It’s a Long Difficult Road 

It’s a long difficult road they said,

But here she is continue to walks unafraid.

Stares are everywhere and whispers are all present,

But she chose to move forward and be silent.

Her calloused feet seems like about to give up,

She healed it up but continue to walk on top.

A lot of hidden forces are telling her “You’ll not gonna make it!”

And the only one that supports her is her own fighting spirit.

She cried so many times but in the end she’ll always choose to stand,

Her eyes will be focus even she’s alone in this dark island.

She’ll continue to soar up high until her heart’s content,

Continue to look in a perfect place for her to spend her last moments.

She ask herself “What is the meaning of life if we’ll all die anyway?”

Since then she continue to find the answer along the way.

She keeps thinking and experiences thought her a lot of things,

Until the day that she realized the answer that she’s been looking.

Life is not all about material things, social classes and life position you’re in,

It’s not all about the things that you can brag or what status did you begin.

It will never be the salary that you’re having and the assets that you’d gained,

Because the meaning of life will never be something that you only attained.

She’d realized everything when life takes away the thing that she only have,

The thing that she’s always proud of and the one that she really loves.

By that time her mindset changed and her beliefs turned into something new,

And she decided to take a step backward and look in the other view.

She saw there the people that are all genuinely cheering for her,

Despite of the distance their loud proud voices are all held power.

The darkness and negativity is still there but the light slowly defeats it,

By then she knows that without finishing the race she already reached the summit.

Life is all about choosing your own but knowing there are people who’ll be constant,

They will be along the way guiding you and ready to help you in instant.

It will not be only you who’ll face this world alone,

Someone will be there for you once you need somebody to lean on.

She started to reach out to everyone for them to see this perfect sight.

And make them realized that without competing in the life race there will still be a light.

A kind of light that will bring hope and smiles to their faces,

And let them know that they have their own answers to the meaning of success.

It’s a long difficult road indeed,

But this road made her realized something that will push her to succeed.

Stares are everywhere and whispers are indeed will be present,

But knowing that there’s a light along the way will make your outlook in life different.

Continue to soar high while looking back to the one’s who’ll continuously support you,

Move forward while reaching out to others who are looking for the next thing to do.

Pull them up as you continue to take your own steps towards the light,

And let everyone have their own life spotlight.

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About Me

Hi, I am Lea Pearl

Working employee wherein blogging became my side hobby.
Creator of Living Her Own Life which aims to touch people’s heart and inspire them to achieve their own goals in life.
Writing has been my passion for almost 15 years. Last 2020, I made my very own website where I can share all of my thoughts and stories in life.

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