A lot of things happen in this month. My days are filled with a lot of activities that helped me to became more active. I learned to focus on good things and prevent myself in dwelling in my own negative thoughts. Although there’s some challenges happened, I was able to surpass it in the end. As I continue to spend the rest of the months this year, I will push myself to achieve all the goals that I’d planned.

Upon looking back to all the things happened this year, I can’t help to feel proud of myself. I never imagined that I can achieve something that I felt like impossible to do. I became better in so many ways from my decisions, plans and thoughts. I can now slowly see my progress which I just dream before. Though 2020 became a challenging year for me, this year 2021 became the good starting point to all the new plans I did.
For these two remaining months, I will keep rooting in my goals as I make my new plans for this upcoming year. I will make used of these remaining days to be more productive and finish the things that I had started. Now going back in this month of October, here are the things that I realized:

For me, you can not only learn from what you’d experienced. The experiences of all the people around you, can also be a good way to assess and learn from it. We should just choose to see the bigger picture of everything and apply it to ourselves. By doing this, one can prevent the same thing to happen in their lives. Now for the rest of my goals, here’s a review of each and the status I’m in after ten months of pursuing it.
From financial up to personal goals, everything will all be reviewed here hoping that it will inspire you to do the same.

My 2021 Financial Goals

For the month of October, I’d spent more than my expense budget for my personal wants. I know I was overwhelmed about the money that I have right now and ended up spending a lot. Although most of the items I purchased are what I really needs, I still feel bad using more than what I must spend.
I recalculate everything and gladly my savings wasn’t affected. This is maybe because of the previous months that we’re still in a lockdown and I didn’t spend any amount intended for my expenses. Now I only have two more months to save for all my financial goals. As of now, I can say that I’m still on track and my savings are all going well.
Here’s the illustration below on where my money goes for this month:

For this year, I already save the payment for my insurance and investment. The amount I put in this fund will be good until July 2022, so all I need to do is to ready again my savings for next year. I already made a financial budget for 2022 since I added my SSS premium payment. Now I just need to focus first on achieving my emergency fund and business fund budget for this year 2021.
Since there are three insurance that I have right now, my budget has been very intact and I need to strictly follow it. This is to ensure that the amount intended for all of my savings’ fund are right and updated. I just hope and pray that there will be a good opportunity this coming year so I can save more.
As of now, here’s the current status of my long-term savings funds:

As of this month of October, I still achieved the amount I planned for my business fund regardless of having more expenses. Now I have two more months to secure my target amount which is P195,000 and I’m pretty sure that I can do it if there’s no emergency situations that will happen. All I’m praying is to achieve my planned one house rental unit next year so that I can feel more relaxed.
Once I start this business, I know it will be easy for me to acquire more assets in the future. All I need to do is to take this big step and everything will go well. As I take this big risk, for sure challenges will be there. It may inhibit me to dream for more or may give me the feeling of giving up but one thing I’ll ensure is I promise myself not to succumb to it. I’ll choose to give my all to pursue it and if it’s not really meant for me, then I’ll just venture in other opportunities.
Giving up will never be an option for me. I will continue to look and make an opportunity for me.

Since I’m saving again for my emergency fund due to the sudden needs of my family this year, that made my budget for the rest of the month tight. I need to lessen all of my expenses so that I can reach the target amount for this fund which is 5000 Qar. Although I used it all up for my family, It helped me in a way that the rest of my savings are all updated. Now I have two more months to save for it and hopefully I can achieve it soon.
As of this month of October, I only saved 675 qar which is around P9,112.5. I just need to secure around 2025 qar for two more months so I can be cleared in this fund.

As of now, the amount in my local bank account is only my business fund & emergency fund. Since I’m currently focusing in building my emergency fund right now, I planned to start building my leisure fund for next year. I think this plan is ideal because I will have my vacation on 2022. I also have plans like to have a short trip around nearby countries here in Qatar like Georgia, Jordan, Turkey and many more. Just by thinking of it, I feel so excited to save and make it happen.
Hopefully next year once I settled all the savings funds I have, I can start to save up for my leisure purposes.

In this table you can see the summary of amounts I save and spent for the month of October. As of this month, I can say that my savings are all doing well except my emergency fund which I need to focus on in these coming months.

As we end this month, I can conclude that this is the most productive period of this year. As I develop my attitude in managing my time well and also invest in self-care activities, my days became more productive. From being lazy, I learned to work on things that I lacked. I realized that if you really wanted to pursue something, you should be passionate and dedicated to do it. Your attitude will be the driving force on whatever you’d planned so you should properly develop it first.
Everything will be a long process for anyone who wanted to be a better version of their own selves. They should not fear to take risk and work on their plans devotedly. As I slowly accomplish everything, I wanted to share this journey to the rest. I indeed took time to develop everything, but in the end of it everything is wort it. Here below is the self-care routine I did this month:

Let’s now see if I was able to accomplished all of the short-term goals I did for myself and at the same time what I had planned for this month of November.

For 10 months working on myself, I can say that I’d done a pretty good job in developing my habits. A lot of things had happened but as I focus on my growth, I can clearly see the changes that had taken place. I feel so proud and happy for achieving the goals I just planned before. At first, I’d never thought that I have the capability to achieve these simple goals. It feels so hard and impossible, but now I’m almost on my way to mark it as “Done”. Gladly I never give up on doing these things which I thought very impossible to do, but like what the famous quote says “If it fears you, do it.”
Now I have two more months to officially achieved all my plans! I can’t wait to share my success to all of you hoping that it will inspire you to do the same!
Now for us to review all my accomplishments in this month, here are the activities I did for my self-development.

Now let’s go back to my personal goals progress.

As of October 2021, I’d officially finished four trainings and two diploma certifications! Isn’t it amazing? The list of all of it are stated below:
- Food Safety and Hygiene in the Catering Industry
- Hospitality Management – Health and Safety in Food Service – Revised
- ISO 22000:2018 – Elements of Food Safety Management System (FSMS)
- Diploma in Events Management
- Micros Opera- Reservation
- Diploma in Operations Management
Since I’d finished the following trainings mentioned above, I think that those are more than enough for this year. To sum it up, I’d done six training and diploma certification for this year. Since I planned to target managerial role in the future, I need to invest more on this and at the same time push myself to be consistent.
Here below is my career plan so you can also have an idea for yourself:

Last September I added a walking exercise in my daily routine. It continued until October and we also added a 40 minutes jogging/brisk walking every morning at 6am. Upon doing this activity, I can feel the change on myself. My focus and concentration became better and I feel more active than before. Even though it’s quite hard to wake up at 6am in my first week, I was able to adjust my body clock right away and it now became a good habit for me.
To give you a glimpse of what I did this October, here’s the workout plan that I did every day.

Here’s my current progress of my workout + meal plan routines.

Now for this month of November, I’ll focus on maintaining my weight and engage in cardio exercises since I’m low blood. By doing this, it will help me to normalized my blood pressure but at the same time taking nutritious meal and supplements together with it.
1st Workout Plan (Hard Exercise)
30 Minutes Walking Exercise
20-30 Minutes HIIT/Cardio Exercise
Target Exercise
2nd Workout Plan (Soft Exercise)
Looking back on my past self, I never thought that I will be very productive like this. This journey became my starting point to achieve the ideal self that I’d been hoping for so long. I’ll never achieve this if I didn’t take the risk on changing myself for the better. With the help of right people around me, I made all my plans possible. Now I can see how I develop my confidence and self-esteem.
I feel like a new better version of myself now.
By doing all of this, I came to understand the importance of discipline and consistency. Without these two things, one can easily give up whatever they’re planning. The tendency will be is it will only stay as a plan since no consistent actions take place. This blog is the evidence of my growth. I started everything in zero and came all the way up to achieve all of it. I may not achieve all of them, I still considered everything as a success since I learned a lot from it.

Last September I ended my low-calorie diet which was introduced to me by my sister. For this month of October, I just maintained my weight and engage more in cardio exercises. In the course of doing the low-calorie diet, I observed that I easily get full unlike before. I don’t have that much cravings anymore and I’d avoided eating in fast food. I learned to control everything upon doing this calorie diet for two months. I can say that this diet is effective in achieving the ideal weight you want to have.
For this whole year starting from 54 kg, I loss almost 6-7 kg with the help of consistent exercise and low-calorie diet. Being consistent played a big role in achieving this target weight. So even I already reached my ideal weight, I will still continue to do my workout and make sure that I eat healthy foods.
Below is my meal plan for the first four months:
- 16/8 Intermittent Fasting – 10am to 6pm (Eating Period)
- First Meal- One type of fruit, Boiled Egg (Only Egg Whites) and Laban
- Second Meal (Lunch)- Coffee, two pieces breads and, Boiled Egg (Only Egg Whites)
- Third Meal (Dinner)- 3 Tbsp rice and Vegetable Dish
- Friday- Cheat Day
Below is my updated meal plan in this coming month:
Recommended Daily Intake
- Breakfast (9:00)- Boiled Egg/Fruits/Muesli
- Lunch (12:00)- Coffee, One Piece bread
- Snack (15:00)- Fruits
- Dinner (before 19:00)- I cup rice and Vegetable /Meat Dish
- Friday- Cheat Day
Daily Average Intake: 890 KCAL

For this month of October, I only visited one place which is Katara. I went there with my cousin on the last week of October and because of that, I can’t blog about it and just decided to do it on November. Since I already have the idea on the things that I need to work on, it became easy for me to took the pictures I need for the blog.
We also did some portrait shot for both of us and here are some of it:

Travelling became one of my stress relief activities for this year. I always feel happy every time I go into new place and learn about the story behind it. As I spend my almost five years here in Qatar, I feel like travelling will always be a great option to unwind and reboot ourselves. As I discover each place history, I feel like going back to the past and it gives me a sense of nostalgia.
I’m not sure where will I be few years from now, but one thing I will always do is to explore every place I can. I will use this time to create memories which I can tell to my future kids.

This month has been a busy yet productive time for me. My days are all pack with healthy activities that makes me feel active the whole day. Due to this, I was able to control my social media activities by minimizing my time using it. Regardless of being so productive, I still find time to do things that I want, like watching movies, updating my social media accounts and also having my own lazy time.
One thing that I also learned this month is on how to properly balance everything. I can now see how I changed my unhealthy habits like spending a lot of time in my social medias into something that will benefit me more. I became more disciplined this month and I feel so proud of this small success!

For the month of October, I succeeded on posting a total of six blogs which didn’t reach my monthly target which is seven. This is due to the late travel blog which I decided to post next month. Even though I can see the low readers account, I still feel motivated to pursue this blog. For me this is my digital story that I can share to my future kids. Whatever I blogged tells about my wonderful journey in achieving my goals.
- October Goals Review- Life Journey
- Insane- Unspoken Poetry
- Save to be safe: 10 Years Retirement Plan Live to Inspire
- 7 Different Ways on How I Create a Life that I Love- Life Journey
- Deserved End– Unspoken Poetry
- Ideal Morning Habits to Maximize your Day– Live to Inspire
No matter how many readers I’ll have, I’ll continue to do this hobby of mine. This will serve like my diary which hopes to inspire those few who reads this. Small things can be considered big to someone else. This inspirational blog will choose to continue to exist until I’m living, and this is my promise to all of you.

In this month of October, I can say that I’d been very active in all of my social media accounts. Because of that I feel more confident to share more of my activities unlike before. As of now, I still need to be more active in updating my Instagram feed and Instagram reels. As of September 19, the total content interactions is 509 with a total +1.7% increase of followers. I can say that reels and Tiktok helped me to increased my Instagram content interactions. I will continue to share more content so I can reach even a minimum of 1000 followers at the end of this year.
Content & Insights Summary

You can check my posts and reels by clicking this link <leapearl_14>.

For this month, I’d shared only few posts in this social media account. I’d updated more on the Facebook story and only a couple of post in my feed. Mostly the posts that I shared are from my blogs. Since I’d been pre-occupied with a lot of physical activities nowadays, I failed to constantly update here. Hopefully I can upload more pictures soon since I’ll have some travel trips this month.
As of October 20, the total followers I have is 1,201 with a total of five uploaded posts from my blog.
I know I keep failing on being consistent in updating some of my social media account. Now, as I focus myself on gaining more interactions, I need to double my efforts in putting quality contents in my Facebook account.

As I officially been active here for three months in my new Pinterest account, I was able to published more images and at the same time blogs in this application, I reached almost 2,930 monthly viewers which is higher than the last month 2,200 viewers count! Although I’m still yet to gain more followers, I still feel happy that others find my pins interesting. Some of my pins also received saves and outbound clicks!
Now I need to push myself in updating this account so I can drive traffic for my other social media accounts. Let’s do it!
You can check my Pinterest account here <Lea Pearl Manongdo>

It was last month when I decided to be back on Tiktok. Since this platform is one of the best ways to draw interactions for other of my social media accounts, I became dedicated to post more here. Last month I planned to give myself a one day for me to make contents. It was hard at first since I need to wake up early and at the same time practice the steps, but it was worth it in the end since my followers had doubled since then!
I also did collaboration with my boyfriend and I feel happy that we’re both doing well in this platform. I will double effort for these coming months so that I can somehow gain 500 followers before the end of the year!
@leapearl_14 Love Nwantiti [DC: @itsjustnifee] #tiktok #fypシ #foryou #dance #dancehallenge #trending #viral #tiktokqatar #dance
♬ sonido original – Felipe Lázaro (Tu Valentino)
@leapearl_14 Don’t go yet @camilacabello✨! [DC: @billycalasang] #tiktokqatar #dance #viral #trending #dancehallenge #fyp #dontgoyet #camilacabel #tiktokphilippines🇵🇭
♬ Dont Go Yet Camila Cabello – Billy Calasang
@leapearl_14 Eenie Meenie🔥 [DC: @austinonggg] #tiktok #foryou #fypシ #viral #trending #dance #dancechallenge #tiktokqatar #Qatar
♬ Eenie Meenie – Austin Ong
Content & Insights Summary

As of this month of October, we had already scheduled one video which we took in Msheireb Downtown Doha on January 2022. We planned to work for more quality videos that we can save as draft so that we can have a consistent video upload on our channel. What I planned is to purchase one camera that I can also use so that, me and my boyfriend can have more videos at the same time.
As we decided to come up with our own YouTube account, we need to be eager in putting our best effort on it. This platform will tell our story as we achieved our dreams and goals as a partner. It will require a lot of patience and efforts but one thing for sure is we will always choose to work for it.

To tell you honestly, I’m quite pressured yet excited to all the activities that I must do. With all the plans in my head right now, I feel so motivated to achieve all of it. It pushed me to exert my best effort in achieving a very productive day. I can say that I’m becoming happier with all of these activities that I’m just planning before.
Truly if you work on something passionately, it will reward you in so many ways. As I focus more on my self-growth this year, I feel more fulfilled and complete. It gave me a lot of opportunities to discover myself and go beyond on what I can do. I realized that I can do more than I can expect, and this became a good start for me. As I continue to walk on my chosen journey, I promise to myself that I’ll never give up and continue what I had started.