You Can Never be Someone Else 

Anger, resentment and jealousy doesn’t change the heart of others– it only changes yours.”

― Shannon Alder, 300 Questions to Ask Your Parents Before It’s Too Late

We are all born differently, from how we looks, how we think and how we perceive life. We can born in the same place, same time and same bloodline but there will always something that will make us unique from each other.

As we grow up, we start to discover a lot of things that affects us in terms of how we think and decide things. We tend to believe in fairytales, folklore, disney princesses and many more other things that we thought that we could have.

Remember when you were still a little child playing with barbie dolls while thinking that you can be like her?

Remember when you used to pay fake money just to buy things you want to have?

Remember when fried chicken and doughnuts are the only two best thing that you can eat?

It’s funny but it’s true. We tend to act according to what we see as we grow up. Thinking of our needs are not yet there. It’s always the one that we wants are the first thing we always think of.

Once we become mature we slowly develop the understanding on how things should work. The priorities and responsibilities will be there slowly showing up in front of us. Now, that will be the start on how our journey become different from each other.

One of the important thing to consider is our own approach. We see things differently and that’s a fact. If there’s any challenges in our life, some will face it head on while others will not take it seriously.

When the time comes that those people who faced their own challenges succeed, that is when we feel the growing difference from each of us. It was just a sudden moment of not giving up and choosing to strive in their goals, but that moment is the turning point of everyone. It’s a mark of changing one’s life.

The regret will be there but the thing that will make it worst is when we try to grab someone’s identity while not considering our capacity to sustain it.

If you start to think in these way, you need to start changing your mindset:

  1. If you start to think that you’re above from anyone else.
  2. If you see every person as a competition.
  3. When you don’t feel happy on someone else success and end up pulling that person down in any way.
  4. When you feel insecure and choose to lift yourself up in any discussion you have with your group.
  5. When you want all the attention on you.
  6. When you keep putting yourself in the perfect image and brag it to everyone.
  7. When you start to grab others work and be benefited from the outcome of it.
  8. When you keep going back in the past and be in denial with your present.

In the course of making us feel better, we forcefully do things to fit in that perfect picture. We tend to want someone based on her achievements while not focusing on ourselves to be better. We want to grab their mask and put it into ourselves ending up to not believing on our own capabilities.

You Can Never be Someone Else.”

That’s a fact. We can be motivated from someone’s achievement but we can’t be the same person. If you still choose to be the same person, then you’re not doing it for yourself, you’re doing it for the sake of your own self acceptance.

You don’t accept the person that you are right now that’s why you choose to be like someone else. While giving up that rare opportunity to be better, you still choose the wrong road towards your supposed own dreams and goals.

Excuses will be their in your life, perfectly consume you like a lost soul. Even when people come into your life to cheer you up and inspire you to be better, you’re mind is close to anything and will choose to have it your way.

You’ll never realized the things that you do because your mind is clouded in portraying your own definition of being perfect.

You can practice this few self declaration statements to help yourself in your plan to change:

  1. Before it’s over, I need to wake up.
  2. Before it’s too late you I need to save myself.
  3. I need to listen on what I really needs and not what I just want.
  4. I need to look in the bigger picture and don’t focus only on the part that I want.
  5. I need to open my mind to other’s good suggestion for my own wellness.
  6. I need to be stronger than my own excuse!

God may not sent you a real angel, but He’ll make a way for you to know the things that you need to realized. The people who advise you to stop doing things that may affect you negatively are the real ones who genuinely care for you.

Life is never a competition and we should not take it for granted.

This life is a chance to be a better version of yourself. You may lost your chances many times, but as long as you’re living, you still have a way to make it all right. Rather than thinking of what you want to become and regretting all the decisions you made in the past, push yourself to make a change now.

Let go of your regrets and you need to brush off all of your excuses. You’re just wasting your time trying to be someone else while you don’t really apply it in your life. Put all of what you say into action. Don’t let it just be a hollow statement. Even if you can’t be someone else that you’re dreaming of, you can still work on to be a better version of yourself. You can bring the past with you but you need to accept the present you as well.

You are beautiful just the way you are. Embrace yourself and believe in it. You can always choose to be better dear. Now as you realize a lot of things, start changing your mindset. Let go of the negativity and bring out the things that you’re capable of doing.

It’s never too late.

It’s now or never.

Always challenge yourself to be better and see all the mistakes in a positive way. You need to stop wasting your time and make an action as early as possible.

The first step toward change is awareness. The second step is acceptance.

– Nathaniel Branden

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