Yes, I know that since it’s too much, I’m quite skeptical if I’ll make it all possible this year. But trying won’t cost too much right? I know that with the right mindset, I can do everything that I’d planned. These goals will be my reminder that I need to focus in every task that I have. I need to double my effort and at the same time push myself to make the work done. As long as I’ll stick to my monthly plans and task, I can make all of these goals possible. Right time management will help me to achieve my ideal productive day. This will be possible if I’ll lessen my time using my mobile just to check my social media. That’s why in this month, it is one of the top priorities that I need to work on. I also listed things that I should do so that I can stop this bad habit of mine.

Here below is the weekly routine that I need to follow for this year which I also stated in my first blog this year:

Now for this year, I really need to fix all the bad habits that I have. I should focus on getting rid of it and incorporate healthy habits in my life. As long as I can work on it as early as possible, I believe that I can overcome it. I know that these small changes can give a big impact in my life for a long run. All I need to do is to not give up and be eager enough to make it better.

So for this month, let’s tackle all the goals that I must do!

By sharing this, I hope that someone out there will be inspired to do the same as well.

Let’s both make it together!

Self-love is one of my top priorities this year. This time I wanted to invest and do something for my own self development.  I believe that one thing that we shouldn’t neglect is ourselves. I’d been like that for a long run and I really regret it. As I started to do simple things for myself last year, I wanted to continue it by emphasizing specific activity concerning my mental and physical health. I’m aware than any change will always be hard at first so planning it little by little can help me to adjust.

For this month, these are the three things that I need to accomplish. It comprises with bad habit that I need to correct, travel destination for this month and also my workout routine.


It’s been a challenge for me to fix this habit of mine. I believe that most of us is having the same thought since it compromising a lot of our time that we can instead use productively. From all ages, I know that everybody is into to their own social media accounts. Conversations are now limited and almost 40% of our days are spent using our mobile. I’m pretty sure that most of us check our mobile phone first thing in the morning. Sounds absurd but yes that’s reality. I’m also guilty on doing that so to have a good start of this year, I wanted to fix this unhealthy habit. For me to accomplish this, I listed some rules that I MUST follow. Here are the following:


One of my travels target this year is to visit a theme park. I already have two places in mind here in my place that I wanted to go. The only challenge will be is my availability and also the entrance fee (one is quite cheap while the others are expensive). Knowing myself, I will surely go for the cheap one! Since I have a lot of expenses last month, I decided to at least have a two months window for this goal. Just by thinking of this, I’m starting to feel so excited.

The weather is still nice so It’s perfect to roam around and make use of the time. I wanted to push through on this because we also need to shoot some videos for our vlogs. As of today, we are cleared for the month of January and February which consist of six vlogs. Hopefully I can manage my time to make more videos for our channel.


In the first blog that I made for this month, I mentioned that I will be focusing in booty and cardio exercises. I also decided the time and days I need to have my workout schedule so that I can make sure that I’ll do it. For this whole month, I’ll be following a two workout videos in YouTube. I’ll be doing this 5-6 times a week as soon as I arrived in my home. The videos that I’ll be doing are the following:

For my Finances, I need to stick with the budget expenses that I planned for this year, since I spent a lot last month. For this month as well, the renovation of our first rental house will start so I need to minimize my expenses as much as I can. Now that all of my plans will officially start this month, I need to strictly manage and track all of my cash in and cash out so that I can achieve my target amount this year.

For me to be able to thoroughly know the flow of my finances, I made a tracker for it and at the same time have a tracking sheet in my journal as well. I find this strategy very effective so that I can be aware of my finances. I’d been doing it since I started my first job. It helped me to achieved my last financial goals such as getting an insurance and investment. Now for this month, here below are the things that I need to focus on for my finances:


I recently shared my financial plans for this year in my blog “Sharing is Caring: My Ideal Budget for 2022”. There I shared the details about the specific target amount for each fund and at the same time the guidelines on how I can achieve it. Since I already set up things for my finances, all I need to do this month is to stick to my expenses so I can achieve all of the amount intended for my savings fund. I will also track my expenses and savings by listing everything in my journal. By doing this, I know that it will help me to identify aspects that I need to work on and how I can do better for the next month.


One thing that I need to prepare for this month is the payment for my 1st Insurance which is on February. Since this insurance is payable semiannually, I need to prepare a payment every month of February and August. To tell you honestly, this fund is quite a hassle for me since I still didn’t enroll it in an auto debit payment setup unlike the second one that I got. That’s why I am planning to pool around in one account all of my payment for Insurance, investment and retirement so that it will be easy for me to pay.

Once everything will be settled, I am planning to have a year advance payment for this so that I can be more secured. Hopefully I can enroll it in an auto debit by this year together with the rest of my investment fund. I still have long years to pay for this but one thing I know is it will all be worth it in the end. Proper manage of my finances will be my key for me to achieve all of my financial goals.


I am very excited this month because finally we can renovate our first house rental. This is my very first project after almost six years working overseas. Now that I already settled my long-term financial goals, I know that this is the right time to start a passive income fund. Gladly my budget for the renovation is now ready and we’re just waiting for the renovation so that it can finally generate income. The only challenge here is that we find it hard to look for a construction service fit to our budget. This is due to the reason that construction materials are now expensive compare to before.

For me to be more motivated in investing in real estate, I keep watching house and condo tour in YouTube. Doing this is my simple strategy to inspire myself more. Every time I watched something about real estate, it helped me in a way not to give up even if it feels like it will take too long for me to achieve something like that. I know that time will come that I’ll be able to become a real estate owner like them. I just need to trust myself and focus on what I started.

Not only in real estate, this year I wanted to invest on my career. Now that I’m about to reach my second year in my workplace, I’m hoping that I’ll have a good change for this year. Not that I’m hoping for it, but I know that I deserve something good out of all the things I’d put in the period that I’m in the company. If ever I won’t be able to seek any progress in my current company, I’ll try to look for a job that will be ideal for me. For the mean time, I need to work on in gaining credentials and certifications so that I’ll be equipped with the qualifications that they need.

In this month, I’m planning to do two specific task which is to gain another food safety certificate and also update my Linked In profile. Let’s just say that this is my first steps to achieve the credentials that I need for this year. Since there’s no seminars and trainings that are issued by our current company, I’ll just look into it online so that at least I can have one.  


Most of my training and Diplomas last year are from Alison Online Certification. Although I only have the digital certificate of all the trainings I’d done, I do think that it will still be counted. Hopefully I’ll have an extra cash this year so that I can at least purchase the two diplomas I currently have. Now for this month, I’ll look for other online certifications with the same training offers.

The following website below are the ones that I checked which offers an online course for free:

  1. https://www.cocoms.co.uk/ Food Hygiene Training/ Food Safety Training Level 2
  2. Edx.org Nutrition & Health: Food Safety
  3. https://www.food.gov.uk/ Online Food Safety training

For me not to be pressured in taking certifications, I planned to take the online course every Thursday so that I can take a total rest on my Day off. By doing this, I can somehow feel in learning rather than seeing it as a task that I just need to finish.


It has been a year of no update in my Linkedin account. Now that I’ll make this year as another career growth for me, I need to ready all of the things that is connected to my credentials and that is my CV, resume and Linkedin account. I need to make it more professional and ensure that all of my certifications are there so that I can be confident enough to apply in a supervisory position that I aim for this year.

While working in my credentials this year, one thing that I need to work on is my own confidence. I need to be confident enough in presenting myself and be professional so that I can earn the acknowledgement of the people around me. I need to be the one that they need so that it won’t be easy for them to let me go. I know that as I built myself, I need to believe also on the things that I deserve. I need to be strong enough to continue what I had started and prove to them the efforts that I’d been giving in the company.


Last year, I was able to complete a total of six videos line up for the year 2022. Since the weather is ideal for an outdoor shoot, I planned to make most out of it so that we can be consistent in uploading vlogs to our YouTube channel. The motif of our channel is travel and lifestyle. I already ready everything such as the thumbnail, description, about the channel and the playlist. By doing that, it will be easy for us to upload videos based on its theme. The lineup vlogs for this month are the following:

  1. CINEMATIC 4K | EXPLORE QATAR: Msheireb Downtown Doha
  2. QATAR 🇶🇦| [HIS VLOG] Learning to Rollerblade for the FIRST TIME!
  3. QATAR 🇶🇦| [OUR VLOG] Sisig Cravings at night!

I’m also focusing in making aesthetic vlog by using an editing app which my partner made a subscription. Since the FIFA world cup will also happen this year, I think that it will be the right time for us to vlog here in Qatar. I’d been seeing a couple vlogs here but it’s quite minimal compare to Philippines. That’s why we decided to start it by now so that we can eventually gain viewers from different countries.

For this month, we would like to set a certain goal for our YouTube account which is to get at least 25 subscribers and 200 total views for this month of January. It may look little but I just wanted to set what is attainable since we’re still just starting. Who knows, let’s just see what will happen next in this channel. I will also have a monthly tracker of it so that I can be aware of my progress.


For my Instagram account, I planned to be more active by sharing more updates especially in my reels. I noticed that last year, my reels updates helped me to reach more accounts in Instagram. Some of my updates hit almost 3,000 views and I also gained more followers from it. In this month I planned to upload four times a week so that I can be more active on it. I will also use this platform to promote our YouTube channel so that we can have more engagements.


This blog has been doing well since I started it last 2020. Using the illustrations I made for the blogs, it helped it to draw more visitors and readers. Now that my blog’s focus this year are about my goals, I decided to stop sharing it on my Facebook account. I just wanted to be lowkey until I’m on my halfway to my goals. By then, I need to be discrete about it and just share blogs about poetry and self-care.

For this month, my goal is to have at least a total of six posts with a minimum of 100 viewers. One thing that I need to do also is to double my efforts in making quality blogs so I can secure advance updates. I should at least prepare four blogs that will cover two weeks post so that I won’t be pressured updating it.


Another account that I’ll be focusing on this year is my Tiktok account. I found out that this social media platform is one of the easiest ways to gain followers. Now that we started our YouTube Channel, I think that this will be the ideal way to promote it. My partner is also having a lot of followers and we wanted to take advantage of it to share our channel to them. In my case, I need to double my efforts more in updating it so that I can achieve a thousand of followers for this year.

For this month, my goal is to reach 600 followers and update a minimum of six videos. To give a glimpse of my account, here’s the top post for the month of December:

Another month officially started and now I am ready to aim for the goals that I’d been planning for this year. Starting this month I will start to take few steps closer to my goals by achieving all that I can do today. Challenges will surely be there and I know I may fail some of it, but it won’t let me back down. No matter what happen, I will continue to have a positive mindset and never let negative things consume me.

I will see every single day as an opportunity for me to do better as I continue to focus on things that I must do. It will be a big adjustment for me for sure and it may take time for me get use to the sudden shift of mindset, but regardless of that, I need to be strong enough to handle all the pressures that will be with me in this year.


As I start the first month of the year 2022, I will surely make this year full of blessings and good opportunity for me. I will continue to track my progress every month to remind me my status in my goals for this year. May this blog be an inspiration to the rest and use it as their sign to pursue all the things that they just dreaming before.

Let’s both do it together!

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About Me

Hi, I am Lea Pearl

Working employee wherein blogging became my side hobby.
Creator of Living Her Own Life which aims to touch people’s heart and inspire them to achieve their own goals in life.
Writing has been my passion for almost 15 years. Last 2020, I made my very own website where I can share all of my thoughts and stories in life.

On the Blog