July 2022 Goals Review 

Goodbye July!

This month of July gave me a lot of inspiration which push me to do my best in everything that I do. Let’s just say that I became stronger and I don’t let negative things affect my faith and belief. This is a very beautiful world to live with and with this limited time that I have here, I will make it sure that I am living my life to the fullest. I will not let negativity ruin my mood and I will always aim to look for the better in any situation. In this blogs that I am sharing, I hope that someone out there will be enlightened by it. One is more than enough for me. Like what I always pray, I want to be an instrument to share good vibes, inspiration and blessings to everyone.

Before assessing everything, let’s make a review on things that I planned for the month of July by checking out my previous blog about it:

Here below is the weekly routine that I need to follow for this month of July:

Setting plans and goals really requires efforts to successfully achieve all of those. There are some instances wherein you failed in the process but the important thing is to get back and continue to strive for the best. I experienced failing since before, but I take it all positively because I believe that it will help me to be better. There are times that I also don’t follow the routines that I set, but I always make it sure at the end of the day that all of my tasks are done and completed. Making a daily routine helped me a lot in managing my time. Without it, I may tend to spend a lot of time in just one task like what usually happened before. I am happy that I’m slowly improving and I’d seen my progress in these past few months. With all the efforts that I put through in this journey, I believe that I am making a step closer to my ideal self. I will continue to work every single day and promise not to waste any time.

Now that you have an idea on what this blog will be all about, let’s now check my progress and accomplishments for the month of July!

We all have different ways to take care of ourselves, some are into to workouts, some prefers travelling, some do yoga/meditation, and a lot more other activities that addresses our self needs. For me, this pandemic doesn’t only give us a big challenge on our lives but also made us realize a lot of things. Ny pushing us to stay at our home, it wanted us to realize that there’s a lot of things that we can do in this limited environment that we have, it literally made a “pause” on our life for us to survey the things that we never appreciate before. That’s how the pandemic impacted my life. Although there are hardships that I experienced, the things that I learned throughout that period made me understood the true meaning of life. I’d been selfless to other and selfish on myself. I’m guilty on that before and I’m not really proud of it. Thankfully, I was able to realized everything sooner and slowly make things right. The monthly self-care goals that I set for myself, greatly helped me in these past months. It helped me to address my bad habits, take care of myself, prioritized the things that matters to me and lastly is to consistently make time for myself every single day.

For this month, I am happy that I achieved again all the things that I planned to accomplish. By sticking to my daily routine, it helped me to succeed all of my targets this month. From doing workouts, healthy meal intake and getting rid of bad habits, all of it are finally addressed. Now, I still have a lot of plans for the rest of the months. I will consistently do what I started and make sure to accomplish it. For me to be reminded of my plans, I will make a print out and put it on my room where I can always check every now and then. To sum up all the things that I succeeded within these seven month of the year 2022, here are the following:

  1. Lessen Mobile time
  2. Improve Self Confidence
  3. Start Skin & Self Care Routine
  4. Avoid Toxic Conversation
  5. 10 pm Sleep Time / 7am Wake up Time
  6. Booty Workout
  7. Arms & Back Workout
  8. Yoga 7 Jogging
  9. Hiit Workout
  10.  Target Workout
  11.  Take Healthy Supplements

I believe that I still have a lot of things to improve of, but with all of this progress above, I know that I can attain anything that I will set for myself. With the right approach and plan, I can slowly address all of my concerns that I want to fix. As we almost reach the end of this year, I will be looking forward to a more exciting and meaningful year for me to develop and enhance myself.


Finally, after a long period of trying it repeatedly, I finally address this habit and develop a good one. Upon doing it consistently, my mind automatically disregards that option to check my phone first thing in the morning. Rather than doing that action, I go for five minutes breathing exercise which helps me to start my day with ease and positive aura. By doing breathing exercise in the morning, I’d seen how I set my mood throughout the day. That helped me a lot especially in dealing with negative feelings which I usually encounter as soon as I wake up in the morning. I also did the activities that I stated in the blog and it also helped me to address it. Here are the following:

  1. Listen to Inspirational Podcast every morning.
  2. Set alarm as a reminder
  3. Post a routine which should be accessible to check every day.
  4. Put mobile phones away from bed.

I am so happy that before the year ends, I was able to address this bad habit that I developed. At least now, I can focus on other things that I need to fixed such as limiting my mobile time throughout the day, comparing myself to others, being pressured by my goals and a lot more issues in my life that I need to work on.


For this month, I successfully achieved doing abs and hip dips workout. Upon measuring it from the first and last day of the month, I can see an increase of one inch on my hips area from 34 inches to 35 inches. Because of this, I feel more motivated to continue it on the next month and also incorporate more workouts like that. Now that I’d seen the improvement on my body, I will keep doing it so that I will not waste what I started. In these coming months even on my vacation, I will make sure that I will have time to work out. Once I have the right diagnosis on health concerns, I can start to look for exercises that is fit for me. Now, I’m just so happy that I’m still on track of what I started this year. Thankfully, I now developed a habit of making time for myself every single day. All the continuous efforts that I did in the past months, granted me a kind of mindset wherein making time for myself is one thing that I should prioritized.

To give you an idea of what workout I did last July, here are the videos below:

In these four routines, I’m doing two workouts from it and alternately do it for five days. As you can see, it targeted the abs and hip area which are the parts that I wanted to develop. For the next month, I will look for a workout which will continue to target the same area I want to improve.


I’d been following this target so far but as soon as I experienced sudden fatigue on the third week of the month, that’s when I realized that something is wrong on my body. I know that I am Low Blood since before but what makes me worries is every time I have my menstrual cycle, I literally feel like I will collapse. That day I met Nurse Rhea and she told me that I need to seek professional help so that I can make sure that there’s nothing wrong with me. Other than that, I need to know if there’s a specific prescription for me to address that condition. With all these experiences, I realized that it is better to know what’s going on my body internally, rather than relying on self-medication. To tell you honestly, I never went to a hospital except for required medical so now, I wanted to make things clear so that I won’t be worried anymore. In this month, I can assess that I reduced my carbs intake since I don’t consume much rice and bread anymore compare to the previous months. For the sweets, it is challenging for me to cut it off especially my partner keeps giving me a lot of sweets.

Now, I rarely consumed soft drinks and I think that I’m doing pretty well on that part. My plan is to totally ditch soft drinks forever and just consume more water and fresh juices. In the future, I will invest on equipment for making drinks so that I can make it on my own. I can also create different menus from that which I can add to my list of beverage items.

In this whole month, I’d been watching a lot of vlog which features different business ideas which became successful through time. By watching all of those, I became more inspired and motivated to start my very own business in the right time. During that month of watching different success stories, a lot of ideas popped in my mind. I wrote all of it right away thinking that in time, I can slowly make it happen. One thing that I learned also from those business owners is that having a diverse company will help you to reduce impact of external events such as the pandemic. I actually wrote down also their advices so that I can be aware in the future once I start my own. Here are some of it:

  1. At least P45,000.00 Monthly Income.
  2. All kids are insured as soon as they reach 5 years old.
  3. A secured business that can offer continuous passive income
  4. A house or lot which we can build our dream home.
  5. Travel a minimum of five countries.

To give you an insight, you can check my previous blog to see all my savings, expense, plans and priorities for the next month. I am happy that I’m following all of the plans that I set for myself every month. Without doing it, I will for sure lost track and make unnecessary spendings which will I regret in the end. Although it requires effort to assess my goals every single month, I can prove that it is effective because I’m continuously progressing up until this day.

Here below are the current updates of my finances as of July:

  1. [ON-GOING] 1st Insurance. Long term savings intended for emergency and health concerns situation. DONE!
  2. [ON-GOING] 2nd Insurance + Investment.  Long term savings fund intended for business and kid’s insurance. Month of settlement will be moved to October.
  3. [ON-GOING] SSS.  L.  Long term savings fund intended for retirement purposes. DONE!
  4. [ACHIEVED] 1st House Rental. Intended for additional income stream. First income will be intended for SSS Payment. DONE!
  5. [ON PROCESS] 2ND House Rental. Intended for additional income stream. Budget Sent!

I still have few more months to achieved all of my financial goals this year. As along as I achieved all of those, I believe that the next year will be a better one for me. I planned to increased my own expenses so that I can somehow enjoy the little things that I’d been sacrificing this year. In God’s name, I know that it will happen. For the mean time, I just need to focus first in these remaining months and see to it that I’ll be successful before this year end.

“Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting.”


Although I have more expense compare to my budget last month, I’m still happy that I sticked to my budget and didn’t overspend. Like what I shared on my blog about my financial review for the month of July, I can say that I did well despite of having a lot of expense. A large part of it is due to the renovation budget that and the rest are for our Davao trip and leisure expense. Gladly, I saved some from last month which helped me to at least allocate it on the rest of my expense. Now that I made another budget for the month of August, I need to make sure that I will follow it so that I won’t compromise anything.

For this particular month, here’s the budget that I made and the financial priorities that I must do which I also stated on my June 2022 Financial Review:

Here’s the glimpse of my financial plan for the whole year which I also based my monthly budget plan!

“Financial peace isn’t the acquisition of stuff. It’s learning to live on less than you make, so you can give money back and have money to invest. You can’t win until you do this. “ — Dave Ramsey


On the third week of July, I successfully sent our budget for renovation. The total amount is P75,000.00 which will cover minor renovations only. Since I reduce the budget due to the move of my vacation, we just decided to address the main concerns of the house and at least paint it the same with our first renovation so that it will look presentable. In this month, my sister and I also talked about reconstructing that two connected row units into a four-door apartment in the future. Together with my brother, we are planning to start to reconstruct it once we secure at least 1.5 million budget. This will still be tentative, since we need to consider the different factors that can affect it. That’s why, it is important to have a buffer budget just in case they construction will cost more than that. Our target is on the year 2026 which is four years from now. We decided to do it on that year because most of our major obligations like wedding are already done on that period. Another reason is that, we think that we can achieve the money that we needed for the construction given the high capital that it requires.

A lot of things may still happen in the future, but one thing which is clear for all of us is that, saving in real estate will always be a good option. Sooner or later, we can invest more and have multiple sources of income like most business owners do. Just by thinking of it makes me more excited of wat kind of future we’ll have. For now, I need to focus on what matter and let thing unfold through time.

“Real estate is an imperishable asset, ever increasing in value. It is the most solid security that human ingenuity has devised. It is the basis of all security and about the only indestructible security.”Russell Sage, American Financier and Politician


Despite of the sudden changes on my vacation, I still stick to my planned budget and just make it more specific so that I won’t overspend. On my last blog, I shared that my overall budget for my 30 days’ vacation is P100,000.00. Not less than that and not more than that. That budget already includes, leisure, priorities, tours, groceries and family treats. One thing that I did to ensure that I will stick to my budget is to make it more specific and allocate an amount for other expense that I may incur. I named it as my buffer budget and make a weekly amount intended for it. By doing that, I won’t feel worried just in case I need money suddenly.

I wanted to make this vacation very memorable that’s why, I made it sure that I have a lot of leisure budget for my travel and tours. The target places that I will be visiting on my vacation are, Davao, Bacolod, Rizal, La Union and Baguio. Since it is only for 30 days, I will surely be very busy and will not have much time to relax. I think I only have a total of seven days where I’m at home and the rest are for travels, dates, hang outs and also dine out. To give you an idea on how I will spend my vacation, here’s the calendar that I did which shows my whole schedule:


This month, I’m happy that I was able to finalized my financial timeline. The timeline that I did, covers a total 11 years which is from 2022-2032. I did an 11th year timetable because I wanted to retire as an employee once I reached 36 years of age. This is just a maximum year that I made, but my real plan is that, once I reach the total monthly income of P45,000.00 and all my family are secured, I can now consider retiring. I actually listed my points to consider before retiring. I made that for me to make sure that before I retire, we are all financially secured already and won’t be worried if there’s any sudden emergency that may affect our budget. For me, being ready in the future should be one of the priorities that one needs to consider as early as possible. Now that we are still capable of earning money, it is ideal to plan ahead and ready ourselves financially. As you can see, expenses nowadays are rising so it is better to be ready than to be regretful in the end. The timeline that I started this year serves as a guide for me in making decisions. As long as I have an insight on the path that I wanted to pursue, I can easily make choices and decisions just by considering my timeline. Not only that, it also helped me to push myself of whatever I can do today which inhibit me to waste time.

I know that this timeline may change considering the external factors that may affect it in the future. Despite of that, I will still continue to see it as my guide to reduce the risk of making wrong decision. This strategy will only be effective if I put efforts to it and make it work. Soon, I will achieve all the things that I hoped for. I will make it possible and that’s a promise.

“Wealth is the ability to fully experience life.” –Henry David Thoreau

For this month of July, I am happy that I was able to finish all the tasks that I set for myself. By achieving all of these, it gave me a sense of ease now that I’m all set to apply once I come back from my vacation. Not only that, it also helped me to see all the available opportunities present right now and carefully analyzed the best companies that can offer good benefits. I’m about to reach two years here in my current company and if there’s still no room for growth until that month, I will not have any second thought anymore but to apply right away. Rather than waiting from something that I’m not sure of, it is better to make necessary steps on my own. My mindset is that, if there’s no growth, then I can just make one for me. I will never settle for less knowing my own capabilities and worth. I can be more than what I am right now and refuse to just wait while doing nothing. With these opportunities present right now, I believe that there is one space left for me. I just need to try and make a step on my own. I trust and believe on the things that I can offer. I know that I can still achieve more and It’s still early to settle in my comfort zone.

The world is big and the same with opportunities. To be able to make use of it, one must be eager to make his/her way to achieve it. It will only be present to us but we should take a step towards it. For now, I don’t want to lose these opportunities but rather secure one for me. My experience, skills, capabilities and eagerness will be my key to achieve it. I hope that once the right opportunity comes, It will be the start for me to take a leap towards my dream position before I retire which is to be a manager.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”- Proverbs 3:56


One thing that I first did this month is to made a list of different company’s openings. I categorized it based on sectors such government, semi government, international brands and private local company. For me to be able to maximized the opportunities available here in Qatar, I decided to make a list of careers opportunities which I think will give best benefits. My first option is to enter government or semi government opportunities since they give more benefits package and higher salary compare to the other company. Now that I’m looking for a company which will be my last, I think that the government one will be the most suitable job for me. My second option is to enter private hospitality companies especially for those which have brands overseas. I’m currently looking for those who have diversified establishment so that I can get a chance to work in different sectors that they covered. I’d seen some of my colleagues who’d been successfully be part of multiple company brands, and that gave that person a position to be part of two to three establishment. I believe that this option will guarantee growth since there’s will be a lot of internal opportunities present in their company. So even if I spend a lot of years in that same company, there will be a potential growth by moving internally within their company.

At my age right now, I believe that this is a chance for me to move up and look for better opportunities. I should make use of the time that I have right now to be aggressive in choosing the path towards my career goals. Having that mindset of retiring early as an employee, drives me to reach my career goals as early as I can. I believe that I won’t be able to find the path towards financial freedom by just being an employee. With the different opportunities right now to make money, I know that I can also use it to achieve the freedom that I’d been wanting for so long. For the meantime, what I can only do is to enhance my skills and continue learning in the corporate world. So, once the right time come wherein, I’ll be mentally, emotionally and physically prepared to start my own business, I will never feel doubt about myself because I know that I am fully ready.

“The biggest risk is not taking any risk… In a world that is changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.”  Mark Zuckerberg


As soon as the month started, I hurriedly update all of the requirements needed for my application. The moment I look for opportunities available that time, it motivates me to ready all the things that I needs. This action is very ideal because it will help me save time in making this. Since for sure I will be very busy as soon as I come back from vacation due to the pending works, I really need to ready all of it beforehand. Gladly, I have the layouts already so all I need to do is to make little changes and update from it. I used the Canva app in making my CV because it offers different templates which is very unique. I’d been a fan since before of unique CV because I believe that it will give a lasting impression to the interviewer. CV, Resume’s and other social media platforms is a representation of oneself, that’s why it is important to have a lasting impression of those. That’s also the reason why I keep investing in quality photos for my social media accounts because I know it will greatly help me to present myself. Here below are the status of updates that I did this month of July:

  1. CV – DONE!
  2. Resume – DONE!
  3. Cover Letter – DONE!
  4. Employment Certificates – DONE!
  5. Training/Seminars Certificates – DONE!

Now that everything is ready, I will secure it on the next month so I will have a back-up for it. As long as I am all set, I will apply right away as soon as I come back from my vacation. I hope that by the end of this year, I can find a best opportunity suitable for me.


In this month of July, I successfully finalized my timeline for application. I divided everything based on what company I prefer and schedule my application on October, November and December. I did it by three months because I wanted to make time for feedbacks and responses. I categorized also everything based on the kind of company background from government, semi government, international company brands and local company, so that I can maximize the opportunities present right now. Now that I’m really decided to look for opportunities suitable for me, I wanted to choose the best one where I can grow and retire at the same time. I’d seen a lot of Filipino who found a good job here and I am confident that I can also look for a better one for me. Without trying, I will never know if I can have a chance. So rather than waiting for an opportunity, I will just make one for me. On that month, I already reached two years in my current job so I think that it is the right time to look for another environment which will help me to grow.

With the FIFA world cup right now, I’d seen a lot of opportunities everywhere. After my vacation, I believe that I am mentally, physically and emotionally ready for a new quest. In the case that I won’t find a good job benefits, I made a six months period of applications and transfer which I can still use to find jobs. Most important factor that I just need to consider are the targets that I set for myself inline with the goals I have for the next year. This will be very challenging that’s why I pray and hope that there will be a good opportunity for me out there. Nevertheless, I will keep doing my best and will never stop until I find the best one.

To remind you of my targets, here below are the things that I will be considering which I in getting a job:

  1. At least 4000 qar Basic Salary
  2. Single Room Entitlement
  3. Transportation and Food Provided
  4. One Way ticket every year or Yearly Ticket (Best Option)
  5. Opportunity for Promotion
  6. Business Travel Opportunity
  7. Opportunity to have Car Allowance


Since me and partner exchange our phones, I need to work from the very start again on our Katara vlog. I’m happy that I was able to somehow finish it and I’m left to do is to make further revisions and changes so that it will become better. I planned to publish it on August before we go for vacation because we will be sure be busy on our own plans. As of now, we have a total four travel vlogs on our channel and I planned to incorporate more vlogs on it like restaurant and café reviews. I still haven’t seen a blogger in Qatar who really shoot quality and high-definition vlogs, that’s why I wanted to work on that so we can be the first one to make it. Of course, it requires efforts and time to do so, that’s why I need to manage my time well to make it happen.

Due to my upcoming vacation, it is still tentative if I can hang out again since my budget is tight. Nevertheless, I think that we can also shoot some videos during our vacation so as of now we will just be focusing first on what we have.

  1. CINEMATIC 4K | EXPLORE QATAR: Msheireb Downtown Doha –January
  2. CINEMATIC 4K | EXPLORE QATAR: Aspire Park –January
  3. CINEMATIC 4K | EXPLORE QATAR: Souq Waqif –February
  4. CINEMATIC 4K | EXPLORE QATAR: Katara Cultural Village- August

You can check out the uploaded travel vlog in our YouTube Channel below:

Being active in social media and at the same time an employee is really a challenging thing to do. I need to put a lot of effort in balancing things so that both won’t be affected. In these upcoming months, I will slowly incorporate strategies that will help me to be consistent. The things that I have in mind right now are:

  1. Do short vlogs.
  2. Try out YouTube Shorts.
  3. Learn to do cinematic vlogs.


I’d been gaining a minimum of 1500 followers every month. Because of that, I made a projection which I can see my own progress every month. If my progress will be consistent for next months that will come, I have a chance to reach 15000 followers by the end of this year. Because of this, it inspired to make quality content from post, story and reels. I’d seen this progress as an opportunity because of the role of digital technology nowadays. So as long as it will help me to have an edge in this growing industry, I will make an effort to do it so. This month, I shared my Lusail city travel and one of my posts even gained a minimum of 2000 likes. Because of that, it helped me to gain 600 followers in just one week! I think that, this is so far my most like photos as of July 2022.

Another thing that made this month especial is when I was featured as a blogger of the month for July in one of the biggest digital networks here in Qatar- WhatsupDoha. They have a total of 52000+ followers and they’d been featuring different bloggers, influencers and photographers in Qatar. I considered this as a blessing because I never expected that I’ll be acknowledge here in Qatar. My love in photography and making digital memories grow now when I started receiving a lot of acknowledgements. Now, I am looking forward to be a real influencer here in Qatar just like what I usually see in Dubai. I hope that this opportunity will be my stepping stone to promote my own story to the rest. I won’t be able to make this happen if I didn’t work hard before. That’s why, I will continue to make efforts and make my platform grow more.

Here below are my current updates in my Instagram account.


For this month, I’d been consistently updating my partner’s account with quality post. Now he’s gaining a minimum of 10 likes per post and that for me is a milestone. Other than updating consistently, I also shared some of his tiktok content here so that they can also check out his other social media account which he gains around 9000+ followers as of mid of July. I also started sharing his photo on my own Instagram so others can visit his Instagram. One thing that I have in mind is to create short vlogs for him as well which I can use to update his reels.

On the last day of June, his followers reached 888 and now he somehow gained a little this July which is 892. Even though it’s only a little increase, I still feel proud of it because there are some accounts that’s offering him their products and business. That’s for me is an indication that I’d been doing well in making quality post on his account.


After I started having calendar of blogs last month, I’d been doing well in making my blogs on time. Because of it, I am reminded of the task I have for the day and at the same time carry on with making plans which will help me to increase my readers. My Pinterest account, plays a big role in making that happen. The only thing that I failed to do is to make illustrations from my blogs which can attract more visits on my website. I’d seen some of my illustration which has been shared in Pinterest and even gained almost 600 impressions. Because of that, it gave me an idea to work on it by scheduling a specific day only for it. Since I’d been pretty busy lately, I will slowly make time for it and adjust my days to make this plan possible. Now that I will also go for vacation, I need to double my efforts so I can consistently update this website.

Once I hit around 10000 visitors, I’m thinking on upgrading my plan so I can have my own domain. For the mean time, I will take this opportunity to learn more about WordPress so I can somehow look for an opportunity for growth here.

You can check all the blogs that I published in this month with the below links:

Now that I started to share some of my blogs on Facebook account, I am looking forward to have more visitors and readers on my blog. I did it because I wanted to show that I’d been consistently doing it without anyone knowing it and that really makes me feel proud about myself. I will keep working on the things that I started this year and will not put all my efforts into waste. That’s a promise!


Now that I focus on making consistent quality upload rather than setting target followers every month, I now feel more at ease to update my TikTok account. I feel like I feel more motivated to make different contents that I can share In this account compare to the past months. I still experienced low engagements but it doesn’t make me sad anymore. For me, quality content is more ideal than having a lot of unnecessary uploads. Rather than comparing my account to others, I will just do it on my own and will not let negative outcome affect me in uploading here. One thing that I started to do in this month is check different short vlog which I can incorporate on my tiktok. Rather than waiting for my hang outs, I will just take random videos everyday and edit it in a way that it will look like a pro vlogger. I’d seen a lot of reels doing that and it actually inspires me to do the same. I feel like it also suits my social media account which focuses on lifestyle and travel.

All in all, I can say that I’m doing pretty well on my tiktok. I just need to be more consistent and at least upload every now and then

Even though this month passed by so fast, there’s a lot of experiences happened that made me realized a lot of things. By also following the routine that I set for myself, it helped me to organized my days and finished all of the task I have for the whole month. What made this month so special is when I started to watched different success stories of different individuals. By knowing their stories, it made me realized the essence of believing in yourself.

We can make our own story and we can direct our own life. The only reason that a certain goal can be impossible is when our mind thinks the same thing. Every single hour is a chance given to us to work on our plans. The goals, plans and strategies I set for myself every month are the reason why I keep growing. Without challenging myself, I will never know my own capabilities.

Despite of how the month ended so fast, my progress is the reminder of how great this period is for me. I feel so complete and inspired to welcome another month because I will have another chance to do my best. I will make sure that this will be another productive period for me.

“Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the realm of the dead, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom (NIV)” – Ecclesiastes 9:10

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About Me

Hi, I am Lea Pearl

Working employee wherein blogging became my side hobby.
Creator of Living Her Own Life which aims to touch people’s heart and inspire them to achieve their own goals in life.
Writing has been my passion for almost 15 years. Last 2020, I made my very own website where I can share all of my thoughts and stories in life.

On the Blog