LAW OF ATTRACTION: Let’s All Claim It! 

“Minds are like flowers, they only open when the time is right.”
― Stephen Richards

As this saying goes by Mr, Stephen Richards, I do believe that this is real. People tend to think negatively nowadays since they usually compare their lives to others, but little did they know this is not yet their time.

We all think differently and that’s given. What we can do is to divert the negative feelings into positive one. How?

  1. Be happy on other people’s success.
  2. Never feel pressured on the things you don’t have, rather be more motivated to work on it.
  3. Never doubt yourself. Always think that you’re capable on doing great things.
  4. Your mistakes will not dictate your future.
  5. Never limit yourself just because you think you can’t. Anything is possible if you fix your mindset.

I’d been there. I became insecure, jealous and inferior in the past. When I lost the thing that I’m proud of, everything crumble down. I thought that there’s no way out. But from that experienced, I came to realize a lot of things that made me who I am today.

You’re the only one that can define your life, no one can!

If you think you had enough, YOU’RE JUST STARTING!

If you think you can’t achieve it, SLOWLY WORK FOR IT!

If you think that it’s impossible, IT’S POSSIBLE!

Your mindset is the start of everything. Once you think right, everything will follow. Regardless of what kind of dreams and goals in life you have, never limit yourself. Trust yourself that you can do it!

Remember you don’t need to consider what others think because sometimes some people won’t be happy for someone’s success. In this journey of yours, keep everything in low key and let them just wonder.

“Even no one will celebrate for your small success, it’s ok.”

Achieve things not to BRAG but to inspire. Claim what you think is impossible for you to do and we’ll both achieve it together.

As I claim these dreams, I hope you’ll do the same.

My Personal Claims (2021)

1.I’ll be able to inspire and influence more individuals in this blog.

I know that I still have a long way to go in this blog, but I pray that time will come that i’ll use this platform to influence and inspire more people. I also consider this blog as my retirement work in the future so I can focus on it and have more time on my future family as well.

2. Build my dream house far away from the city and with the person I love.

I’d been a fan of provinces since I was a kid. Since I’d been living in a city for 2 decades, I always wanted to live far away from it. That’s why one of the goals of mine is to retire and live in province with a nice mountainous view.

3. Have a passive income that we’ll exceed my monthly expenses.

For me to retire early, I need to build passive income to help my future family in a long run. Actually I don’t want to rely 100% on my future husband so as long as I can help, I’ll do it. So to make it possible I need prepare as early as now.

4. Excel in my career for five years (2026).

I don’t want to end up regretting anything once I retire early so I wanted to work on my career in those period. I wanted to establish myself in the hospitality industry and be considered as professional in the field before I retire for good.

5. Retire early.

This is one of the things I realized when I lost everything.

Life is short.

And I don’t want to end up spending most of my life working far away from the people I love. I dream on fulfilling my career goals and when the time is right, I’ll happily retire and fill out the times I lost with my love ones.

I also believe in putting my future family as my top priority. I wanted to be a full time mom and at the same time have a sustainable life.


These five things stated above are just some of my dreams in life. I don’t know if I’ll be able to achieve it but who knows? Maybe there will be a time that once I read this blog again, I’ll cross out some because I already achieve it.

Even if you browse my phone today, 70% of my photos are the ideas I save as my future home, future business etc.. That’s how eager I am today to reach my goals. I always fill my mind with positive thing and inspiration for me to be consistent in everything I do.

I just hope that everyone will do the same.

Let’s be both inspire each other to reach our dreams in life. As I claim these goals, I silently pray that somehow someone will do it too.

I hope that someone out there who read this blog will be inspired too.

I hope that this blog will be their cue to continue working on their own dreams.


I hope that they’ll never give up whatever challenges awaits them.

Will you do it together with me?

Photo by Gerd Altmann on

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