My Mid-Year Changes & Goals Review 

We are all in the middle of this year. For sure everyone is focusing in their goals right now knowing we only have six months left in this year. It was just yesterday when I thought that it will be very hard for me to bounce back again, but here I am slowly making everything possible.

I’d been very busy in these past few months since I started this blog and I’d been planning a lot of things to add in this website so I can attract more readers. Although it was only last September 2020 when I started this, all I can say is that this is one of the best things that happened in this year 2021.

As we complete this year, I hope that everyone of us will continue to strive more to reach our goals. Ups and down will be there, but for sure we’ll come out stronger in the end.

Now here’s the status of my goals and the changes taken place in my life for the first six months of the year 2021.

1. Personal Life

Started my very own personal blog “livingherownlife”

Doing this blog is one of the things I considered as a milestone in my journey. I usually keep things in my journal, but now, I can proudly tell whatever I think in this blog hoping that I’ll somehow inspire others.

It started from my thoughts about being unemployed due to the pandemic, and here it is now, slowly climbing up to be known by everyone. Since it also requires effort from writing blogs, making an image support for it, doing illustrations etc. I found it very hard to do everything alone. But somehow, I considered it as a way for me to cope up with the stress from work. Doing everything in this blog makes me more inspired to do more especially after reading the feedbacks of my readers.

Who would have known that I almost have 3900 hits after formally doing it just last January? I never expected anything since I only considered this as an outlet of my feelings, but now I can help to feel happy that somehow, I reached out to someone just by writing.

For sure this blog will be with me as I grow up and discover this beautiful world. I’m so excited to share more stories and be an inspiration for someone who’s looking for hope.

Started my Workout and Meal Plan

It was around September 2020 when I started to do the 16/8 intermittent fasting. I added yoga and stretching two months after that, and last March 2021 when I officially started doing cardio exercises.

As you can see, it took months for me to get back in shape but even after reaching the target weight, I still keep doing it for me to be consistent in taking care of myself.

As of June 2021, here’s a series of pictures that shows my progress within 10 months of doing meal plan and workout routine.

Started a Self-Care Regime

In this year I decided to prioritized my own wellness above anything else. It may sound selfish but I think my body deserve the care after all what happened in the past. I know that I overused it somehow since my job requires physical strength, so most of the time, I neglect the needs of my body just to finish that task I have.

In this self-care regime that I started this year, it comprises physical, mental, spiritual and emotional aspect that I need. At first, I find it hard to squeeze it all in my schedule since I found it impossible, but by gradually adding it in my usual routine, it helps me to cope up with these added activities.

To summarize the activities that I add In my routine, here’s the illustration I made that anyone can simply do as well.

2. Career

Started working on my 3rd company – Supervisory Role

Last April 2020 when I was terminated due to the pandemic. Most of the staffs in our company lost their job and I’m lucky to have given an opportunity to have an opportunity in another hospitality company. Since most of the hotels and restaurants are still in the process of striving due their loss, I think that it’s that best choice to be secured if I’ll be hire in a non-profitable company.

By God’s grace, I started working on my 3rd company last October 2020 (six months after I lost my job). I know that this opportunity is like a blessing in disguise, and I came to realized later on that it all happen because God is planning to give me an opportunity where I can have a time to take care for myself.

Salary Increase

As I found a job last October 2020, I gained around 23% increase in my salary. This is due to the position I was hired which is a department admin that is also considered a supervisory role. Although I used to work in the operation before, taking this position help me to have a broader field to apply in the future.

Even having an increase of my salary, I put the 100% of it in my savings. I stick to my current expenses and move all the amount (increase) in my savings fund. As long as I can also try to minimize my expenses, the more I can save for my business fund.

Started Online Certification Training

For me to be more equipped, I started to do online certifications this year. My plan is to accomplished certification connected to food and beverage industry and at the same time a diploma that can support me in my next target position.

As of June 2021, the following are the certification and diplomas I gained in my online training.

Everyday is a continuous learning process. As I planned my target next step, I need to gain credentials that will help me to support my foundation. Although I have a background experience already, I believe that having more credentials will give me an edge in my future endeavor.

What I did to gained the following certifications is to have a monthly target course that I need to finish within that period. Since I only have one day off, I push myself to do one to three modules so I can complete it before the month ends.

3. Financial Status

Started Saving for my Planned Passive Income

One of my big projects that I started this year is my fund for my passive income. Since I decided to invest in house rentals that will help me to increase my cash flow, I planned to do it the sooner the better.

This decision came up after carefully considering my capability as a working individual. Since I also planned to continue working overseas, I think that it will be ideal to invest in real estate as early as possible.

This is also for me to have a steady source of income with the exemption of my salary. For me, I believe that in order to retire early, I need to have a source of income which can help me in my day-to-day expenses. Of course, some may question my eagerness to invest/save and my only answer for them is,

“You’re the only one liable to your life, so it’s better not to expect someone to be responsible for you.”

It’s 2021, and there’s no problem if you just want to secure yourself and your future. At least, I’m doing something that my future self can thank me for it.

Started saving for me and my partner’s future plans.

In our almost 3rd year being together, we decided to start our very own savings for our future. Actually, we don’t have yet things in mind on where we will use the money, but for us, what important is we started saving just in case we decide on where to use it.

For sure most of us thinks that it’s still early to do it knowing that a lot of things may happen in the future but for both of us, if we really wanted to be together, no challenges will separate us. We have faith on each other and prayers will protect us from any circumstances that the world will throw at us.

We may not know the future, but we’ll choose to stay with each other no matter what happen.

Started a New Budget Guideline for the year 2021

Due to salary increase from my new job this year, I made a budget that I strictly needs to follow. I made a budget guideline so that I can ensure that I’ll be able to finish the financial goals that I need to prioritized.

So far, I’d reached the target amounts for some of my funds and the rest are on the process.

The the budget guideline is stated below:


I was guilty before to take for granted the time that God gave to me. As I realized it now, I’ll make sure that every year will be full of beautiful memories that I’ll bring as I discover more in this world.

I’ll make sure that I’ll live my life to the fullest and share whatever blessings that I have to the rest. I’ll let everyone know how beautiful the world is by telling them my story as I strive to reach my goals in life.

There’s still a lot of things may happen, and I’m excited to tell everything one story at a time. As I discover more of my potentials, I’m silently hoping that by doing this, I’ll be able to reach out for those people who’s looking for hope.

“Let’s do it altogether.”

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About Me

Hi, I am Lea Pearl

Working employee wherein blogging became my side hobby.
Creator of Living Her Own Life which aims to touch people’s heart and inspire them to achieve their own goals in life.
Writing has been my passion for almost 15 years. Last 2020, I made my very own website where I can share all of my thoughts and stories in life.

On the Blog