Things you need to do in your 30’s 

‘Now or Never.”

If you’re still in the same page looking for the next step you need to do, this is the best time for you to realized things that you must work out. If you think that everything will be ok and you tend to rely on what kind of fate God will give you, you better change your mindset and do your part to make your chosen fate possible. Remember that dreams will only stay as dream if you’ll just settle thinking of it. The only way to make it possible is if you do something to be closer to it.

Stop daydreaming and start to change your dreams into reality. Rather than regretting on not doing something that will makes you happy, do something now that your future self will thank you for it.

In your 30’s, for sure there will be a lot of responsibilities that you already have like having your own family, your responsibility to your parents, being a bread winner and many more other things that will make you feel far away from your goals. If because of that, you’ll think that it’s impossible for you to accomplish anything that you’d plan, the first thing that you need to change is your mindset in handling things. Don’t let your responsibilities burden you but use it as a motivation so strive more in your life. If you think that this may sound easy for anyone who doesn’t have responsibility, prove to them that it’s also possible for people like you.


Continuously challenge yourself. If you let fear control your life, you will never know your own capacity. You’re the only one that can limit yourself, no one else.

To give you a glimpse on the basic thing that you must work on and the ideal mindset that you must have, here are some suggestions that you can apply to your life.

Lifestyle & Finances

Am I too late? Nope.

Is it too early? Nope.

There’s no specific age for you to start saving for your retirement, but the most ideal is at the earliest. Ask yourself? Do you prefer working until you get old? Who would want that? Not unless that you’re doing something that you really love, you won’t be able to feel stress and tired doing it. So if you have a chance to save some of your income and put it in a long term investment savings, you’ll be more secured as you grow older.

The assurance will always be there. You won’t feel problematic just in case any financial problem may arise because you know that you’re secured.

One of the things that will make feel more financially secured is if you have multiple sources of income. If you rely in just one source, the more it is risky. Especially if you’re a bread winner in your family, losing your job which is your only source of income will put your whole family at risk.

Discover things that you really love that you think can be a source of income. Like for example if you have a passion in baking, you can start selling cupcakes or breads to your friends and who knows it may boost and turn to another income stream that will help you financially. If you plan to go on bigger projects such as business and real estate, you can simply start building your business fund.

Nobody knows what will happen in their future. Some may live long, while others are meant to stay temporarily. The bigger responsibility you have, the more you need to have an assurance that whatever happens to you, people you’d left will be secured.

Having an insurance will greatly help you on that aspect. Some may take it for granted without knowing the benefits they’ll have, but you as an adult in you 30’s should consider having this.

One thing that may hinder you in achieving your financial goals is your Debt. If you still have debt to settle now, you should finish it first to ensure that you can focus on your other savings. It is also important that you’ll inhibit yourself in having more debts because that will be very hard to get away from it.

Learn more on how money works so you’ll know how debt can be considered a good one.

As we all grow older, we need to consider changing our lifestyle into a healthy one. Why? Simply because our immune system is gradually changing as well and if we hope to live longer, we should take care of ourselves in all aspect.

If you’re a busy person, you can simply check some selfcare ideas that you can do in this blog.

(Ways to get rid of your busy mindset)

(Selfcare ideas for busy individual)

Start hindering yourself in unhealthy habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol. You can engage in something that will divert your thoughts like yoga, workouts and other activities that will help you physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally.


You’re the only one who knows your limit, so don’t let anybody control you. Even though it’s also important to consider other’s opinion, you should somehow feel if it’s for the better or not. You also need to consider your own decisions rather than following what other’s telling you. The truth is, not everyone is hoping for your success. They may help you with small things but they still don’t want you to be greater than them. That’s how it become toxic.

Learn to surround yourself with people who will be genuinely happy for you. Those people who will cheer you up and be with you through ups and down. They may not be always be there present in your life, you’ll still feel happy just by thinking about them.

One thing that all needs to accept is everyone are different. We need to stop ourselves in comparing each other’s lives because we are not born in the same circumstances. As you learn to accept this, you will start to see more positive things around you. You will learn to be more grateful and appreciative in any blessing you received.

Your life will be more fulfilling if you stop this toxic mindset. Focus on the positive things around you and never let negativity consume you.

True happiness is when you see yourself grateful in any challenges that comes to you. It is how you see it as a chance for you to go grow, so rather than giving up, you feel more thankful on experiencing that. Once you are grateful in life, you will not fear any ups and downs that you’ll encounter. You’ll live without fear because you’ll always be complete no matter what happen.

As you become an adult, you need to start filling your mind with positive things. Like other common beliefs, being positive attracts more blessings.

Every single day is a rare chance for us to be a better version of ourselves. It’s a given time for us to use wisely. As we continue our own chosen journey, it is very important that we aim for progress every day. We should not waste this precious moment thinking that there will always be “next time”. You should feel the excitement every start of your day, and looking forward that it will be very productive.

Life is too short to waste in other things. Focus on your goals and the one’s that makes you happy.

As you continue to reach your goals, it is very important to lift others as well. Be an inspiration to everyone and motivate them in their own dreams. Give them hope by sharing your own stories in life. Make them realized that everything is possible if you have the passion to do it and the faith on Him.

Remember that true successful people wish other’s success.

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Hi, I am Lea Pearl

Working employee wherein blogging became my side hobby.
Creator of Living Her Own Life which aims to touch people’s heart and inspire them to achieve their own goals in life.
Writing has been my passion for almost 15 years. Last 2020, I made my very own website where I can share all of my thoughts and stories in life.

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