10 Things I Realized While Growing Up 

We all have our own dreams, goals and plans in life. Daydreaming in a place where you’d been wanting to go and hearing the birds chirping while your feet is getting wet every time the beach waves hit you.

Have you ever felt ecstatic just thinking of an ideal life that you’d been wanting to have?

A kind of life wherein dramas are nowhere and only abundant happiness is there?

What a very nice place it could be if only it was real.

In my 25 years living, I’d learned a lot of things in life. I’d witnessed how my simple dreams became reality and how I failed to achieve some of those.

Different emotions are present. From happiness, sorrow, fear and anger, it was all like a roller coaster ride.

I’d met a lot of people too since I started my journey. Most of them just pass by and some stayed until now.

Growing up is like making your own story wherein you’re looking forward to the plot twist and endings. Everyday is like a new chapter that may give you heartaches or happiness, but the thing is you have the freedom to choose what you want to feel.

Do you want to enjoy this day?


Do you prefer wasting this day full of anger and hate?

Now as I continue my days realizing a lot of things, I came to conclude these 10 things that made a big impact in my life.

These things became my own story’s plot twist that made my character stronger.

The things that I’ll always think of whenever I feel like giving up.

1.You never met a wrong person. All of them are the right one.

We have this kind of mindset that if ever you had a bad experience from someone, people will automatically thinks that you met the wrong person. It has been like that since before. Me too, I’d been believing it for so long.

From friends and lovers, we all think that there’s a time in our life, we’d met the wrong ones. We even think that meeting the wrong ones are God’s sign that there’s someone out there destined to be with us.

I agree on that before, but when I started to meet more people, I eventually realized that there’s no such thing as WRONG PEOPLE. It’s just a common notion just to appease ourselves from the pain we’re feeling from that moment.

I had realized that every person we meet stands for a certain reason. Some may bring happiness, some may bring sadness, others may bring fear and the rest may bring pain.

But have you ever think of the lesson comes after the experience? The realizations after the aches, happiness, pain and fear?

We tend to look on the negative without considering the positive output it gives to our lives and that’s all because of our emotions. The raging fire that consume us from that moment. We failed to see the light along the dark tunnel because we choose to cover our own eyes.

Remember your childhood friends that you thought on having by your side for the rest of your life?

Remember your childhood sweetheart that you thought the person who will be constant in this world full of temporary people?

Remember your first enemy that you hated for so long because of just a simple reason?

Everyone of them gave a certain lesson that made who you are right now. They just come and go but they left you with memories that you’ll always bring wherever you go.

Now it’s up to us if that memories will be put on the wrong side of us or we’ll push it to the other side to make it right.



2. Forgiveness is better than enduring the pain for too long.

Giving forgiveness is indeed a very hard thing to do. It’s like forcing yourself to swallow the last pride that you have. It’s like waving a white flag to let them know that you surrendered in the fight. But that’s WRONG.


Forgiveness is letting yourself be free at last from that agony. You decided to not succumb in the pain and start to build yourself again. The pain will always be there but the moment you decided to forgive everything that happened, you’ll eventually feel how the weigh lifted from your heart.

Feel it but don’t take it too long. The time you spent wallowing from the pain are the time you wasted to give a chance for yourself to be happy. You will never be ready not unless you free yourself from it. Take the first step to forgive and eventually you’ll cope up agan the time that you’d lost.

Do it for yourself. Give yourself a chance to be happy again.

3. Say what you wanted to say as long it protects you.

Stop being passive. Don’t say yes just because you feel bad not to do it.

Don’t accept anything that you feel against on doing it.

Don’t make yourself always available from everyone’s eyes.

Because it will consume you. Drain you. In the process of giving every single thing you can, is like entering in a room with no escape. Offer what you can but never tolerate every single request. If you feel like it’s already too much, learn to say NO.

Being kind are meant for the people who will cherish it and not use it as an advantage for them. Observe everything, because in this world that you’re living, it’s important to protect yourself first.

4. It’s ok to be alone.

Never prove your existence. Don’t be in a place where you forcefully push yourself just to fit in the society.

Do whatever you can but never do the same just for the sake of acknowledgement. Remember that there will be no fix place for everyone. We are born to adapt in any environment that we’re living but it doesn’t mean we need to change our own identity for that.

It’s ok to be alone my dear. If you have few friends with you, a family on your side that’s ok.

It is better to live in a life where you don’t compete with each other, a kind of life where you can peacefully live without pleasing anybody.

You need to realize that some people are meant to just pass by in your life and give you a lesson, you can not force them to stay with you.

5. Live the life you wanted and not others wanted.

If you’re dreaming something just because someone told you to do it, DON’T.

If you planned your life according to what the society requires you, DON’T.

If you aim for something just because everyone does it, DON’T.

Do it for yourself. You can consider someone else but think of what you really wanted to do. It is very important to consider yourself in every decision you’ll make because in the very first place you’re the one who’ll put it into action.

Please, for the sake of your own self, take care of it as well.

The kind of worry that you have for everyone are much deserve by yourself too.

6. You are capable of doing anything. Believe in yourself!

Your mindset is everything.

If you start to change the way you think, everything will start to change.

Like what most people believe, your mind is a magnet. As long the drive and the passion is there, whatever time it will take, you’ll surely achieve it.

Never limit yourself on something that you’re dreaming. YOU CAN MAKE IT POSSIBLE.

Plan it. Work on it. Achieve it.

As long as you’re working passionately, God will never fail you. Just do your best and God will surely support you all the way. You just need to start it first to yourself. Change the way you think. It’s never too late, because every day is another chance given to us.

7. Always think that tomorrow is a RARE chance, use it efficiently. BE PRODUCTIVE!

We never know what will happen tomorrow so it’s very important to be grateful and make most out of the moment.

Smile and laugh often.

Greet every people you meet even you don’t know them personally.

Make sure to give a time for you self and dreams every day.

Live a kind of life where you’ll not regret on leaving once the day comes. A kind of life where everyone will remember and miss you. In this world that we’re living right now, everything is unpredictable so it’s very important to cherish everyone around you.

Make them feel that you’re with them. Make your presence leave a lasting impression to everyone.

See everyday as your last one and be grateful on every chances He gave you. The fact that you’re living right now, is another chance that He grant you.

Make most out of it .

Live like there’s no tomorrow.

8. Never live selfishly. The only thing that you can keep are memories.

Keep more memories because that’s the only thing you can bring with you once you meet your story’s ending.

Learn to give a lasting memories to every people you meet. A kind of connection wherein whenever they think of you, they’ll always think of good and positive memories nothing else.

Stop being negative and start to do good deeds to everyone. Make more good memories as you continue your journey in life. Whatever you give will be granted by God in so many ways.

So this time make it habit to do something for others. Even small deeds can mean a lot to them already.

Choose to be good everyday.

9. Be an inspiration to everyone. A simple “Thank You” are worth more than expensive gifts.

Wherever you are right now, I hope you achieve your goals in life already.

Now it’s time to give back to everyone else. Lift them up and INSPIRE THEM TO DO THE SAME.

Live a low key life while motivating others to reach their goals as well. As you realize a lot of things in life that made you stronger, share it to the rest.

You’ll never know what kind of impact it will be in their life. Do it without asking for anything because a simple thank you will do.

You’ll be able to grant them a kind of memories where they’ll think of it as a turning point of their lives, and you made it all happen. That’s more than enough.

You never know what kind of feeling it will be to see those people achieve their goals, genuine happiness will be not enough to define it.


10. You are never too late. Your time will come.

If you think that it’s all over for you, YOU ARE JUST STARTING.

There’s no such thing as too late in achieving one’s goals in life. That kind of mindset are only for those who lose their hope without even starting.

You can make a change wherever you are right now.

Don’t be discourage on the situation you’re in. It’s just for a mean time and you have the power to change everything. It is in your hand if you’ll settle for that or you’ll choose to take a risk.

While you’re reading this, I wanted you to know that you need to go for it. Chase your dreams because I know you can! I believe in you!

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About Me

Hi, I am Lea Pearl

Working employee wherein blogging became my side hobby.
Creator of Living Her Own Life which aims to touch people’s heart and inspire them to achieve their own goals in life.
Writing has been my passion for almost 15 years. Last 2020, I made my very own website where I can share all of my thoughts and stories in life.

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