For My Future Kids 

If ever you’re reading this hopefully I achieved my dreams,

Hopefully I’m in a place where I dream of having ever since.

Drinking a cup of coffee as I reminisce every single thing,

That happened to me when I was actively living.

If ever you’re reading this I hope you are in the safe place,

Aiming for your life goals without competing in the life race.

Choose to forgive and learn everything in a hard way,

And to remember that God is with you no matter what other say.

If ever you’re reading this I hope I’m still with you,

Guiding you in the best way like what mother’s do.

Raising you to trust Him and always keep your faith,

By being with you as you discover your own fate.

If ever you’re reading this I want you to know that you’re my biggest goal,

One of the goals that will make my life whole.

The one that will complete me as I soon bid “goodbye”,

In the world where everyone end is “to die”.

If ever you’re reading this never ever doubt your abilities,

Spread your wings and get rid of your insecurities.

Live your life filled with laughter’s and smiles,

Be strong enough and avoid being fragile.

If ever you’re reading this learn to be tough in every challenges you’ll face,

In this world where people are selfishly aiming for an ace.

Don’t fear the mistakes that you’ll commit,

It’s a part of life that will teach you not to ever quit.

If ever you’re reading this tell yourself that you will never give up,

Take every chances as a stepping stone for you to be on top.

And as you reach everything look back and reach out to the rest,

While silently praying for everyone’s best.

If ever you’re reading this may you be a good individual that will hope for goodness,

A kind of person that will always remember His greatness.

A person that will be genuinely happy for other’s success,

And regardless of all the negativity, you will always choose to look for happiness.

May you live your life according to what you really want to be,

Make most out of the moment as you discover what of person you’ll be,

Because if ever you’re reading this my time may be now limited,

So as long as I live I’ll make sure that the rest of my life will not wasted.

I will be with you wherever place you want to go,

I’ll stand beside you and cheer you up as you continuously glow.

I’ll protect you with my whole life and save you whatever happen,

This is my promise before my whole journey end.

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About Me

Hi, I am Lea Pearl

Working employee wherein blogging became my side hobby.
Creator of Living Her Own Life which aims to touch people’s heart and inspire them to achieve their own goals in life.
Writing has been my passion for almost 15 years. Last 2020, I made my very own website where I can share all of my thoughts and stories in life.

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