Are you having trouble being consistent and you can hardly find focus in whatever you are doing?
Do you feel like you don’t have time for yourself because you’re too busy at work?
Do you feel stress and tired as soon as you wake up?
If you answered YES to all these questions, this is the right time for you to change your bad habits. As we all grow up, we need to be mindful in everything that we do. From the food we eat, our lifestyle, finances and ways, all should be carefully considered. Why? Simply because everything that we do today can reflects on our future. It’s a matter on how early someone realized how importance of taking care their own selves physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. If you still think that you won’t be able to accompany more task to your day, just get rid of your excuses and try first before taking down this opportunity.
As you read this blog, you’ll realized simple things that can help you to change your habits into a good one. As you do this consistently you will see your own progress as well. It will become your usual routine that you won’t find yourself to live without it. These simple things can be done at home, so you just need to exert a minimal effort to do it. By following this you can also have a chance to influence the people around you to do the same.
Just think that you’re doing yourself a favor after all that you’d done. YOU DESERVE IT! Have a day for yourself and stop thinking of something else. Give your body, mind and soul what it really deserves. A little bit of selfishness can’t ruin yourself especially if it involves your wellbeing. Don’t be afraid to do it just because you feel bad. The more you suppress yourself on the things it deserves, the more you’ll feel regretful of not doing it when the time comes.
Without further ado here are some selections of things that you can do at your home. Take time to read each so you’ll be able to know the importance of each.
Make your own daily routine (Morning and Night).
Knowing the things that you need to prioritize is very important to prevent wasting your time. If you plan ahead what you’ll do in the whole day, it will help you to clear the things that you need to do efficiently. Moreover, you can also ensure that you’ll have time for yourself since you’d finish all the task in your hand. If you’re a working individual, you can simply make your night routine once your work ends and a whole day routine during your day off.
You can have a simple checklist of your task, or a schedule of each errand to ensure that all of it will be finish on time. Here are some selections of each routine that you can consider on doing:

Start your own home workout.
Health is Wealth! If you tend to keep eating a lot and just regret everything after, you badly need to stop it now. The more you go for your wants, the more it will be hard for you to stop it. Gradually manage your eating habits by keeping tabs of your daily consumption and at the same time your physical activity. This is very important especially if you’re an adult. Why? Simply because as we grow old, the more we are prone to diseases. We need to have a healthy lifestyle accompanied by a daily physical activity that will help us to strengthen our immune system.
Here some simple meal plans and workout activities that you can simply follow and add do your daily routine.

Plan your own travel journey.
To travel and visit beautiful places will always be one of the best choices if you wanted to relax and let go of your stress. If you’re a home buddy, this is the perfect time for you to plan your ideal travel destinations. Plan based on what you love. You can simply visit different café’s if you’re a fan of coffee and milk teas, or restaurants if you prefer savory foods. You can also visit famous tourist spots around your place and slowly go farther once you have the means and time already.
Most of the time in planning, you will find yourself feeling better even without experiencing it. It can give you a sense of excitement since you’ll start to look forward on something that you really like to do. It’s not necessarily to spend a lot of money but the aim of this activity is for you to experience things outside your usual day to day life.
Here are some ideas that you can consider to visit, if you wanted a budget friendly experience:

Start your ideal skin care routine.
If you always feel lazy to do your skin care routine, this is your cue to continue doing it consistently! Rather than investing in make up to make you feel good, it’s more ideal to invest on things that will make your skin benefit from it. Fix the problem inside rather than keeping it covered up by expensive make ups. This activity will not only lessen your expenses but it will also make you feel more confident showing your raw self to everyone. Just think that doing it earlier will help you to grow old gracefully. Of course, as we all age, its signs will physically show so the more we take care of it earlier the more we can slow down the process.

Manage your finances.
Planning your life is one of the best things that you can do in your free time. Rather than spending it to a toxic conversation, browsing all your social media accounts and doing nothing, knowing your path will help you to achieve your goals one step at a time. Your finances plays a big role in your future, so as much as possible you need to carefully manage it and make sure that you’ll achieve your financial goals. Ask yourself,
How do you see yourself 10 years from now?
Do you prefer to be a corporate staff in your whole life?
When is your target day for retirement?
What is my financial priority?
How will I able to achieve my financial goal?

In this period, all of us need to be financially capable to handle any responsibility. It’s not only a responsibility of a husband to provide everything because having something on your own can help you both achieve your goals easily. This is not a one man’s job. The more the lifestyle changes, the more it’s prone to expenses, so being both ready can help you to be more secured as well.
Try new things (Drawing, knitting, podcast, vlog, blog photography etc.)
Doing something new will always be enjoyable. You will have a chance to discover your talents and at the same time do something that can release your stress. If you like to spend time alone, this is the best option for you. You can continue those things that you usually wanted to pursue but can’t find the right time to do it. Trying new things will be a big step for you to discover your passion outside your usual work.
Who knows, maybe you can also earn from it in the long run?
Just like this blog, it was just out of a hobby. And a few months after, I found myself doing this excitedly. It became an outlet for me to express myself and at the same time inspire people who read it. As of now, the total hits I gained is 4,092 and 93 followers. This is very unexpected because I just started it last September 2020, now it became a part of me that I can’t live without.
So don’t be afraid to engage in something that you truly love. It’s a matter of passion, dedication and time you’ll be able to see the result of it.
Have your own DIY photoshoot!
One way for you to feel good about yourself is to appreciate it on your own. You can simply dress up, fix yourself and have your own photoshoot by just using your mobile. This may sound weird but trust me, it will help you to develop your self-esteem. You only need a camera, a nice place in your house and some editing application for it to look like a pro.
I’m pretty sure that everyone of us likes to take selfies, so this DIY photoshoot is just like a one-step higher from it. I’d been doing that since college and it really helps me to be more confident of myself. Here are some pictures I just took in our home recently:

Enjoy a nice warm drink.
Having a warm cup of coffee will always be a best idea if you like to sit, relax and enjoy a part of your day. Who doesn’t like it? NOBODY? After a long day of work, have a time for your favorite drink and listen to one of your playlists. Don’t think of work-related thoughts and let yourself be free from stress. This will not only give you a peace of mind but it will also help you to recharge from a long draining day.

Make your own recipe.
If you’re used to buy food outside since you can’t find the right time to cook for yourself, have your day off be your time to practice making your own recipe’s. You don’t need to be a chef for you to have a delicious meal, you can simply browse recipes and alter it according to what you want. By doing this, you’ll be able to shift yourself into a healthy diet meal as well. You can change the ingredients into healthier one and at the same time manage the portions that you’re allowed to eat if you’re undergoing low calorie diet. This will not only help you to have a healthy better option but you’ll also be able to spend time alone and divert your mind into something good. Like what other people say,
“Food will always be the best choice.”
Sleep and wake up early!
Last but definitely will not be the least. If you badly wanted to have a productive day and have time for your own, you need to stop yourself spending a lot of time on your bed. As much as possible, prevent yourself on checking your phone first thing in the morning and also before you sleep. Having radiation as soon as you wake up will never be a good choice if you wanted to root for a healthy productive lifestyle. Be disciplined enough to set your limits on doing something especially those “unproductive stuffs” that will only make you feel lazier.
Don’t let your plans settle on a piece of paper. Make it work!