Goodbye June!

A lot of things happened in this month, from the sudden adjustment in my plans, revision of my goals, updates on my timeline, everything was jampacked this June. As soon as the month started, I focused first on following my routine and my blogs update in order to have an advanced period before my set deadlines. To assessed my performance this month, all in all everything is according to plan but the only challenge is sometimes I neglect some of my tasks due to the limited time that I have. I keep adjusting the period since I usually run out of time doing my social media updates. Due to that challenge, I came up on planning a strategy for me to address this issue to prevent the same thing happening in the next month. During this month also, I pushed through on things that I can do so that I can set the next month way better. I analyzed different strategies for me to be more productive and my plans can be more effective. That’s why I came up with additional things to do next month which I will be sharing on the next blog.
From all what happened this month, I realized a lot of things which really inspired me. Even though I literally do things alone, I discovered that my life is better than when I’m in a wrong environment. I realized that peace of mind is not a place that we should look for, rather it’s a state of mind wherein we are still at peace despite of what’s happening around us. To achieve that kind of mindset, I experienced a lot of things first before I realized the steps on how I’ll be able to achieve it. Listening to inspirational podcast, gave me a way to understand more of how I can use my mind to orchestrate a life that I’d been wanting to have. For them, we need to be in control of our mind because that’s when we can lead our life easily. Growing up, we’d been accustomed to different opinions that we take seriously. It affected us in a way that we allow people around us to be more in control of our life. Whatever they say, we follow right away thinking that they’re always right.
“The only thing more frustrating than slanderers is those foolish enough to listen to them.” – Chris Jammi
This month had taught me to see things in my own perspective. I learned to give importance to the things that matters and not to focus on things that will affect me negatively. Compare to my past self-wherein I crave for companionship, I learned to enjoy every single time doing things alone. This is the period wherein I discovered my full potential and I’d seen my growth tremendously soared high. That’s when I realized that it’s possible to exceed your limitation without having someone by your side. Because in reality, there will be a time wherein you need to do everything alone. Your own relatives will eventually have their own family, your friends will find their own passion in life and your colleagues will be in the place that they’d been dreaming to be. So as early as possible, we should learn to be ok all alone because that’s when the time we can be in our full potential.
Before assessing everything, let’s make a review on things that I planned for the month of May by checking out my previous blog about it:
Also, here below is the weekly routine that followed in this month of June:

By means of this blog, I can properly assess my progress and at the same time check if my plans are all effective. Sharing my progress in this platform will not only help me but can also serves as a means for someone to be inspired to do the same. Like how I make use of my time, I hope that it can help others to come up with routines and plans that will help them to achieve their goals. Step by step, if everyone will choose to do something as early as now, I believe that everything is attainable. You will experience a lot of challenges like how I feel lazy and tired to do things in my routine, and I can’t stop to use my mobile. But what I do to stop procrastinating is to take action right away and get rid of things that may affect my focus. Some may say that I’m pressuring myself too much and I’m actually aware of that. That’s why I’m slowly loosening up and just trust the process. My dedication and hard work will not be put into waste and that’s for sure. Every month that marks my progress will be the bridge that will guide me close to all of my goals.
Now that you have an idea on what this blog will be all about, let’s now check my progress and accomplishments for the month of June!

For my selflove plans this month, I am happy that I made a progress from all the aspects of my life. I was able to accomplished and be consistent in all the plans that I set for this month of June. During this period, I observed how I feel more confident of myself. I was also became so interested in learning different activities concerning myself. I’d been watching a lot of blogs and listening to different podcast which tackles things about ourselves. From having the right mindset, steps to overcome anxiety, ways to lift up our moods and to properly manage our day productively. Every single day, it became a part of my routine which I usually do as soon as I wake up. For me, I just want to start my day inspired and with a positive outlook because by having the right mindset, I can easily do my task for the day. I also think that I was able to develop a kind of habit which helps me to continuously learn new things about knowing myself more. I realized that awareness plays a big part in our life, so, in order to make a change, we need to know first the things that we need to improve. That’s when we can take actions and plans to address all of those things.
Last month I shared on my blog the things I’ll be focusing. I am happy that I was able to really make time for that every day, because I developed a habit of doing it consistently. Now that I conclude that focusing on these things helped me tremendously, I planned to do it consistently for the remaining months of this year. I will also continue to look for different activities that I can also add up in my routine. Here below are the things that I successfully did last month:
- Mindfulness Activities (Yoga, Meditation & Breathing Exercise)
- Journal Writing
- Attitude Feedback from the Person’s I love
- Watch Self-Awareness Videos/Podcast
“Self-care is giving the world the best you instead of what’s left of you.” – Katie Reed
Now, let’s see the other specific tasks I set for myself last June. I will carefully review my progress and see the aspects that I can still improve for the next month.
On my blog June 2022 Goals, I shared that it’s been a challenge for me to follow this since I’d been using my mobile every now and then. As soon as I wake up, I checked my phone right away until it became a habit. In the past months, I’d been addressing the issue but I keep failing. In this month, I am happy that I finally address this issue. To tell you honestly, it began in the last two weeks of June when I watched an inspirational video from YouTube which tells that we need to be in control of our brain. Once we take in charge of it, our body will automatically follow. So, what I did is one day when I woke up, I told myself right away that I need to be in control and don’t let that bad habit take over of my body. I keep repeating the same process until the last day of the month and I can say that I finally achieved it. Other than saying that statement every morning and evening, I also did these steps which I found very effective:
- Think of things that I am grateful for
- Tell positive statements about myself
- Breathing exercise
- Set my mindset by means of listening to positive podcast/videos 20 minutes after
- No turning on the wifi right away
With these things above, it helped me to divert my focus in more productive things. Even though I achieved it this month, I planned to continuously do it for the next month so I can develop a good habit. I wanted to get rid of this forever so I need to work on this consistently. With the right plan and effort, I hope and pray that I will eventually develop an attitude on prioritizing productivity over things that won’t help me.
For this month, I successfully achieved my workout routine consistently. I’d seen how the lower and upper body workout that I planned last June, effectively enhance my body. I can see how I developed muscles in my arms and thigh which is my concern since before. By being consistent on this since last April, I found it very exciting to start my workout as soon as I reached home. Every time I feel sweaty and my heart beats fast because of it, I always feel so good and confident about myself. I feel like more active and stronger compare to I was before. I think that this is the good starting point towards the healthy lifestyle that I wanted to achieve. I also realized that if I set a workout routine which addresses the body parts that I wanted to enhance, I see how I feel more motivated to do it. Because of that, I planned to continue doing target workouts for the next months which based on my preferences.
“If you want to be the best, you have to do things other people aren’t willing to do.” – Michael Phelps
Even though I’m literally doing every workout alone, I don’t feel shy anymore every time someone sees me. I believe that I was able to divert my focus on myself rather than what people thinks about me. I have a lot of things in my mind right now and I wanted to slowly work on it for the rest of the year. I also started following different influencers and health coaches who focuses on their well-being. Just by checking their page, I instantly feel motivated to continue my workout hoping that I will also achieve the lifestyle that they have. I know little by little I can get there. With these steps that I’m doing right now, it will help me to achieve that kind of lifestyle.
Another successful thing that happened this month is when I started to take healthy supplements together with fruits and vegetables. Every single day, I made it sure that I prioritized to eat nutritious meal so I can totally get rid of my unhealthy meal choices. It’s ok if it’s once in awhile but as much as I can avoid eating junk foods and fast-food items, then it will be more ideal. I also realized that it’s another way for me to save money because I’d seen how I spent a lot just by buying snacks. So, this method allows me to save more for my grocery items which can help me to use it for other things that I need. Together with workout, I know that I’m on my way towards a healthy lifestyle. I just need to continue doing this and If I can also look for more healthy option that I can incorporate to my routine, then it will be ideal.
What I did this whole month is to eat vitamin C enriched fruits such as citrus fruits, green apples and berries. I also reduced my rice and milk intakes since it both caused me bloated and pimples respectively. Another thing that I did also this month is to track my water intake. Every day, I made it sure that I consumed at least two and a half liters of water. As of now, I’d been using my 680 ml capacity tumblr, but I planned to purchase big one which will help me to easily achieved three liters of water every day. Especially that the weather is now getting hotter due to summer season, it is really important to keep myself hydrated.

In terms of my finances, I shared a detail update of it on my blog “June 2022 Financial Review”. There I shared my expenses incurred for the month, the status of my savings and my financial plans for July. Due to the hot weather, it is not really ideal to hang out so because of that I easily achieved all the plans for June. The change that just took place last month is when I need to move my vacation from October to September. Because of that, I need readjust my budget and reschedule my payment for my 2nd insurance. Despite of thos changes that took place, I believe that I can still go on with my financial targets by the end of this year. As long as I can follow the projected cash flow I did for this year, everything will be settled at the end of this year.
Here below are the current updates of my finances as of the end of June:
- [ON-GOING] 1st Insurance. Long term savings intended for emergency and health concerns situation. DONE!
- [ON-GOING] 2nd Insurance + Investment. Long term savings fund intended for business and kid’s insurance. Month of settlement will be moved on October.
- [ON-GOING] SSS. Long term savings fund intended for retirement purposes. DONE!
- [ACHIEVED] 1st House Rental. Intended for additional income stream. First income will be intended for SSS Payment. DONE!
- [ON PROCESS] 2ND House Rental. Intended for additional income stream. Month of settlement will be on July.
To manage everything this year given the big projects that I have now, is indeed very hard to do. So, whenever I feel pressured by it, I keep assuring myself that in the right time, I can experience the ideal life that I’d been wanting to have. Right now, I just need to do the things that I can and sacrifice a bit for that dream. I am assured that I will be granted with all these efforts that I put into to this dream. So even if it’s hard, I know that it’s worth it.
“Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting.”
Since I didn’t hang out that much this month, it became easy for me to achieved the budget that I set for the month of June. The budget guideline that I did before the month started greatly help me to focus on the things that I need to prioritized. It also reminded me of the amount that I am allowed to spend so my savings won’t be affected. The strategy that I did which is to withdraw only the amount intended for my expenses kept me focus on my plan. It inhibited me to have unnecessary spendings that may affect my plans. Especially now that my vacation changed, I am thankful that I was able to follow all the budget guideline I set every month because it helped me to adjust easily my timeline. As long as I can successfully accomplished all the plans I have for this year, I believe that I can enhance my budget for the next year. I have another six more months to stick to my budget and after that, I can somehow enjoy my money even for a little bit.
To give you an insight of my budget and the financial plans for June which I already shared on my previous blog, here’s the illustration of it:

Here’s the glimpse of my financial plan for the whole year which I also based my monthly budget plan!

It’s not how much money you make, but how much money you keep, how hard it works for you, and how many generations you keep it for. — Robert Kiyosaki
After four months of receiving the money which was borrowed to me, finally this month marked the end of it. I already received all the payments and I’m very happy that I was able to secure it. Now, I won’t feel stress and disappointed anymore because I already have all of it. That experienced really gave me a lot of learnings in life. I realized that it’s ok to say NO and to prioritized yourself first. Not unless you have intended cash for dispense, then you can do it. But if you are cope up with financial plans and every amount of your budget is already allocated to your priorities, then you need to think a lot of times before you let it borrowed by someone. You may feel conscience and bad about it, but in reality, it’s never wrong to think for yourself first. Especially in my case which is I have a lot of plans and goals this year, that experienced impacted me so much. I readjust my budget, make use of my existing income and compromise some of my goals.
Nevertheless, the important thing is I finally done with it. I can entirely focus on managing my income without worries. With what happened, I also learned to at least have a separate fund solely for it so that my budget won’t be affected like what happened this year. Once I have more means, I can expand my budget in other financial funds just like this.
“Debt is the slavery of the free.” – Publilius Syrus
One plan that I failed to do this month is to secure my 2nd Insurance advance payment. Actually, the amount is ready but since my vacation was moved earlier, I need to reschedule the payment of this on October. The payment that I readied for this fund will be intended for my vacation budget and the income that I will received on October will be intended for the payment of this fund. Based on the projected cash flow that I did, I can still everything before the end of this year. At the same time, I can also secure the payment of this fund until 2024 if ever I won’t have any unnecessary spendings. Everything will be according plan as long as I stick to my budget. These remaining months will surely be very challenging but I know that I can still make it happen. I am very determined to accomplished all my plans for the sake of next year. I will manage whatever I have right now and prioritized first the goals that I still need to do this year.
This month, I successfully save my leisure budget. Since we already hang out at Lusail City and also had our dinner date at yellow cab, I am already contented with it and I decided to just use that amount for July. The weather also made me lazy to go outside so it became ideal time for me to just save my leisure budget. Also, I need to prepare to buy some stuffs for my family once I will go vacation so I really need to save up for that. I’m just waiting now for the status of my flight ticket before I readjust again my budget. I just hope that the company will provide it so I don’t need to adjust again my budget. Also, I don’t want to put into waste that benefit because I am planning to look for another job once I come back from vacation.

After months of contemplating on what I should do next, I now know what is the first step that I will do on my career. Now that I will reach two years in my current company on October, this is now the right time to look for a job that I can also retire. For sure, it will require another adjustment for me, but all I’m thinking right now that this is the right time for me to step up on my career. If I’ll missed this opportunity, I will be pressured on the next years that will come because we also need to start planning our wedding. Everything is all set in these upcoming years, so it is very important that I will follow every single thing that I planned to ensure that I won’t compromised any of my goals.
Gladly, I already achieved all of my plans for this month. Now, I will slowly other things so that once I come back from vacation, everything will be set and I’m ready to apply.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”- Proverbs 3:56
This month, I finally updated my goals timeline. I may still add more things to include on my plan which is considering multiple bank accounts to our specific goals and a lot more other things, I’m still happy that I can check my current progress and plans for next years. During this time, I learned that in a corporate world, they usually do a five years projection of their business. This would help them to have an insight on what they can achieve and also the things they can incorporate to it. Upon learning that, I wanted to do it also on my goals. For me, that’s the best way to know the things that you can do for today, strategies to obtain your goals and most importantly is it provide me a path where I know which to go. Unlike without having any plans at all, this method is way better to do. I’d been doing it as soon as I started to my career and it’s proven effective for me. Because of this, I achieved all the things that I have right now which I think impossible to obtain before.
By the right planning, thorough research, making targets, assessing your efforts and recording everything, it will provide you a means to achieve your goals. Yes, you need effort and hard work to do it, but if you’re really determined, there’s no way you will lazy to start this. Determination pushed me to do all of these things, from doing it for the first time, I know enjoy it since it helps me to feel more inspired. Every time I’m working on my timeline and my goals, I feel like everything is so easy to obtain. Like it just a meter away from me and all I need to do is to take one step to it. This is really an inspiring thing to do, and I hope you can also do it.
For me to easily apply once I come back from vacations, I already made a list of my target companies that I want to apply. In making that list, I considered a lot of information such as growth potential, job security, benefits, accommodation and also company background. During these six years that I’m here overseas, I realized that great opportunities will still be in government sector. That is why, I aim to get a job in a government sector opportunity or those big companies who already made their names in the industry. I also decided to pursue the path towards managerial position so this time I aim to look for a coordinator job. Once I found a job, I planned to stay on that company and just aim for growth. Since it will also be hard for me to look for another job now that I almost reach 30’s, I wanted to be in a company where they support their staffs. Also, I’m looking forward in a company where I can eventually retire.
I hope and pray that I will really find a good one where they can see my potentials and give me the opportunity to grow. For now, I need to really think and check that company that I’ll be applying so that I won’t regret it.
It’s been a while since I made connections on my LinkedIn profile. So, as soon as the month of June started, I also start to connect to more professionals on linkedIn. This my way to let my profile be known as part of my strategy on getting a job after my vacation. I’d seen a lot of opening right now and I’m pretty sure that there will be more opportunities in these coming months. I’d seen the background of the professionals that I connected on my LinkedIn, and it really inspires me to do my beast and reach the position that I aim. In order to achieve that, I know that I need to do something also on my part. I shouldn’t just wait for the opportunity but at least build my foundation and connection. In these upcoming months, I will slowly update my profile and CV so it will be easy for me to apply work once I get back from vacation.
To tell you honestly, I still feel skeptical to look for another job, but one thing that pushed me to look for another opportunity is the financial goals that I have for the next years. The benefits that I have right now can not suffice my goals so I am left with no choice but to look somewhere which offers more benefits and salary package. I know in time, I can get there so as long as I can do something now, I will surely do it for the sake of my goals.

After a lot of delays, finally I was able to start at least something on our vlog in Katara. I may still do a lot of things for it but I’m pretty sure that I can finish it on the next month. Now that we only few months before our vacation, I really need to make it sure that everything is settled since I won’t have time to do it on during that period. Since the music subscription is not yet settled, I just decided to use the music available in GoPro since we also have active subscription there. Slowly but surely, I will invest in having my own camera so I can start my own travel vlog as well or a living alone diary. Actually, that’s one of my goals, but since I don’t have enough time to do everything as of this day, I will still look forward to do it maybe on the next year.
It is still tentative now if we can hang out due to our upcoming vacation, but let’s just see if we have enough budget for it.
- CINEMATIC 4K | EXPLORE QATAR: Msheireb Downtown Doha –January
- CINEMATIC 4K | EXPLORE QATAR: Aspire Park –January
- CINEMATIC 4K | EXPLORE QATAR: Souq Waqif –February
- CINEMATIC 4K | EXPLORE QATAR: Katara Cultural Village- June/July
You can check out the uploaded travel vlog in our YouTube Channel below:
Now, we wanted to take things slowly but surely. We will invest first on making quality videos and make it sure that we will have time to update consistently. During this period of getting an idea, we will first focus on gaining engagements on our own social media account so it will be easy for us to gain engagements and promote it.
Another achievement for this month! I am happy that I was able to exceed my target followers which is 6500. As of the last week of June, my followers reached 7145 and still progressing. There’s also a lot of milestones that happened this month which are:
- One of my updates reached 2,000+ likes
- I received a message from one of the biggest social media accounts in Qatar if they can feature my account as their blogger of the month on July.
It all started from my passion to have a platform to reach out people and inspire them in their lives. Now, I am slowly getting the chance where I can share hopes and inspiration to the rest. I never imagined that I already reached my plan for five years, just for a few months. Everything happened suddenly and I feel so overwhelm from all of these achievements. It inspired to me to do my best in making quality post and be a good influence for the rest. It gave me a brighter insight of what I want to be few years from now. This will surely only be the start and with this opportunity that I have right now, I will take this chance to use it as a way to motivate people around me. Years from now, I hope that I can be the person who uses her platform to help others by making them happy, inspired and motivated just by seeing my works.
In this particular month, I gained 7300+ followers or a minimum of 1600 additional followers.
Here below are my current updates in my Instagram account.
As of this month of June, the Instagram account of my partner is currently doing well. He’s receiving a minimum of 10 likes per post and at the same time, the quality of his content is getting better than before. I usually upload every two days and I’d seen how his engagements increased at the same time. Now, I planned to do some strategies in order for his account to be acknowledge. I’ll be sharing it on my next blog so that it will be more detailed.
His current followers right now is 890 which is higher than the last month which is 869. I think that this is a good sign for me to consistently do what I started. I have a lot of plans in my mind right now and hopefully, I can make it happen on the next month.
My blog is pretty doing well because I was able to make advance post which helps me not to feel pressured on updating it. Other than that, I also successfully shared it on my Pinterest and Facebook account which was my priority before the month of June started. Now that I already made advance post which is already ready to publish, I made a calendar for next month which will serve as my guide to know my deadlines and the post that I must do.
You can check all the blogs that I published in this month with the below links:
In terms of engagements, my blog is not doing pretty well after I limit sharing it on my Facebook account. Compare to the last year, I need to work on things to promote my blog. Since I choose to not share my plans for this year, I know it affected my blog tremendously. The blog post that I mostly do now tackles my life story so I think that I need to keep it first by myself and by the next year, I will start to publish more blog topics like travels, finances, selflove, workouts, lifestyle etc. Now, I just need to carefully choose the blog post which can attract more readers and slowly invest on quality post.
In this social media account, I failed to reach my target since I barely upload videos. Other than that, I just feel that I am more focus on my Instagram account rather than Tiktok. Maybe because the engagements made me feel demotivated and I feel sad because some followers just choose to follow so that I can follow back as well. Unlike Instagram wherein I already have a consistent engagement, here, it is always fluctuating. I will try to upload more videos here and I hope that it can get better next month. I also think not to focus on setting followers’ goals and just first have a consistent update for it. I will just work on making quality post that I can upload here.
@leapearl_14 𝗖𝗮𝗳𝗲 𝗥𝗲𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 ☕𝙄𝙣𝙠 𝘾𝙖𝙛𝙚𝘓𝘶𝘴𝘢𝘪𝘭 𝘊𝘪𝘵𝘺, 𝘍𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘈𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘢𝘠𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘵 𝘊𝘭𝘶𝘣 𝘚𝘵𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘷𝘪𝘢 𝘛𝘳𝘢𝘮 #vlog #Qatar #inkqafe #lusailcity #livingherownlife #tiktokqatar #viral #trending
♬ Habibi X Love Nwantiti – Mashup – Jacknation
@leapearl_14 That night🌙 #fyp #tiktokqatar
♬ Still With You – Jung Kook