Next Time It Will Be Me 

Everyone around me found their own happiness,

While looking at them I felt a bit of sadness.

I asked myself when it will be the right time for me?

When will my efforts and sacrifices can be guarantee?

I suddenly close my eyes and just feel the moment,

While assuring myself on all of my achievements.

Thinking that everything will come in its own way,

And in that process, I should not let myself breakaway.

The people around me continuously cheer me up,

While I endlessly run towards the top.

Reminding me that I’m never alone in this path,

Because they will always be here with me even until the aftermath.

I gradually realized the meaning of our own journey,

It doesn’t really answer the question of “When it will be me?”

It’s not about how fast you were able to get there,

And it’s definitely not the reason that “Life is Unfair.”

Upon thinking I tell myself that I’m doing well,

I just need to continue what I started despite of what others tell.

I need to believe in my own ability and live confidently,

And learn to love my own self wholeheartedly.

I learned to understand that one’s journey will never be the same,

Because it all depends on what their life’s aim.

We shouldn’t compare each other experiences,

But we should be the voice of everyone’s positive changes.

Its indeed a beautiful life to live with,

I may have tough times but I will choose to live.

I need to strengthen my core and believe in myself more,

Rebuilt what had broken and repeatedly restore.

Another year will come and chances will be everywhere,

Let’s all welcome it and leave all of our despair.

Blessings will pour on us and eventually we’ll see,

And now I will make it sure that this time it will be me.

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About Me

Hi, I am Lea Pearl

Working employee wherein blogging became my side hobby.
Creator of Living Her Own Life which aims to touch people’s heart and inspire them to achieve their own goals in life.
Writing has been my passion for almost 15 years. Last 2020, I made my very own website where I can share all of my thoughts and stories in life.

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