The past couple of years has been a challenging period for everyone. It didn’t only test our faith, but it also became a turning point of our life. Due to the sudden shift to our life brought by the pandemic, surely a lot of us realized a lot of things. Life became unexpected, nobody knows what future may bring to us. Regardless of being secured, nobody can still be emotionally ready in any sudden changes in our life.
Are you happy?
Do you think that you live your life to the fullest this year?
Do you have any regrets?
Did you achieve your planned goals?
Did you ever give up at some point?
With all the questions above, for sure all of us also experiences challenges and failures in this year. The truth is, it will never be perfect. No matter how hard you try and the sacrifices you invested, things will not all meant for you. So rather than looking forward to reach your goals, it is also important to consider the knowledge and learning you’d experienced throughout that journey. It’s ok to fail, it’s a part of everyone’s learning process. What makes it wrong is if you choose to give up just because you’re afraid of failing.
As we all welcome this year, let’s all look forward to all the things that can help us to develop ourselves. Let’s make it sure that there will be no room for laziness because every day will be filled with productivity. All the failures we had experienced in the past years will be our motivation to strive more on this year. Since we have another month to plan everything for this coming year, let’s all checked the activities that will help us to nurture ourselves.
Here below are some activities that you can do to make your year productive!

From all the benefits we can get from reading books, making this activity part of our daily routine should be a must for 2022. The more we choose to learn every single day, the more we can be equipped with knowledge that can help us in our daily lives. With the continuous advancement of digital world, we can have an access from different books online by simply getting an application for that. One thing that you can also do, is to download a pdf copy of the book so that you can read it even if you’re offline. If you can’t find the book that you’re looking for, you can simply borrow from libraries around your place if you’re planning to save money.
We have a lot of means to add this activity in our day-to-day activity. Rather than spending most of our time in social media, reading books will give us more benefits than that. If you don’t have any idea what books will suit your taste, you can simply decide first on the genre that will help you to be more inspired and motivated. You can also check some blogs regarding top inspirational books for the year that is well recommended by many.

Set Monthly Goals.
For sure you already have something in your mind about your goals for this upcoming year. As you slowly complete the goals you want to achieved, you can break It down into your monthly goals to make sure that you’re making progress. By doing this, it will be a good strategy for anyone who have long term goals. Like for example, if you set a financial goal of P500,000.00 this 2022, you can simply divide it two twelve months which can give you a total of P41,667.00 target savings every month. This will make your goals looks easy and attainable on your part.
Now in establishing goals you need to consider the following: SMART

Specific. Having a clear and precise goals can help you plan your strategy in making it possible. The broader it is, the more it will feel like unattainable for you. In planning specific goals, one thing than can help you is to use the following questions:
Who will be involved in this goal?
When do I need to start it?
What do I want to achieve this year?
Why are these goals important?
Measurable & Attainable. Having measurable goals can help you to set the right strategies and at the same time track your progress. This is when you ask yourself on “How can the work be done?”. You need to asses your current limitations and consider the challenges that may affect the results. As long as you define the variables that you need to consider in planning your goals, that’s when the time you can move forward.
Relevant. Knowing the importance of your goals will help you to be more motivated in achieving it. The more you know how that goal matters in your life, the more you can set the right strategy for you to attain it. In
Time–bound. In having goals, it is very important to have a right schedule and a target date for each. This will help you to know the necessary things that you need to work on and at the same time ensure that you’re working towards your goals. By having a target date, it will serve us your reminder to focus on making that goal happen.

Assess your progress.
One of the most effective way to be more motivated in reaching your goals is if you can see your progress. For you to know your progress, you should first do a tracker of each of your goals where you can always check and assess your development. One thing you can do is to have a monthly assessment of your goals based on the trackers that you made for each. Here below is an example of what your goal process should be.
Goals-Target Date of Completion- Strategy to achieve it- Break down of long-term to Short-term Goals- Tracker of Progress- Monthly/Quarterly/ Yearly Assessment ROUND

By using this process, anyone can ensure that they can track their own progress. Rather than making something without a plan, take a moment to consider all of these aspects that will greatly help you to achieve what you’re dreaming of.

Small wins count. It is very important to acknowledge all of your efforts and sacrifices in achieving your goal. Often times, we usually neglect the things that we deserved thinking that there will be a right time for us to savor the results of our sacrifices. Because of this, we tend to take ourselves for granted and put it as our least priority.\
Now as this new year start, all of us should consider ourselves to be one of our priorities. This will be the right time for us to give ourselves what we really deserve after all of what happened in the past. Selflove will be one of our targets for this year and we’ll make is sure that we’ll make ourselves happy like how we wanted to be.

One of the best things that you can do in this year is to move yourself out from toxic environment. Rather than tolerating it and just suffer in the process, build your courage up and leave that place. You can never fix yourself if you’re in the same place that drains you. Take a step back and choose a place that will help you to grow.
For sure it requires courage to do it since we tend to stay in our own comfort zone while fearing the unknown. The more you failed to see all the red flags, the more it will be hard to you to take that big decision. Never let yourself be blinded on what you perceived. Consider everything that’s happening around you and slowly unfold what’s best for you.
Do it for yourself!
Just because you go, it doesn’t mean that you owe them explanation. What’s done is done. The moment you conclude your decision and seek a better place for you, will be the best choice of your life that you’ll always be proud of.

Since this upcoming year will be more of self-love, it is very important that starting today, you should plan different activities that will support that goal. With the use of advance technology, you can easily look for activities that you prefer. Once you have a list of the things that you think you can achieve for this year, plan it accordingly to your preference. It will be ideal if you can make a schedule of every task so you can make sure that you’ll really work on it.
Here below are some healthy activities that you can choose to do in this coming year:

Looks exciting right? If you have anything that you’d been looking forward doing since you were a kid, maybe this is the right time for you to it. Plan, and make it happen!

Live life to the fullest!
Last but not the least is to make it sure that you’ll enjoy this year. Create more unforgettable memories, make more friends, discover yourself more and travel to your dream place! There’s a lot of things that you can do for yourself and the only thing you need to do is to make it happen this year.
Let go of what restricts you to bloom. Learn how to get rid of unnecessary things and to focus on what you want to become. Another year means another chance for you to be a better version of yourself. We need to make most out of this moment while making memories with the right people around us. We should never fear a change in our life but we should take it as a great opportunity for us.

Time passes by so fast. As we all continue our chosen journey, let’s all welcome this upcoming year with goals that will help us to develop ourselves. Now, we will not let our restrictions cease our dreams like before. There will be no room for giving up because failures will gives us strength to carry on. The fear in every decisions that we’ll make will be the sign that we choose the right one. We will not settle for comfort but continue to challenge ourselves for the better.

Whatever decisions you have today will have a great impact in your future. Because of that, you need to ensure what’s important for you and the things that you should end. Losing people is a part of that. As we grow up, a lot of connections will end at the same time. The truth is, not all are meant to stay in your life. We should be very wise in accepting things that are not meant for us rather than resisting on it. Some people stand for a sole purpose in your life, if ever the time for them to go is there, let it happen. It’s all about keeping the memories and learnings in every person you met in your journey. Even for the toxic people around you, they serves a certain purpose which is for you to know the one who’s worth to keep, and the one whom you need to give up.
The following activities above are just some things that you can do to make you year more meaningful. Like I always say, “It is better to focus on things that you can control”. So before this year officially end, let’s all plan a very productive year for all of us! This time, it will be more of Self Discovery and Self Development.

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