Since a kid, I’d been dreaming a lot of stuffs and believing that someday I will eventually achieve it. The hardships and challenges I experienced, serves as a turning points in my life that made me who I am right now. Though I can’t compare it to other’s experiences, one thing I know is that, everyone had this challenging period that they will always remember. Now, the question is…
What’s the reason behind my eagerness to achieve my goals in life?
For sure everyone of us has our own driving force behind every action we make. It’s like a thing that keeps us burning and continue our chosen journey despite of the challenges we’ll encounter. It’s like looking forward to what we will learned along the way and not fearing the mistakes we’ll do.
In the course of meeting new people, they often told me how mature I am in thinking my priorities despite of my young age. They usually told me that I worked like a mother of three children based on how I managed my finances. Although sometimes that made me think that maybe I’m too stuff with responsibilities that I’m not yet to have, but I eventually just realized that that’s just who I am.
I found comfort in managing my life well. I always think that every moment and days count, thus, I need to be wise on every decision I make. As soon as I graduated, it became a habit of mine to plan my day and set my yearly goals. These things made me more inspired and motivated as soon as I wake up. I always believe that having a productive day will help me to get closer to my goals in life.
Now, without further ado, here’s the things that keeps me going and the reason behind my eagerness to achieve whatever I dream of:

Every one of us are prone to judgements. Whatever you do, others will always say something good or bad about it. As I experienced this kind of challenge, it became a continuous test of my beliefs and patience in understanding all of it. Before, I think that I need to please everyone around me thinking that they just hope for my wellbeing. But in the course of doing that in a long run, I eventually felt like I’m not living according to what I prefer anymore.
It became a controlling environment that made me lost my identity. I found myself obeying to others, thinking that it will be good for me. Although some of them really helped me on who I am right now, the rest gave me a toxic feeling that made me very cautious until now.
The experienced that other’s judgement brought me became a good revelation in my life. I realized that it is very important to live your own life, not because of what the society requires you or others tell you, but you need to live your life according to who you are.
Judgements will always be there present in our lives. Wherever we go, it will always follow us. We should just carefully think of those judgements and filter the statements that will help us to be a better version of ourselves. We can use that to be an inspiration for us to strive more and ensure that we won’t keep the lingering negativity in our heart.
Listen, Filter, Accept, Use & Let go.
Carefully listen on what others says about you.
Filter the things that you think seems right.
Accept it and evaluate yourself.
Use it as an inspiration for you to change for the better.
Let go of the negative feelings.

Anything I plan, I always asked God for a sign. It serves as a cue not to fear anything since for me, it’s a God’s “Go Signal” to pursue it. I learned to see every blessing that I received as a sign that I’m doing well. Every people I met who gave me strength and wisdom stand as an inspiration to give my best in everything I do. The eagerness that I have right now is the driving force which I got from all the experiences, blessings and inspirations that God showed to me.
I came to realized that whatever we received, we need to give back in a way that may help others. We should lift them up like how He held us along our own journey. The blessings and inspirations we received should enlighten others the same way it did to us. For me the only way I can tell myself that I’m successful and complete is when the people around me is successful as well.
Anyone can be a blessing or an inspiration to everyone.
As we continue our lives, we should learn to share whatever we can to the rest. A simple “smile” and “hello” can means a lot to anyone. You can be anyone’s hope and their success will be your success that will surely keep wherever you go.

It really means a lot when someone cheers and support you in every plan you make. Those people who will be genuinely there for you in any challenges you have, the one who will be constant even you’ll fail repeatedly, and the one who’ll choose to stay no matter what happen.
As I embark in this journey, I met a lot of people along the way. Some stays while others are just meant to be temporary. By having them with me until now, I realized that no matter how few it will be, one person who believes in me is more than enough for me to go on. I realized that you don’t need to have a lot of validations for you to continue what you really wanted to do. One is more than enough because a simple cheer from someone will already means a lot for anyone.
For anyone who constantly seeks validation, this is the right time for you to stop it and change the way you think. As we all grow up, we need to accept that not all are meant to stay. We need to be very strong in handling every situation and continue our life regardless of the few people we have.

Giving something that I really deserve will always be worth it. That’s one thing that I realized within almost five years of working toward my goals. Every step I take, serves like a small gift to myself. It’s a reminder that I appreciate every effort that my mind and body exerted in any plans I made. Whatever success I received; I think that it is very important to acknowledge every single thing that I do.
I’d been very guilty before in neglecting what I deserve thinking that there will always be next time. I often failed to see myself as a priority and put everyone else on top of every success that I received. I just think that I don’t deserve it, but I came to realized that I need to love myself as much as I love other people around me.
Self-love isn’t selfish. It’s all about learning to appreciate your own self and never neglect it. And I think this is the most important thing that I learned in this journey.