JANUARY: Goals Review! 

To be able to reach my goals this year, I planned to have a monthly review of it for me to be aware of my own progress.

Actually, having this will help everyone to have a tracking of their plans from financial, personal and social media like what I did. It may add into your work but I believe, having this will provide you a lot of help in a long run.

Just a quick run through of my goals which are all stated in my other blog titled “My 2021 Goals!” here are the goals of mine for this year.

This look really hard for me to review it one by one, so for us to be fully track my progress, I’ll break it down to each goals (Financial, Personal and Social Media)


In my last blog, I mentioned these goals stated specifically in this table below. I can say that I was able to achieve everything but it’s just that due to this pandemic I wasn’t able to process a new account for my business fund.

The money intended for those specific goals are still in my local bank since the money rates as of now are too low. I’m planning that once everything will come back to normal and I’m allowed to go outside, I’ll put the money in it’s designated accounts.

For this month, I was able to save most of my money. I also just spent the half of my intended expenses for this month. Now I can proudly say that…



For my personal goals, I still find it hard to start since I’m not yet allowed to go outside (Company Policy) due to the pandemic. Nevertheless, I’m still trying to be productive as much as I can.

In my personal journal I stated some goals that I need to achieve this month namely…

  1. 1st Beverage Recipe DONE

Last January 7 I published my first ever beverage recipe (INFUSE DRINKS: Homemade Green Apple Juice Infuse w/ Orange, Kiwi, Hibiscus and Cinnamon). It was my first time to make my own recipe and gladly, I received positive response from my flatmates who’d tasted it. Now It made me more inspired to do more and I have a lot of things in mind already that I badly wanted to share with you. So check it out soon for more recipe!

2. Stick to 8 hours Sleep DONE

For me to be surely keep my sleeping time on track, I made a fix alarm every 10:00 pm. By doing this, it slowly improved my sleeping habits and also limit myself on using my mobile for too long.

At first I really find it hard to let go of my mobile and it took me a lot of time to follow this 10:00 pm sleeping time habit. Thankfully I was able to adapt and change my usual sleeping time for good.

3. Take online hospitality courses DONE

One of the things that made me more inspired this month is when I started taking free online training with certificates. It took me half of the month to look for the best sites that offers free courses with certificates, and gladly I came to know these websites.

  • Alison.com
  • Udemy
  • Microsoft learn
  • Oxford Home Study
  • Plural Sight

Of course not all the courses that they’re offering are free so I just took a note all the free training that are also inline with my career. As of now, I was able to get a certification from the following training:

4. Six post for January DONE

To make this goal possible, it took me a lot of push on myself to think of ideas I can blog about. My strategy is I need to make 1-2 blogs in each category (Live to Inspire, Life journey, Unspoken Poetry and Cravings Satisfied) for me to achieve six blog post every month.

This is as part of my personal goal to make 70-80 blog post for the year 2021 and as of now I’m quite doing well in managing my work and this goal at the same time.

5. 49 kg weight target FAILED

From my last weight record which is 51.5 kg, I loss almost 1 kg only since my last measurement which is 50.5 kg. I also followed some eating habits that help me loss my weight when I was stuck for six months. Here are the following:

  • 2pm – 8pm meal time and 18 hours fasting
  • Taking Coffee every other day only
  • Drinking diluted apple cider vinegar every morning
  • Doing Yoga 4-5 times a week
  • Drink minimum of 2 liters of water everyday

Although I didn’t reach my ideal weight goal for this month, I still loss some so that’s more than enough for me. I was also able to follow my ideal daily routine which help me a lot in managing my time. Nevertheless I’ll still continue to reach this goal for next month and hopefully I’ll be able to achieve it!


I know that most of my goals in social media had failed and it’s entirely due to the lack of time to update each.

In my Instagram account (leapearl_14), I only uploaded a couple of pictures since actually I don’t have more pictures to upload! Like what I stated, we’re still in lockdown so we’re not allowed to go outside. So now, the only pictures that I have are all from the past!

It’s irritating I know but once they’ll allow us, I’ll surely take more pictures with me and share it to my social media accounts as well. I just hope that I’ll be able to achieve my other goals which I blog before.


One thing that’s doing good right now is my blog (livingherownlife.wordpress.com). Since I’d been consistently sharing blogs, the viewers reach 500+ for this month which is almost triple from the last month! I’m so happy!

I also found out my top post which received more views until now. Here are the following:

  1. DIY SERIES: Cement Pots for Sale!
  2. DIY SERIES: Plants for Sale!
  3. DIY SERIES: Pots and Plants Business Update!
  4. How I Manage my Salary
  5. 5 Simple Steps to Prepare your Emergency Fund

In this month I also gained 500+ views, 3 followers and 24 likes which I felt ecstatic since it increases from last month.

This little celebrations are the one that motivates me to share more. I know that everything will take time to grow and it will be the same for this blog. All I need to do is to be consistent and stick to my goals.


To summarize everything for January, I know that I find it hard to achieve some of my targets but what important is I still tried. Even I failed, I still enjoy the whole experience. I know my future self will thank me once the right time comes.

This simple plans and goals will help me to achieve bigger ones. I may start everything slowly, but my time will also come. Now I just need to never give up no matter what happen.

I still have 11 months to fulfill my 2021 goals.

I can do it!

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About Me

Hi, I am Lea Pearl

Working employee wherein blogging became my side hobby.
Creator of Living Her Own Life which aims to touch people’s heart and inspire them to achieve their own goals in life.
Writing has been my passion for almost 15 years. Last 2020, I made my very own website where I can share all of my thoughts and stories in life.

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