6 Different Ways on How I Create a Life that I Love 

With these current challenges that we are facing today, we surely find it very hard to adapt and be accustom to the sudden changes that the pandemic had bought us. Others went back to zero while the rest are trying to win back what they’d wasted when their plans put on halt. While we are all striving in our lives right now, it is very important to live a kind of life that we love.

For me to be able to achieve a kind of life that I love, I decided first to stop all the things that affects me negatively. From people, environment and unhealthy practices, I put everything to stop for me to focus on things that will help me positively.

This step is very essential for anyone who wanted to change their lives. The only way for us to focus on the good things is to take out all the negative things that we are used to do. Once we’re capable enough to let go of it, that time it will be easy for anyone to adapt in activities that they plan to add in their lives. Now the question is,

Are you ready to let it all go?

Once attitude can’t be changed suddenly, it takes effort and consistency for us to do it. Of course, it became already a part of our practices, so it will surely take time to get rid of it. In this regard, it is very important that everyone should be passionate on getting rids of their unhealthy habits. We should be aware of our negative actions for us to determine things that we should stop.

Here are three simple tips that I did before planning a life that I will surely love:

1. Write it down. One of the things that can help you determine easily the things you want to get rid of is by writing all of it. This is for you to have a clear distinction of each and at the same time be aware of the things that you planned to change.

2. Accept and let it go. Once you are aware of the things that negatively affects you, you should accept every single thing (even your worst attitude) so that you can be more passionate in doing necessary actions to change it.

3. Make an action. Upon acknowledging everything, this is now the time to do things that will help you to get rid of it. It may take time but you need to be consistent on that and ensure that every day is a work in progress for you. Everything you planned can be achieved if you’re passionate and consistent on it.

Upon doing these steps, I started to came up with things that I can work on. I wanted to see every day as an opportunity to grow and develop myself more. By doing this I won’t feel regretful because I know that I did something that will help me to be a better version of myself. Here are the following things that I always make sure to consider in planning my day:

I always find peace in planning and working on my goals. Every single day, I always make sure that I had somehow did something for me to be closer to it. As I make my goals, what I did is to make a short-term goal of each which I can do on a daily basis. This is for me to ensure that I’m working on it and at the same time making it all happen. Since having a big goal requires big efforts as well, it is very important that we have the right strategy for us to achieve it.

Goals-Timeline- Break it down to smaller goals- Take an action

Goal will always just a mere goal if you won’t work for it. Nobody will do it for you thus you need to work it out by your own. You need to be passionate enough and be consistent to achieve positive results. If ever you won’t be able to achieve something that you’d been dreaming of, just think of that journey you’d been through because for sure, you will learn a lot from it. Most of the time, the journey is more important than the goal itself. We all need to be positive in every way for us to avoid negative feelings that we may feel in failing to achieve it.

Having good finances will help you to be at ease in any challenges that the future may bring you. As I welcome this year, one thing that I prioritized is having a savings enough for my future business, investment, insurance, retirement fund and emergency funds. I made sure that I set a certain amount of money for each so that I can reach my target amount this year.

Here’s the step-by-step process I did for me to set and work on my financial freedom goal:

I always feel happy every time I reached my monthly target. It gives me a sense of peace knowing I am financially secured no matter what happen. For me, to live a kind of life that I love, I think that we need also to consider our financial capabilities. We should focus on saving and growing our assets in our early working days so that we can be secured as soon as possible.

Being productive is one of my top priorities in this year. As long as my day will be filled with activities that will help me to develop all aspect of myself, I can always say that it’s a very productive day. For me to be able to achieve an ideal day for me, I did a daily routine that I need to follow which consist of activities that will help my physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspect.

I always see to it that my day will not be put into waste. I always pray and ensure that somehow there’s something productive happen to me every single day. This had helped me a lot in being active and at the same time influence the people around me. In my 9th month of aiming a productive day, I had observed that I became more eager to work on my goals and at the same time be active. It helped me in so many ways and wished that I can influenced more people to do the same.

It is very important that we give time for our own self. I know that it’s one of what we usually least prioritized because we always think that there will be always next time. Rather than engaging in activities that can makes us feel better, we often drag ourselves to its limits. I’d been there and I know that I’m guilty of all my bad habits in the past. As I realized every unhealthy habit I did, I make it a point that this time my main focus will be nurturing myself more.

I started a lot of things this year like doing workout, making my own night skin care routine, yoga, meditation and many more. As I invest more on myself, I regain my self-confidence back again. Although it will still take time for me to fully overcome my anxiety, I will continuously work on to achieve all of it.

One of the rules that me and my colleague/friend came up is to avoid having conversation regarding work. As soon as we arrived on our home, we should stop ourselves on opening topics about work. This is for us to get rid of unnecessary work-related stress that may affect us. As we made this step, it helped us in organizing our time and not to overwork ourselves in unhealthy conversations.

Once we put our limit on our work time and personal stuffs, our day became more productive unlike before. The excitement of starting the day is there because we now look forward in a lot of productive things to do. Rather than focusing it in negative things that will just makes us stress, we mastered now a strategy to help us in overcoming it.

I also incorporated activities that will help us to divert my thoughts like watching documentaries, going back to dancing and choosing the right people around me. For me, having the right people with you is the key to have a healthy environment to live with. I realized that it’s ok to cut off connection to those people who just drag you down.

There’s no wrong in choosing you’re wellbeing.

To be a blessing and a good example to others will always gives you a sense of happiness. The beauty of giving them hope and inspirations is like extending your capabilities to help them reach their goals as well. As I welcome the year and aim for a productive day, I also pray and hope that the people around will be inspired to do the same as well.

Since I was a kid, I wanted to be a good example to everyone. I wanted them to be inspired on what I do and be their sign that everything is possible if you have God with you. I pray that everyone will not let their own restrictions win over what they really hope for. As I strive to achieve my goals in life, I hope that everyone will be with me to chase their own dreams as well.

Having this activity as one of my priority every day, it helps me to reach out more to the rest. Their success makes me happier and more motivated to do the same to the rest. It became part of my daily goal to share inspiration and positivity that helped me to bridge connection to the people around me.

For sure everyone defines an ideal life in different ways. Since this is a personal matter which can only be decided by us, I think that we should all consider having a life that we wanted for us to feel more productive. We should always look forward on what the day will bring and keep that excitement consistently.

Every single day is a rare chance for us to be a better version of ourselves. May we all continue to strive to reach our goals and at the same time inspire others to do the same. The perfect time to do it is right now. Win over your excuses and do something today that can benefit you forever.

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Hi, I am Lea Pearl

Working employee wherein blogging became my side hobby.
Creator of Living Her Own Life which aims to touch people’s heart and inspire them to achieve their own goals in life.
Writing has been my passion for almost 15 years. Last 2020, I made my very own website where I can share all of my thoughts and stories in life.

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