to do everything all alone, I won’t know it if I’ll be in the same position. I need to challenge myself, go out from my comfort zone and conquer my fears.
Like how this month ended, we need to ask ourselves if,
Did we made an action for us to be closer to our goals?
Are all of our plans effective?
Did we do something for ourselves or chose to neglect it again?
Our time is very limited. Most of us nowadays thinks that there will always be next time in everything. It’s actually just an excuse to do the things that we wanted rather than what we really need. I’d been there and I really regret the time that I wasted from that. This time, I wanted to do it right. By doing these monthly goals for myself and assessing it in the end, I believe that it would help me to keep my priorities check and all of my activities for the entire day. This will be my strategy to slowly climb up while inspiring other of my stories. I know that there’s no instant on our life. Everything requires a process which will mold us to ready ourselves for the future that we wanted to have. I know that sooner or later, I will be planning more goals and by that time it will be bigger and more challenging. I will keep the excitement within me grows as I work on myself every single day. I will not let others stop me now because the only person that can bring me down will be myself, no one else. Even if the path will be very hard, I will welcome everything with a mindset that it will all be for the sake of my own benefits. I need to face everything head on and will not bow down just to give up the opportunity. The source of courage that I have right now are from all of the blessings that I gained throughout this time. It made me believe that anything is attainable if you really work hard and persevere. Although the whole journey will take time, it will still teach you a lot of things that may aide you in the future
“We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort.” – Jesse Owens
Just like the previous months, August 2022 made me realized a lot of things. It made me remember those negative judgements that I received before and I realized how time change my whole life situation. I know that I still have more to accomplished but looking back on my past self, I can still feel proud that somehow, I’m excelling. I used those negative comments as one of my driving forces to change myself. I will not be the same person anymore who will just accept criticism and suffer from it. I will turn every negative situation into a positive one by proving to myself that it’s wrong. I will continue to do well right now and make more good memories that will subside all the negative things that I experienced in my life. Through them, I learned not to belittle anyone and focus on what matter for me.
Before assessing everything, let’s make a review on things that I planned for the month of August by checking out my previous blog about it:
Here below is the weekly routine that I need to follow for this month of August:

Growth takes time but if you will not do anything for it, then it may not happen for you. We should not rely on time alone but rather make use of it in order to achieve something. Make targets, plan out your strategy, use a timetable and push yourself to make everything works. Whatever actions you can do right now then do it right aways. Don’t let procrastination win over your daily life. The moment you develop a bad habit, it will be very hard to change it. Be determined enough to change your life. Don’t wait for any help, don’t let your excuses win and don’t let anyone stop you. Start it by doing a monthly goal like what I’m doing right now. This will be a great initiative for you to develop good habits and at the same change your prospective in life. It will all start from you. Do it, delay it or forget it. The choice is all yours.
“For by grace you have been saved through faith.” – Ephesians 2:8-10
Now that you have an idea on what this blog will be all about, let’s now check my progress and accomplishments for the month of August!

One statement that can describe this month is “Falling in love all over again.”. Compare to my past self, I know that I neglected myself for so long. By starting all the goals that I set for this year, it greatly helped me to understand how important is to take care of ourselves. The moment that I focus on it, the things around me gradually change for the better. I feel like my confidence soar high in a new level, I started to focus on what matters for me and lastly is that I learned to make time for myself every single day. My life became more productive as soon as I started prioritizing it. When I learned to love who I am, I experienced a kind of feeling wherein I became a new and better version of my past self. I know that I still have a lot of things to work on in order to continuously improve myself. This time, I will not see myself as an enemy but rather a team mate whom I need to take care of. This is the only one that can help me to achieve my goals and to make it happen, I also need to focus on it.
For this month of August, I’m happy that I’m still consistent with my plans. Together with a new information regarding my well -being, I started to live healthily by focusing on what I eat and other physical activities. Truly that this year is the revelation period for myself. I’m glad that I undergo this process of discovering myself more because I was able to know the things that I can do for myself. One thing for sure is that this will continue for the next years that will come. I will not let anything nor anyone ruin this mindset that I was able to develop.
“If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.” – Dr. Maya Angelou
For the month of August, these are the things that I need to accomplish. It comprises with things I need to work on for my own self, places I need to go and lastly the workout routine I’ll be focusing on. Let’s carefully review my progress and see if I succeeded on it!
Now that I decided to get rid of this unhealthy habit, I really made an effort to divert my mind on things that matters for me. It was challenging at first because negativity will sometimes taunt you to think of it, but gradually I’d seen how I progress. I found a way not to be affected on a negative situation by means of stopping myself to react. I will let time composed me at first and just focus on productive things that I’m doing. This will be very hard if you are in an environment where negativity grows, just like what I’m in right now. To be able to overcome this, I also help them to divert their thoughts into something that will make us laugh, smile and feel positive. Rather than ignoring it every single time, I learned also to address it in a way that I can control the situation. Of course, not everyone can do the same that I’m doing. They’ll choose to ignore and just let it be most of the time. That method is also ideal for you to create a space for yourself. If you can’t really handle everything and you don’t know hoe to properly address the situation, it is really better to avoid it.
On my blog August 2022 Goals, I shared some activities that helped me to make a progress in this target. Here are the following:
- Start making a healthy morning ritual (Stretching, Breathing exercises or Yoga).
- Practice Daily Gratitude
- Have a healthy breakfast
- Waking up the same time.
- Identify the source of negative thoughts and address it right away.
- Replace negative thoughts by diverting it in any productive activity such as workout, dancing singing etc.
- If you’re feeling down, scared, angry etc. pause for a moment.
- Practice a strictly No Complain day.
For now, I still didn’t feel yet that I succeeded to get rid of this habit. As I go for vacation, I will continue to address this until I finally overcome it. During this time, I will let my mind wander into something positive which will help me to be more productive. I am thinking also to start reading books about finances so I can easily divert my mind.
Like last month, this month has been another active period in terms of doing physical activities. I feel how my lower body improved upon doing the workout that I set for this month. To make it more effective, I pushed to do all the workouts within a day and repeat the process the next day. It was hard at first and gladly my body cope up to this workout faster than the usual. I would say that I think my body prefer this kind of workout compare to the previous one that I did. The equipment that my flat mate allowed us to used greatly helped me as well to make it more effective. Because of this, I feel motivated to invest on my own items just in case I will be hired this year! Well, nobody knows actually what will happened next so since this is my target, at least I need to look forward on it.
To give you an idea for the routines that I did, here are my workouts for the month of August:
Even though I’ll be going on vacation, I will still make it sure that I’ll continue to work out. Together with my father, I will take that opportunity to learn his workout routine and apply it once I’ll be back in Qatar. One thing for sure is that I will consistently do all the things that I started in this year. This time is solely for myself and I know that it deserves all of the care it needs. While doing this, I will also try to inspire the people around me to do the same by showing them my own progress and dedication to make this goal possible.
All of the reminders that I set for myself before the month of august started, greatly help me to prioritized myself more. Rather than what I usually do which is to starve myself, I now engage in taking small portion foods every now and then. I also started to consume fresh vegetable salad every day and a citrus fruit. Upon doing this, I started to feel an improvement on my metabolism. This time my target is to eat more vegetable, fruits and protein, and to cut down my carb’s intake. As of now, it is still challenging to cut down sugars for me and it will surely take tie for me to get over it. To help myself more, I decided to stay away from drinking soft drinks and allowed myself to only take once every month. Once the 2023 started, I will totally get rid of it and only allowed my sweet cravings for juices only.
- Take breakfast regularly
- Don’t skip meals
- Eat more fruits, vegetables and red meats
- Start taking vitamins/supplements
- Stop eating fast.
- Less sweets more on raw greens
- Have a consistent medical consultation.
- Drink more water
- Red Meats
- Vegetables
- Vitamin C Rich Fruits
- Fish
- Liver
- Fortified items
- Beans
- Nuts and seeds
Now that I know what to do, I promise to take of myself more and will not neglect it. I also learned that prevention is really better than cure so medical consultation is necessary to do. It should not be feared because that is the only way for you to address issues on our body.

On my previous blog, I shared there all of the information regarding my finances. From my expenses, current savings, plans, priorities and goals status, all of it are stated there in order for me to have thorough review of what I did in the whole month. This method helped me throughout this year to stick to my goals and to be able to reach my targets easily. It was not easy at first since I need to review it every month, but when I got used to it, it feels like every month practice for me. I was thinking that if I didn’t do this method, I will not be able to achieve my financial goals within two years. This period marks my biggest investment of all which cost a total of P375,000.00. Now that I started investing in real estate, I learned through that experienced the basic things it requires. Now that I already got the idea, it will be easy for me on my next venture on real estate investing. This will be the start of building my assets so although it will be hard at first, I will be patient for the entire process. I know that this decision will surely help me to be successful. In this coming five years, I manifest that my wealth will grow and I will be financially free already
Here below are the current updates of my finances as of first week of September:
- [ON-GOING] 1st Insurance. Long term savings intended for emergency and health concerns situation. DONE!
- [ON-GOING] 2nd Insurance + Investment. Long term savings fund intended for business and kid’s insurance. Month of settlement will be moved to October.
- [ON-GOING] SSS. Long term savings fund intended for retirement purposes. DONE!
- [ACHIEVED] 1st House Rental. Intended for additional income stream. First income will be intended for SSS Payment. DONE!
- [ON PROCESS] 2ND House Rental. Intended for additional income stream. DONE!
Even though I know that I’m already doing great from all of the investment that I made during the six years of working, I still feel that there I can do more than this. After securing my future, I need to do the same thing for my present in order for me to continuously build my wealth. A lot of opportunities are on my way and I believe that there is something there just waiting for me to take it. I believe and trust myself that I can achieve the things that I hope for. I will continue to pray for it and seek opportunities around me. I hope that in this coming year, I will be in a company where I can stay, grow and achieve my dreams.
“To achieve what 1% of the worlds population has (Financial Freedom), you must be willing to do what only 1% dare to do..hard work and perseverance of highest order.” ― Manoj Arora, From the Rat Race to Financial Freedom
Unlike the initial budget that I made before the month of August started, I made a revision during that time to give space for the additional amount for my treats. Despite of the changes, all of my savings and plans are still intact. Based on the cash flow projection that I did; everything still goes well according to my goals. As long as I can follow all the amount on my projected cash flow list, I’ll be able to reached the remaining financial goals for this year. On my previous blog, you will see there all of my expenses and the status of my savings. I also shared my plans and priorities for the next month for me to be reminded of it during my vacation.
As soon as I come back, my top priority is to apply for a job which can offer better benefits and growth for me. Given the sudden situations happened in this month, it really pushed me to look for a new opportunity that which will be best for my goals. Even though my salary right now can still able to suffice everything, I need to gain big income in order to achieve my goals as soon as possible. I need to put my heart into this and I should not waste time. I think that this method is the only thing that I can do for now in order to build more assets and strengthen my source of income. Once I have the means to save money, I can easily invest it on real estate which can give me a steady source of passive income.
For this particular month, here’s the budget that I made and the financial priorities that I must do which I also stated on my Aug 2022 Financial Review:

“Don’t be too comfortable with employment; discover yourself and see what you can achieve for yourself” ― Sunday Adelaja
Last August 22, we received a very sad news that my father’s company will be permanently closed. My sister actually saw it first on the news and we confirmed it to our Dad after their townhall meeting. It was really a sad moment for all of us because even though that we are really planning for my Dad’s retirement after four years, he still have plans to continue working until he reached 60. He wants to make most out of his age before finally retiring. Me and my siblings also planned to acquire a farm lot first before he retires so he can still somehow do something during that time. Given this inevitable situation, we all know that we really don’t have control from this. In order for us to continue our life, we need to look forward and seek solutions that will help us during this time. As all of us talked about it, we assess the current expense that we have and make a budget from it. In any case that my father will not get any job, we believe that everything will still be ok as long as all of us will worked together. We talked about the current income that we have until we derived in a certain amount that will help us to survive. The only challenge that we have actually is the payment for our car which cost P15,600.00 payable until 2024. It consumes most of our expense and that’s the reason as well we always run out of budget.
Due to this situation, we are all eager to find a contractor that will renovate our 2nd house rental. Up until the last week of August, we still haven’t find one despite of using our social media accounts for it. Now, we need to really double our efforts again so we can finally start the renovation and secure a tenant for it right away. Hopefully, everything will be settled before the end of the year so that we can at least have an additional cash flow every month.
“Real estate is an imperishable asset, ever increasing in value. It is the most solid security that human ingenuity has devised. It is the basis of all security and about the only indestructible security.”– Russell Sage, American Financier and Politician
Last August 18, we finally process all of the requirements needed for vacation. Actually, this is the reason why I still don’t yet feel excited weeks before that, because I’m worried that there will be a problem for it. Due to the tons of the requirements we need to prepare, I did everything weeks beforehand in order to ensure that everything is complete. I was really worried at first thinking that maybe there’s something I missed which may results for us to be rescheduled. Due to the feedbacks that I heard before, it really made me feel so pressured to finally complete it so I can be at eased. We arrived there at around 10:30 am, half an hour advance before our appointment, and we finished everything at around 12:00 pm. Far from what they told me, the flow was really convenient and we enjoyed the whole time we are there. The staffs are also very helpful and they guide us accordingly. Gladly I did everything together with my partner so it came out as a new experience for both of us. We also prepared all of our documents beforehand so everything will be organized on the day of our departure. After that day ends, I slowly feel that we will really be on vacation now!
My initial plan is to spend only 400 rials for my vacation treats before the start of the month, but as soon as I made a mock expense, I found out that it is not enough for the people that I need to give with. So I adjusted again my budget and increase it to 700 qar. Our plan is to schedule a date for it but my partner decided to do it the same time that we went to process our vacation requirements. As soon as we finished our task there in POLO, we went directly to Lulu D-Ring Road and bought treats there. My partner also bought for his family but unlike me, he only bought few stuffs. Far from what I expected, I only saw few sale products there. Gladly all the target items that I listed are on sale so we proceed on buying stuffs and finished at around 14:00. We were both famished by the time it was over so we decided to go to Souq Waqif shore time to eat our Lunch. There, we ordered our favorite meal which is Sisig partnered with Bulalo. We took our time to eat and take a rest for awhile there in that restaurant. Around 16:00, we decided to go home so we can finally sort out our things.
Although the whole day was really hectic, I still enjoyed it because I finally feel that we’ll be going on vacation. After almost four years, we are now about to go home on our country and meet our loved ones again. We will both make sure that we will fill it with memorable memories and experiences that we will remember for the rest of our lives.

Opportunities are present everywhere. The only determining factor why we all have differences on our current status is our own will. Oftentimes, we are blinded of our own comfort. Because of this, it deprives us of the things that we can still do and at the same time the opportunities present for anyone. As soon as we choose comfort over a challenge, our mind response will be the same if the same situation will arise again. For us to be able to prevent it from happening, we need to avoid that kind of mindset and focus on things that will help us to grow. We should not let out fears question our decision in life. We need to control it on our own and should not let our emotions ruled us. We will never know what we are capable for if we will not try. Like what I’d been doing in the past years, I let my fears be my cue to pursue something. Rather than seeing it as an obstacle, it serves me as a motivating factor for me to achieve my goals.
Being in the industry for six years, I realized the power of will and determination in making our goals possible. Without it, I will be in the same situation before where I seek comfort rather than opportunity. My fears and the challenges that I faced changed me to become a better version of myself. Now, I am more fearless and stronger compare to before. As I continue to seek my career growth, my blog will serve as a reminder for me on where I started. I will use this opportunity to prove to everyone that everything is attainable once you commit to it.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”- Proverbs 3:56
AThis task is the first one that I secured as soon as the month of August started. The reason is that, I’m afraid that I’ll forget it if ever I won’t work on it right away. Since I also wanted to clear my PC before I go for vacation, I need to secure some personal documents that I saved here in order for me to keep it safe if there’s any issues that will arise during that time. Before securing it, I first double checked everything if ever I need to edit out something from it. By doing this, it will help me to save time once I’ll be back on duty since I will have a lot of pending tasks to do on that month. Last August 28, I secured the rest of my files on my personal email and cleared out the rest of it. Once I come back, it will be for sure a very busy day for me because I need to sort out things, do all of my pending task, plan out the next year and also make blogs for the rest of the months. Gladly I was able to prepare some blogs before my vacation and all of those will be scheduled for the month of September and October. This will help me to prepare the blogs for the month of November and also a recap of everything for the month of December. Despite all of these tasks, I know that I will be more inspired that time and that feeling will helped to achieve all of the tasks that I have on that time. For the next year, I planned to cut down my blog updates and make it from seven to four. By doing this, it will help me to focus on quality and also the marketing of my blogs.
For me to be able to maximized all the opportunities present in my life, I need to make n effort to look for any means that will help me to achieve it. I can do this by means of carefully planning the things that I must and at the same time make a timetable for everything. In this task, what I did is to assess my situation, needs and goals to be able to come up with an attainable career path. I shouldn’t make a vague plan which can cause negative effect on my plans. Since we are talking about career path, I assess myself first on what I really want to be in the future. I also checked some individuals who are in that position and review their past experiences before they get there. Once I am assured that it is attainable, that’s when I start to make plans in order for me to get there. Like most of my plans, I did an eleven years timetable and make a yearly goal. To make it more detailed, I specify the position, salary and benefits I should have on that specific year. This strategy has been proven effective and I’ve been doing it since I started my career. Now, I want to use the same method since I’m familiar to it, and assess my progress like the usual.
“Mediocrity will never do. You are capable of something better.” ― Gordon B. Hinckley
Although I can not foresee my future, I wanted to make most of what I can do for myself. I know that as a woman, we will be piled up with family responsibilities someday and before that happen, I want to be secured and grateful of the career path that I experienced in my life. I don’t want to end up with regrets so as much as I can achieve more this day, I will surely make it happen.
Now that I prepared all the needed requirements in applying, I strengthen my professional connections in order for me to look for more opportunities that I can use once I come back from vacation. By doing that, I was able to add some companies where I can apply. As of now, I have at least 15 company list scheduled to be applied starting from October-December. After I’ll be back from vacation, I decided to have a total of nine months period for me to find a good job and also to be transferred. With all of these efforts that I’d been preparing for the whole year of 2022, I hope and pray that I can find a good job that will help me to achieve my goals in life. I’d seen the people around me grow as time goes by and I wanted to feel what they felt as their life progress. I believe that in the right time, I can finally look back and tell that It’s a job well done for me. Every single time that I invested on myself will be granted in the right time. During this period, I will continue to set goals and make it happen. I promise not to waste all the foundation that I worked on, rather used it as my means to get in the place that I’d been dreaming since before.

Before the month of August ended, I finally upload our Katara Vlog. It’s been months before I finalized everything and it was a challenge for me because of the limited time that I have. If you’ll see on my daily routine, you’ll have an idea on how I spend my whole day. I probably have a couple of hours only to do things on my social media accounts. This is also the reason why there was a lot of delays before I uploaded our last vlog. Nevertheless, I am happy that It is now done and everything went according to my plan this month. We will continue to shoot more especially in the upcoming Fifa world cup here in Qatar. I will also shoot videos during my vacation so I can also upload it on our YouTube account.
As of now here are status of my vlogs which you can also check on our YouTube account:
- CINEMATIC 4K | EXPLORE QATAR: Msheireb Downtown Doha –January
- CINEMATIC 4K | EXPLORE QATAR: Aspire Park –January
- CINEMATIC 4K | EXPLORE QATAR: Souq Waqif –February
- CINEMATIC 4K | EXPLORE QATAR: Katara Cultural Village- August
You can check out the uploaded travel vlog in our YouTube Channel below:
Being a Youtuber really requires time and effort to be able to make it all happen. As I experienced it by my own, I realized that it is indeed hard to balce everything especially that I have a full time work. Sooner or later I hope that I can invest in a camera where I can use to make daily vlogs for myself. I hope that by 2023, I can make that hope possible.
Finally, after six months of getting high engagements on this account, I reached more than 10,000 followers and gained at least 1000 likes for each post! Who would’ve known that within six months I gained around 8500 followers? Up until this day, everything seems like a dream because I never expected that it will happen to me. I was just looking from different content creators online, and here I am slowly making it in a reality. I feel so happy yet inspired to continue what I started. I will make use of this opportunity to make a platform that will greatly help Now that my account is growing, I’d been having a lot of ideas that I want to apply on it to make it more like a real digital creator. As of now, the only challenge is it requires a money to do so and that prevents me from doing it. That’s why, I want to carefully plan everything today so once the year 2023 start, I can somehow make all of it in reality. I will take time to check different Instagram account where can I get ideas that I can apply on my account. As of now, I still find it challenging to make quality post especially when I run out of photos to post. This usually happen when I don’t hang out like usual and when I already update all of the pictures that we took. Because of this it prevented me on being more consistent in updating which may results to low engagements.
In this month, the total followers that I reached is 10.5K which exceeds my original target which is 9500. This is really a big milestone for me and all I’m hoping is that I will gain more followers and at the same time I can have my own rate card like most influencers do.
Here below are my current updates in my Instagram account.
HIS INSTAGRAM: Make Reels – Achieved!
My plan for his Instagram is to make quality reels in order to increase his profile visits. I did a pretty good job on the first week of August until I became busy from my vacation requirements. So what I did when I had a time is to make a consistent post twice a week so that his engagements will still be continued. Although I’m not that actively promoting his Instagram, I’m still happy that he’s gaining audience compare to before. I think that this is also because of the reason that his TikTok account is currently has more than 12k followers because his Instagram account is linked to it. Another thing that made me happy this month is when one of his post was reposted for the first time by one of the biggest digital accounts in Qatar (nearbyq). I believe that this will be the first step for him to increase his engagements and also achieve the same thing that my account have right now.
His current followers right now is 906 and he gained a total of 10 followers for the whole month of August.
WORDPRESS: 6-7 BLOGS/ Prepare September Blogs – Achieved!
I’d been doing a calendar of task since last July. Because of this, It helped me to push myself to focus on the task that I have for the day and at the same time plan ahead. The time that I saved in this month allowed me to make blog post for the month of September and October. Knowing that I’m pretty much piled up with things regarding vacation during that month, I decided to prepare all of my blog post this August. By doing this, it will helped me to prepare myself for the remaining months of the year and also plan new goals for myself. During my vacation, I will still check if I can somehow make blog post. I am planning to make different travel post during that time which I can add on my travel blogs. As of now, I only shared three spots within Qatar and my vacation will be the perfect time to share more about my country.
You can check out all of the blogs that I shared in this month of August:
In terms of marketing my blogs, I still find it hard to manage things since I didn’t yet include on my schedule a certain day which I can make quality marketing materials for each blog. I’d been actively doing it before but now that I have a six – seven monthly blogs t do, it is really challenging to make time for it. For the next year, I’m planning to cut down things and focus on marketing my blogs. For the mean time, I will learn more skills which I can use in making my website more satisfying for my readers.
For this month, I went back in doing dance challenge upon viewing some TikTok cool dance videos. Since I’d been wanting to dance again since before, I just made use of this platform in order to practice again. I actually find it hard nowadays since it’s been almost a decade that I dance again, but I think I still have the moves even if it’s only 20%! My body feels actually sore every time I dance, I really find that funny but yet exciting because dancing has been my passion since before. If only I can have a chance to dance again then I would probably go for it. Going back to my TikTok progress, I experienced a sudden raise in followers due to one video that I uploaded. After that, my views are also increasing at the same time. In this coming month, I will for sure make use of my travels in order to make quality videos for this social media account.
You can check some of my updates below:
@leapearl_14 Hi🥂 DC: @Jerold #tiktokqatar #dancechallenge #fypシ
♬ original sound – Jerold – Jerold
@leapearl_14 Surreal ✨ #Qatar #travel #vlog
♬ –
@leapearl_14 I won’t let you down pipx! YAWA DC: @Mr. Totong⚡🇵🇭 #fypシ #tiktokqatar #tiktokphilippines #dancechallenge
♬ original sound – 𝕃𝕪𝕣𝕚𝕔𝕤 – 𝕃𝕪𝕣𝕚𝕔𝕤