Hello June!
Finally, we are in the halfway of the year! During these six months of the year, I’d been so dedicated in achieving my goals and planning my month. Every single month, I set targets in order to make myself work closer to my goals. All of the plans I did every month is in line to the goals that I set for this year. By doing that way, I broke down the big goals into smaller one and think of ways to get things done. Like what I always hear in the podcast of different successful people, it is likely to achieve goals if you will make it attainable. That’s what I did for the first six months and I planned to continue it to the rest of the year. I found this strategy very ideal since I was able to achieved some of my goals this year and at the same time make my day very productive. Compare to the past me, I see how I improved in all aspects of my life. Truly if you focus on your goals, anything that will try to bring you down will just fail. The moment you realized the things that you need to focus on, is the time you become more mature in handling your life.
This website that I started last year, plays a big role in my life right now. It became my motivating factor that push me to work on my goals and focus on myself at the same time. By making a monthly goal and a review every month, it effectively makes me focus on the things that I must do. The more I read the plans I make for each month, the more I feel so excited to work on it. I think that if I only keep things in my mind, there’s a big chance I’ll fail on whatever I plan. Like what most successful people shared in their experiences in life, writing everything down will help our brain to process the things that we wanted to achieve. And that’s what I did! Thankfully, I applied all of the things that I learned in my life. Listening to one’s experience in life really made a big impact in making my decisions own decisions. It guided me to choose what’s best for me and also lead me to the right path towards my goals.
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:9
To assess my 26 years living, this year 2022 is the most productive year of my life. The downfall that I experienced last 2020 became my driving force to create an attitude that I have right now. I became so eager, determined and inspired to exceed my limitations. I feel like I became a new and better version of myself. That’s why in these coming months of the year 2022, I know that it will be more challenging but at the same time an exciting journey for me. These remaining months will solely focus on the rest of my goals this year and the earlier I achieved it, the earlier I will feel happy and secured.
Now, let’s have a recap of goals that I need to aim for 2022!

Crossing down a goal that I achieved really makes me feel proud. All of my efforts and sacrifices are truly worth it every time I become successful in achieving the targets that I set this year. Some may see it as a petty thing, for me it is more than what I can ever imagine. Looking back to my past experiences in life and to be able to achieve something, really deserves appreciation. For me, every single success counts whether it’s small or big. Even though not anyone will be happy with it, I can be happy on my own. I only need myself to be with me in order to celebrate these small wins. In God’s time, these simple dreams will be big one. Everything that I do at this moment will surely change my life in the right time. I am willing to wait until that happen. Throughout his period, I will continue to achieve more and focus on things that makes me happy.
Here below is the weekly routine that I need to follow for this year which I also stated in my first blog for 2022:
Here below is the weekly routine that I need to follow for this month of June:

From making a yearly target down to daily routine, everything should be in line with your goals in order to see your progress. Without the right strategy and plan, there’s a chance that you’ll fail it. The reason why these things are needed is because it will serve as a guide not to waste any single time. It will help you to be more disciplined and focus on what you really need to do. In my personal experience, these things helped me to achieved easily the things that I planned. It reminds me every single day not to waste time and keep myself on track of the things that I must do. That’s why I continued to set a daily routine for me every month so that I can ensure that I’ll be guided accordingly.
“If my people who are called by My name humble themselves, and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”- 2 Chronicles 7:14
Without any further ado, let’s tackle all the goals that I have for the month of June!
By sharing this, I hope that someone out there will be inspired to do the same as well.
Let’s both make it together!

As I welcome another month with new opportunities to do something for myself, I wanted to make plans that will be suitable to address my personal concerns. In the past months that I’d been taking care of myself, I learned the importance of managing my time well in order to allocate a period for myself. In my selflove plans, I wanted to cover my personal, physical, mental and emotional aspects of my life. The activities that I’d been doing every month covers those things to be able to improve myself consistently. I’d seen how I neglected myself before and I wanted to prevent that from happening again. I need to do something now and consistently in order to break bad habits and create good ones.
In this month of June, myself love plans will be focusing more on developing my inner self. I planned to do some activities that will be provide me a means to boost my confidence and develop the right attitude. I believe that focusing on your inner self will make a great impact externally if I succeeded in doing that. I wanted to focus on developing my Self-Awareness so that I can build resilience in any challenges that may arise. I will be focusing this month specifically in the following activities:
- Mindfulness Activities (Yoga, Meditation & Breathing Exercise)
- Journal Writing
- Attitude Feedback from the Person’s I love
- Watch Self-Awareness Videos/Podcast
“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be. “– Ralph Waldo Emerson
For the month of June, these are the things that I need to accomplish. It comprises with things I need to work on for my own self, places I need to go and lastly the workout routine I’ll be focusing on.
I’d been wanting to fixed this habit since before but I’d been failing since I was hooked with watching Chinese Drama. In order to take action in this month, I planned to really GET RID of this habit and develop new ones that will inhibit me to do it. For me to effectively do this, I will start it as soon as the first day of JUNE and put an alarm to remind me of it. The 10:00 pm sleep time is very ideal since I will still have an hour interval before I sleep. In that time, I can free my mind from any thoughts, do some breathing exercise and just relax. The 7:00 am wake up time is the most ideal time for me to prepare myself in going to work. By following that time, I won’t be in a rush and I can listen to more podcast or any inspirational videos.
As much as I can follow a minimum of 8 hours sleep, I will do it. It will help me to improve my mood, reduce stress and improve my focus at work. I really wanted to develop this healthy habit because I don’t want to look stress and haggard as soon as I start my day. Let’s just say that I want to look fresh and radiant by getting enough sleep.
Now that I successfully built a habit of being consistent in my 40 minutes self-care time last month, I decided to add activities in my routine alternately. In this month I decided to do workouts for my upper body and lower body, Yoga, Meditation and Breathing Exercise. To be able to address all of my physical concern, I decided to do all of those and scheduled it five times a week. To effectively make this happen, I add it in my routine which I will get a print out so that I can be reminded of what activity that I need to do for the day.
One reason why I also wanted to keep my body fit is because of the upcoming vacation on October this year. Since I wanted to take good beach pictures, I badly need to focus on my body as early as now. I just wanted to keep my body firm and tight since I don’t aim to loss weight anymore. I planned to develop muscles and improve my posture in these four months prior to my vacation. To give you an idea of the workout that I’ll be doing these months, here below are the videos that I’ll follow:
If I’m given enough budget, I planned to buy different workout equipment that will help me to be more motivated. What I have in my mind right now are the following items:
- Workout Shoes
- Dumbbells
- Resistance Bands
- Workout Clothes
- Knee and elbow Pads
- Workout Socks
As part of my selfcare journey, I decided to take healthy supplements and foods as early as possible. Since it requires money, I just look first on supplements that is within the budget and check if its suitable for me. Together with that, I decided as well to take a minimum two fruits daily especially on items that are rich in Vitamin C. Now that I’m still in a low calorie diet which is 1400 kcal every day, I need to choose healthy options to ensure that I have the nutrients I need for the day. Another main decision that I did in this month is my withdrawal in eating Chips and Soft drinks. Rather than wasting money from it, I would rather invest on things that will assist me in this healthy lifestyle that I’m aiming in this month.
Given the low budget that I have right now, I think I can be able to pursue this goal totally on the next year. Despite of the circumstances that I have, I will still try to invest on things that is within the budget and focus in consuming fruits and vegetables. Once I have the budget, I made a list of priorities that I need to buy which are:
- Smoothie Maker
- Mixed Nuts, Oats & Seeds
- Skin Care Drinks

I shared on my blog “May 2022 Financial Review” about all of my financial priorities for this month of June. After I settled the payment for my retirement fund and 1st Insurance, I only need to settle the advance one-year payment of my 2nd Investment which cost P43,000.00. After this, I can finally ready my finances for the renovation project of our second house rental on July. Quite busy right? I believe that this is the right time for me to be very aggressive in building my finances so, as much as I can invest my money this year, I will do it. Based on the cash flow projection that I did this whole year; everything will be ok as long as I stick to my budget plan. In these coming months, I need to be very patient and discipline so I can ensure that all of my money will be put into good use.
Here below are the current updates of my finances as of the end of May:
- [ON-GOING] 1st Insurance. Long term savings intended for emergency and health concerns situation. DONE!
- [ON-GOING] 2nd Insurance + Investment. Long term savings fund intended for business and kid’s insurance. Month of settlement will be on June.
- [ON-GOING] SSS. L. Long term savings fund intended for retirement purposes. DONE!
- [ACHIEVED] 1st House Rental. Intended for additional income stream. First income will be intended for SSS Payment. DONE!
- [ON PROCESS] 2ND House Rental. Intended for additional income stream. Month of settlement will be on July.
If ever I settled all of my financial obligations and goals this year 2022, the next year will somehow be manageable and I can have an extra amount for my expenses. This year is very tough and I deserve to have at least experience some perks from my sacrifices.
“Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting.”
To effectively do all of my plans for this month of June, I did a budget and priority list which will serve as my guide in this whole month. I stated in my blog May 2022 Financial review all of the things that I need to prioritized this month and at the same time the allotted expense that I’m allowed to spend. Making a monthly budget greatly helped me in these past months to manage my cash flow well. Even though it requires effort and assessment to do it, it is still worth to do after all the benefits that I gained from following it. The projected cash flow that I started this year plays a big role as well on how I make my monthly budget. All of the success in my investment this year are gained with the help of these financial trackers that I started. It doesn’t only give me an insight but also helped me in deciding things which I need to prioritized every month.
For this particular month, here’s the budget that I made and the financial priorities that I must do:

Here’s the glimpse of my financial plan for the whole year which I also based my monthly budget plan!

“The habit of saving is itself an education; it fosters every virtue, teaches self-denial, cultivates the sense of order, trains to forethought, and so broadens the mind.” – T.T. Munger
Finally! This month will be the final month to secure the remaining debt which cost 640 Qar. Once I successfully secure the payment this month, I will not have any more worries. I can focus more on my finances unlike the past month where I’m so concerned of it. Gladly, there’s no changes anymore in terms of the payment and all of it was paid on time. The breakdown of the amount payment is stated below:
- 1St payment (1000 QAR) – March
- 2nd payment (1000 QAR) – April
- 3rd payment (1000 QAR) – May
- 4th payment (640 QAR) – June
“Debt is the slavery of the free.” – Publilius Syrus
Now that I settled the payments for my 1st insurance, Retirement Fund and 1st house rental payment, I only have two remaining obligations that I’m left to do this year. These financial obligation falls under my savings and investment since all of it are profit earning savings. One is from stock and the other one is real estate business. Although the benefits of these investment will be seen in the long run, I believe that it is worth on having it at the earliest since I still have a means to pay for it. These amount that I will secure this month will be good for a one-year payment until October 2023. Based on the cash flow that I did, I can secure another advance payment in this fund which can pay until October 2024. By making an advance payment, it will help me to be at ease that my investments are updated. Given the main priority that I have on the year 2023, securing advance payment for this will help me to allocate more funds in that specific goal. I will keep securing one-year advance payment until I have my own 3rd house rental that will serve as my means to pay for this investment.
I decided to save my leisure budget next month for the reason that me and partner planned to have a staycation and it requires more money. So, for this month, the only leisure activity that I’ll be doing is the Lusail City Photoshoot and Yellow Cab monthsary celebration. Despite of this minimal hang out this month, I will just take this opportunity to relax during my day off. I will watch more Chinese Drama and make sure that I’ll be following my daily routine. Due to the less budget for my expenses, there are things that I need to compromise just like this. I’m not allowed to spend more than the allotted budget for my expense or else my savings will be affected. I know that I can’t afford to do that. For me, priorities first above anything else. In the right time, I believe that I can have more leisure experience as much as I want.
1) Be patient: do things in the logical order.
2) Do the most important things before the less important things.

In this month, I will take this opportunity to clear out my mind, fix my goals, update my timeline and do some preparations for my job application on October. It will be quite busy but I feel excited at the same time. Planning really makes me feel motivated and inspired. It helps me to challenge myself more and exceed my own expectations. Even though I feel quite pressured about it and sometimes feels pity from sacrificing a lot, I just keep reminding myself that all will be worth it in the right time. I can do everything on my own. I promise to make it all possible and I will never stop until I achieved it.
Time can only tell what will happen in my future. Despite of not knowing it, I will still do whatever I can today in order to gain an insight of what my future will be. Everything will all makes sense in the end. I trust His plans for me and I believe myself that I reached that place soon. In Jesus name.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”- Proverbs 3:56
It’s been so many months since I updated my 11 Years timetable for my goals. Now, I planned to update it in this month so I can refresh my mind on the things that I must do. Making plans helped me to achieved all of my goals that I have right now. It doesn’t just give me an insight on what I should do but it became also my guide in making decisions in life. Without planning and building the kind of future that I wanted to have, I know that I’ll still be that same girl who doesn’t know where she should go. All of the success that I have right now, from finances, career progress and life are the results of following my plans and targets that I set for myself.
In this month, I will update all the aspects of my goals from finances, career and life. Within these 11 years that I set for myself; I need to have a clear vision of the things that I must do. By making specific targets and plans, I know that I can achieved it even if I’m alone. Life will be tough and the journey will be very painful. As long as God is with me, I can achieve everything in the right time.
Last month, I’d seen a lot of people in my LinkedIn profile who got their promotions and new job. Some got a great opportunity from their previous one and it made me realized that everything is possible. Without trying, you will never know. So, rather than limiting yourself to the opportunities around you, grab it and just try. I always believe in the saying “What’s meant for you, will be for you.”, but at the same time, you need to do your part as well. I am very eager in applying for the reason that I need to do level up as well on my career to support my goals. For me to achieved my goals early, I need to the things that I can do now which is to make more means through promotion or a new job. My target benefits and package are the following:
- At least 4000 qar Basic Salary
- Single Room Entitlement
- Transportation and Food Provided
- One Way ticket every year or Yearly Ticket (Best Option)
- Opportunity for Promotion
- Business Travel Opportunity
- Opportunity to have Car Allowance
Once I’ll be able to get any of these benefits, I’ll make it sure that I can achieve my goals easily. It will help me also to be more inspired in everything I do and be close to my ultimate goal which is to be really independent.
Now that I’m decided that after my vacation I can start applying, I need to broaden my connections so that there will be more chance they can check my credentials. By making more professional connection, it will be one of my strategies so that it can somehow help me to find the right job for me. I need to look for something that I can see as a suitable retirement job which will help me to support my dreams and goals in life. Having someone I know in that field can provide recommendations which can be my edge in applying. I will start to reach out in these coming months using my LinkedIn account and at the same time update the things that I need to do on my profile.

After I failed editing our video in this month of May, I planned to schedule a certain time for it in this coming month. I need to really work on this or else I’ll keep failing and repeating the whole process again. Our channel is in stable position right now all I need to do is to keep updating it. All the videos are ready for editing in our go pro application and I just need to do my part in order to make it possible in this month. This is really challenging since I’m back in 8 hours work and on top of that I need to do my selfcare routine. To fit everything in five hours will requires effort and discipline in my part. After failing over again in these past months, I hope that this June, I can really work on this.
Now that summer is coming, we planned to have an indoor shoot like in Museums. The two places that I have in mind is Qatar National Museum and Museum of Islamic Art.
- CINEMATIC 4K | EXPLORE QATAR: Msheireb Downtown Doha –January
- CINEMATIC 4K | EXPLORE QATAR: Aspire Park –January
- CINEMATIC 4K | EXPLORE QATAR: Souq Waqif –February
- CINEMATIC 4K | EXPLORE QATAR: Katara Cultural Village- June/July
You can check out the uploaded travel vlog in our YouTube Channel below:
Although our channel is not gaining that much engagements, I decided to focus on making quality content first. I believe that eventually we can achieve everything like what happened to my Instagram account. I just need to be patient on this and put my best effort to update!
During the first three weeks of May, my Instagram account experienced a peak of followers which ranges a minimum of 100 additional followers a day. Once I uploaded the photos that we took last Eid Holidays, I gained a lot of engagements which helps me to achieved a minimum of 1200 likes in two of my post! Not only that, I also exceed the number of followers that I gained last month which is from 1565 to 2370 and still counting! Even though from the last two weeks of May I experienced a drop of followers compare to the past weeks, I’m still happy that I exceed the target followers for that month. Now in these coming months, I’ll shoot for more quality post in Lusail City and have my Katara photos on standby.
Hopefully I can reach 10,000+ followers before my vacation on October so I can easily promote my account in the Philippines. Since most of my followers are from other nationalities, I need to build myself again in my country so I can gain engagements from that place. I want to really work on this for the reason that I want to have a target market for our future business. Having more engagements can help me promote my business easily. Whatever I’ll do now are all for this goal. I just need to really focus on this and make consistent updates.
In this particular month, my target is to gain 6500 followers or a minimum of 1500 additional followers.
Here below are my current updates in my Instagram account.
After I successfully improved my partner’s Instagram, I planned to consistently upload in this month to gain engagements. I’d been doing a pretty good job lately since he’s gaining a minimum of 10 likes per post. That is why I decided to just be consistent since everything are already been improved. From his story highlights, post, captions, bio and many more, all are handled better than before. He’s also gaining followers despite of keeping it as a private account so I think, I’m doing a great job.
His current followers right now is 864 and my target is to at least gain 20 more followers this month.
Now that I prepared already an advance update, I’m now assured that I will not be pressured on making blogs. Giving time to prepare my blog post in advance last month, helped me to focus on the quality of my post. Before the month of June starts, I made a schedule for my blogs so I’ll know the specific dates that I will publish it and also the days I need to prepare it. As of last week of May, I finished working on the third blog that I will publish on June. By following the schedule that I did, it helped me to focus more and set deadlines for myself. In this month, I will make a total of seven blogs which are the following:
- May 2022 Goals Review – Life Journey
- June 2022 Goals– Life Journey
- When the Time is Right– Unspoken Poetry
- Thoughts of an Introvert – Live to Inspire
- June 2022 Recap– Life Journey
- May & June Workout Progress – Life Journey
- June 2022 Financial Review– Life Journey
Like what I did last month, I’ll do everything in advance so I won’t waste the efforts I did last May. Now, here below the things that I also must do in order to reach out more readers:
- 6-7 Blogs
- Share it in Instagram post & Stories
- Published it in Facebook – PRIORITY!
- Share it in Pinterest CONSISTENTLY PRIORITY!
- Share some in LinkedIn (Live to Inspire)
After I run out of video uploads last month, I planned to make more quality content this time. I planned to shoot more videos so that I can ready it in advance and just schedule it the whole month. Since I’m not that active in this social media account, I just settle for small targets unlike what I do in my Instagram account monthly. Despite of my low engagements here, I still wanted to keep it for memories purposes. For me, I want to focus more on quality over quantity. As long as I can update quality and aesthetic content, that will be more ideal than just a random video that I upload for the sake of giving update. In time, I know that this social media account will also bloom like my Instagram account. I just need to be patient, make time for it and focus on making aesthetic videos.
For this month, my goal is to reach 1250 followers and update a minimum of nine videos. To give you a glimpse of my account, here’s the top post for the last month:
@leapearl_14 3 Y & 4 M in the making💙 #fyp #couplegoals #tiktokqatar #slideshow #viral #trending #couple @edjeboyy
♬ ily (i love you baby) – Surf Mesa
@leapearl_14 A soft lover and wild wanderer💙🖤 #foryou #tiktokqatar #viral #couplegoals❤️ #Qatar #Doha #trending
♬ Put Your Head On My Shoulder – The Macarons Project