Hello May!
We are now in the fifth month of this year. Time really passes by so fast! It was just January when I started planning my goals for this year, but here I am now and about to start another month. The first four months gave me a lot of experiences and memories that I will surely never forget. It was the start of how I slowly work on the goals the I set for the year. I know that my past self is very proud in this simple progress that I gained in my 26 years of living. This is just the beginning of everything. I still have a lot of goals and plans to make in these coming months. I don’t have time to waste because in order to reach my targets, I need to make sure that every minute count.
Making a monthly goal makes me more efficient in planning my days. With every target I set for a particular month, it helps me to come up with a good plan and routine for myself. Like what I usually here in every inspirational podcast, “the only way to make your goals possible is if you choose to work on it”. So, here I am working on it slowly and surely. Although it seems like I still haven’t seen the results of it, I’m pretty sure that it will reflect sooner or later if I’ll be consistent on what I started. The journey in achieving my goals will never be easy, it will require effort, time and sacrifices to make it happen. In every challenge and mistakes, I’ll experience along the way, I know that it will be my means to be a stronger individual.
“But the Lord stood with me and gave me strength.” — 2 Timothy 4:17
In this particular month, there will be a big adjustment since I’ll be back in my eight hours duty. Because of that, I need to double my efforts in following the routine that I planned for this month. Although I am not yet aware of the challenges present in this month, one thing for sure is I will face it with courage and determination. I know that the only way for me to develop myself is to face all the challenges and not to run away from it. At my age right now, I really need to focus on things that will greatly help me along the way. Rather than focusing on things that I can’t control, I need to just see every opportunity that will help me grow. Doing this blog play a big part on my self-development. It became my driving force to do my best hoping that in time, it will help others to be inspired.
Now, let’s have a recap of the status of my goals that I need to aim for 2022!

The routine that I set for the month of April greatly helped me to be on track. Because of that, I decided to make a monthly routine fit to my schedules. In this month of May, I updated the routine based on my eight hours duty every Saturday- Thursday. Like what I did last month, I will make a print out of it and post it in my room so that I can be always be reminded on things that I must do for the day.
Here below is the weekly routine that I need to follow for this month of May:

With the use of right planning, we can maximize what we can do for the day. Without a plan, oftentimes we lose track of time and spend it in doing unnecessary things. Having a routine will help us to be more disciplined and well planned. After trying it last April, I found it very helpful which aids me to decide to continue it for the rest of the months. Given the limited time that I have now compare to the last month, I need to really push myself to stick on every task I set for a specific schedule. This will surely be very challenging at first but, I know that I may not follow it for the first three days but as long as I surpass the adjustment period, I can develop a habit afterwards.
For I know the plans I have for you … plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” — Jeremiah 29:11
Without any further ado, let’s tackle all the goals that I have for the month of May!
By sharing this, I hope that someone out there will be inspired to do the same as well.
Let’s both make it together!

Now that we’re in the fourth month of this year, I need to double my efforts in investing for myself. Given that I have more time due to the Ramadan period, I need to make sure that I’ll make use of those hours efficiently. By the daily routine that I planned, it will be my guide to successfully achieved all the things I set for this month of April. As I look back in the past months, I think that I still have more room to grow. I still haven’t reached my full potential and continuously work for it. In these coming days, I will strictly stick to my plans so that I can improve my focus.
Another thing in mind that I planned to pursue this year is to take vitamins and invest in my physical self. Once I can save the amount for my grocery next month, I planned to buy something that I’d been keeping out from myself due to my small budget. Once I reach my goals this year, I can expand my budget for myself so that I can buy the things that I want. I just need to be more patient in the rest of the year and I can eventually be financial free somehow. In order not to feel so pitiful on my current situation, working out gave me a sense of peace and calmness during those times. A 30-40 minutes workout greatly helped me to free my mind on all the thoughts that I have.
“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be. “– Ralph Waldo Emerson
For the month of May, these are the three things that I need to accomplish. It comprises with things I need to work on for my own self, places I need to go and lastly the workout routine I’ll be focusing on.
Due to an encounter last month, I decided to take the initiative to avoid negative kind of conversation. This is mainly because of the reason that I won’t get benefited from it. Other than that, I wanted to prevent myself in getting used to do something that I know it’s not right. There are things more worth it than engaging in toxic conversation. So rather than wasting my time on things like that, I should focus more in doing activities that will help me to develop myself. Although I was guilty before since I’d been in that situation, I took the initiative to move out myself and focus on good things. This happened when I experienced the following:
- I started to feel so mentally drain in negative things that people tell me every now and then.
- I feel intoxicated by it in a way it became a part of my daily life.
- Rather than relaxing, I realized that I’m spending more time talking about negative things.
- I started to look every people in a negative way.
- I started to feel so bad about thinking negative every single day.
For me to be able to work in this bad habit, I made a guideline that I can read every now and then as a reminder for me. Here below is the illustration that I will also print out and post in my room.

Every minute in a day should be use efficiently. Rather than giving time in something that will destroy you or affect you negatively, there are more ways for us to use it for our growth. It took me time to acknowledge that habit that I built up, but I believe that I still have time to work on it. This couple of months, I will focus in getting rid of this habit.
“I want my future self to be proud of me.”
Since last month me and my cousin May Ann didn’t meet each other due to our busy schedules, we decided to meet up on the last week of the month in a newly built mall in Lusail which is the Place Vendome. As part of the FIFA world cup 2022, they’d been building a lot of establishments in Lusail City. From malls, hotels, stadium, parks and resort, name it and they’ll have it. Since the world cup will start on November, they started to pen as well different establishments in the area for them to promote the place. On the first day that they announce the opening of this place, a lot of people visited and took the opportunity to take videos and pictures in their social media accounts. Because of that, it became trending and now a lot of people wishes to come as well.
Since my cousins is about to celebrate her birthday in this month, we just decided to spend time together in that place. What I’ll do is in order to visit a lot of places in that area, I will have my research so that it will be easy for us to tour around. Of course, for the sake of our photoshoot, we are planning to bring another set of clothes so we can have different outfits to upload. Here below are the target place that we will visit on the last week of May:
- Place Vendome Dancing Fountain
- Lusail Marina Corniche
- Lusail Promenade
- Lusail Fountain
- Water Playground
- Katara Towers
- Ink Cafe
In this month, one thing that I’ll really push myself is to continue the workout routine that I started. It doesn’t only improve my mood but at the same time prevent me in engaging negative conversation. Even though I have limited time in this month, I selected a workout that will be fit for me. In the last month, I did a cardio workout so this month I decided to do a 30 minutes HIIT workout and 20 minutes yoga that will be done alternately for five days.
Here below are the workouts that I’ll be doing in this month of May:
Together with making Tiktok dance videos, I will surely be physically productive in this month. It will be hard to manage at first, but I should not choose to give it up and waste the efforts I did last month. I will also prepare the same tracker so I can assess my progress at the end of this month.

After we found a tenant for our first house rental, I will now start to settle the rest of my financial obligations so I can focus on my next target project. The projected cash flow that I made gave me an insight on how I can manage well my finances. After starting it this year, it provides me necessary information to plan my monthly budget and choose the right time to settle my existing financial obligations. Here below are the details of my finances including the month I planned to settle it:
- [ON-GOING] 1st Insurance. Long term savings intended for emergency and health concerns situation. Month of settlement will be on May.
- [ON-GOING] 2nd Insurance + Investment. Long term savings fund intended for business and kid’s insurance. Month of settlement will be on June.
- [ON-GOING] SSS. Long term savings fund intended for retirement purposes. Month of settlement will be on May.
- [ACHIEVED] 1st House Rental. Intended for additional income stream. First income will be intended for SSS Payment.
- [ON PROCESS] 2ND House Rental. Intended for additional income stream. Month of settlement will be on July.
Once this year ends, I’m pretty sure that I can somehow feel financially free. I can also finally invest in making my own passive income and later on plan my marriage. I need to double my efforts this year so I can achieve all the goals that I set. Now that the first part is done, I just need to settle the rest so that I can make the next year better.
In this month, my focus is to settle two of my obligations which are the 1st insurance balance and my SSS payment. Other than that, I need to send as well for my mother’s birthday before 21. My other expenses will be the same amount like what I used to spend. Once I will settle all of this, I just need to prepare the amount for my second insurance and I can focus on saving the amount for my next project which is on July. To give you an idea of my budget this month, here’s a glimpse of it:

Here’s the glimpse of my financial plan for the whole year which I also based my monthly budget plan!

“The habit of saving is itself an education; it fosters every virtue, teaches self-denial, cultivates the sense of order, trains to forethought, and so broadens the mind.” – T.T. Munger
After I received the first two payments last March and April, I still have two more months left in order for her to complete the balance amount. Once I collect all of it, I can now focus solely on my salary and budget it. In these remaining months, all I need to do is to make sure that I’ll be able to collect it all so I won’t have any worries anymore. Given this experience I realized the importance of saying “No” not unless you really trust that person to pay according to what you deal with. Despite of this, I don’t take things negatively and see it as a learning experience.
The whole experience made me realized a lot of things. For me as much as I can avoid to borrow money, I’ll do it. That’s why, the importance of being financially free should not be neglected. The earlier we secure ourselves, the more we can prevent these things happen in our life.
“Debt is the slavery of the free.” – Publilius Syrus
This month is very special because my mom will celebrate her 56th birthday. As per her, they will have a high school reunion in our province and spend a couple of weeks with her family. Based on her request, I will just give her a cash gist so she can spend it according to what she likes. So together with the amount that I’ll settle for my insurance and SSS, I will send it at the same time to my sister so she can just give it. As my parents grow old, I realized that their time is limited as well. Given that fact, I badly wanted to finish my goals so I can spend more time with them and at the same time provide them the things that they deserve. Every year count and we never know what will happen in the future. It’s best to do something now rather than to live with regrets. I know in time I can finally be with them without any worries in my mind.
As I work in my goals right now, I hope and pray that God will give enough time to spend the rest of their remaining years together. I still have a long way to go but during this period, I will make them feel how much I love them.

At this age, one thing that I need to focus on is to build my career. I don’t want to end up having limited choice due to the opportunities that I missed when I’m still young. For me, this is the right time to be very determine in making the person I want to become. Before I turned 30, I need to double my effort so I can reach my dream profession which is to be at least an assistant manager. I know it looks impossible right now but I’m very determined to achieve it no matter what it takes. This burning passion to get there will help me to surpass any challenge present in that path. I want that my future self to be very proud of me when the time comes. I know that with the right attitude and skills, I can get there into that point but for the mean time, I slowly need to work in all opportunities present in front of me.
Now that I’m about to reach two years in this field, I can now start to choose another path in order to be a step closer to my goals.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”- Proverbs 3:56
It has been almost four years since I last visited my family. Due to the pandemic, my plan last 2020 was cancelled. Now, me and my boyfriend decided to set our vacation on October this year. We usually go for December but due to the FIFA World Cup, we just decided to go on that month. As of now, we just need to ask for permission so we can eventually book for our ticket. Since this year I have a tight budget, what I did is to adjust it for my vacation. I set a specific amount that I’m allowed to used on my vacation so that I can come up with a plan on how to save it before October. Since this is my 3rd time going on vacation, I already have the idea of what the usual expense I’ll incur. In order to use the budget efficiently, I planned to make a priority list together with the amount intended for it. By doing that, I can easily adjust my expense and at the same time save some of it.
After successfully starting it last month, I planned to continue what I started in this month of May. Now, I need to continue one diploma course and I can officially finish one of my career goals this year. Since I have limited opportunity to have seminars or training, I’m currently investing on what’s available online so that I can at least gain knowledge while working. This activity requires efforts on my side so that to make this goal possible, I need to push myself to allocate time for it. Not only I’m doing this as part of my goals this year, but I know that I need to gain credentials in order to step up on my career. Thankfully that there’s a lot of free online trainings available now and that where I gained most of my certificates in the past year. As of now, here’s my current progress:
- Human Resources in the Food Service and Hospitality Sector- Done!
- Diploma in Food Industry Roles and Responsibilities – On Going
I know that these simple things will greatly help me in the future. It will enhance my knowledge about my industry, it will give me necessary information to do well in my job and at the same time help me to build foundation in any role that I will apply in the future. Once I have the means next year, I planned to apply for paid trainings with certifications. By doing that, I can also broaden my professional connection.
Being a woman in a male dominated industry, I need to really double my efforts and be strong in order to survive from it. As I started as a chef, it gave me an insight on how I need to protect and prove myself qualified to the role. I gained my confidence right now from the six years’ experience in the industry. Now, I need to continue to develop myself to make them see me as a well-equipped individual. In order to make it happen, I prepared a guideline for me to follow:
- Always look professional.
- Communicate in a well-mannered and a professional way.
- Wear confidence every single day.
- Draw a line between work and personal stuffs.
- Keep doing great!
Rather than responding negatively in every situation, I need to maintain a professional approach on it. By doing all of these it will greatly help me to prepare on a bigger role ahead of me.

After getting all the videos that we shoot in Katara, the only task left is to edit it. This is very challenging because of the limited time that I have in this month. That’s why in order to make this task possible I decided to make a two months period for me to edit everything. One thing that we need to settle as well is the songs for our videos. This really requires effort to do so especially that I have fixed time for everything. Regardless of that, I will really push myself to do something in this month.
Now that summer is coming, we planned to have an indoor shoot like in Museums. The two places that I have in mind is Qatar National Museum and Museum of Islamic Art.
- CINEMATIC 4K | EXPLORE QATAR: Msheireb Downtown Doha –January
- CINEMATIC 4K | EXPLORE QATAR: Aspire Park –January
- CINEMATIC 4K | EXPLORE QATAR: Souq Waqif –February
- CINEMATIC 4K | EXPLORE QATAR: Katara Cultural Village- May/June
You can check out the uploaded travel vlog in our YouTube Channel below:
I also decided this month, not to set any targets since we’re just starting. Rather than being pressured by it, we will just focus on making more travel vlogs and advertise it at the same time.
After I gained more engagements after my one post last March, my account continuously gained followers, likes and comments. In just one month, I gained a total of 1500 followers and each photos reached a minimum of 100 likes. I also surpass two of my target’s social media accounts within 1 month and 1 week. Isn’t amazing? Given this great opportunity, I will make used of it to update quality post in order to reach my target number of followers before I go for vacation. The tracker that I made in this social media account also helped me to have an insight on the average followers I get on a daily basis. This helped me to have a projection on the number of followers I’ll be getting every month if these engagements will continue. I hope and pray that I’ll be able to get this opportunity so I can somehow have a chance to be an influencer and at the same time to have my platform for my future endeavor.
In this particular month, my target is to gain 4000 followers or a minimum of 750 additional followers.
Here below are my current updates in my Instagram account.
In the beginning of the month, my partner gave me access in his Instagram account. This is for the reason that he’s been neglecting it since he’s busy doing his Tiktok. Now in order for him to be consistent in uploading, he decided to let me do the updates for him. Now what I planned for his Instagram are the following:
- Develop a uniform Instagram feed.
- Start making reels
- Use hashtags
- Set locations in every post
- Alternately update his Instagram account.
Just by thinking these plans makes me so excited. After learning how Instagram works, I will apply it in making quality Instagram account for him. Now, I’ll just be focusing in building his Instagram first before I set monthly target followers for him.
I experienced some delay in the start of this month and it’s due to the limited time I have for blogging. Due to this, I decided to settle for six blogs this May in order to prepare in advance the blogs that I need to published. As long as I can make two to three advance posts, I can slowly set for seven blogs each month. Now, I really need to double my effort and allocate time to make blogs. Now here are the blogs that I planned to published in this month:
- April 2022 Goals Review – Life Journey
- May 2022 Goals– Life Journey
- After all this time?– Unspoken Poetry
- EXPLORE QATAR: Education City– Travel Blog
- May 2022 Recap – Life Journey
- April 2022 Financial Review– Life Journey
I’ll be working on this in advance and just schedule it a week before. Now, here below the thing that I also must do in order to reach out more readers:
- Total of six blog for the month f May
- Share it in Instagram post & Stories
- Published it in Facebook
- Share it in Pinterest CONSISTENTLY
- Share some in LinkedIn (Live to Inspire)
Now that I already uploaded all of my travel short vlogs, I decided to go back in dance videos and at the same time do some videos which I learned from Instagram Reels. Upon uploading a couple of video slideshow, I saw that it gains also a hundred of viewers. I’ll keep doing that for this month until I have travel videos. With no rush and pressure even though I won’t achieved that much followers In Tiktok, I’ll just keep posting updates for the sake of memories. I’ll just let my partner progress here and I’ll just focus on my other social media accounts. Rest assured that I’ll keep posting updates here.
For this month, my goal is to reach 1200 followers and update a minimum of nine videos. To give you a glimpse of my account, here’s the top post for the month of April:
@leapearl_14 3 Y & 4 M in the making💙 #fyp #couplegoals #tiktokqatar #slideshow #viral #trending #couple @edjeboyy
♬ ily (i love you baby) – Surf Mesa
@leapearl_14 A soft lover and wild wanderer💙🖤 #foryou #tiktokqatar #viral #couplegoals❤️ #Qatar #Doha #trending
♬ Put Your Head On My Shoulder – The Macarons Project