7 Statements That Will Help You To Keep Going 

People nowadays are cope up with their own problems and challenges in their life. They tend to think that it’s over and there’s no way out anymore. Comparison to one’s life will be present since they failed to see their own progress, complaints will slowly come up and hopes will become their insecurities. During this time, the evil is winning because people let it happen. They succumb to the darkness and just let it savor the remaining hope that they have. This is pretty common to everyone who usually faces challenges in their life every now and then. Although everyone needs to consider the different situations that people are in, some really can’t force themselves to be strong like others. People’s journey is different from each other, and the way they handle tough situations varies as well. There’s a lot of things that should be considered before judging someone, simply because everyone approaches situations differently.

Especially in this period today wherein everyone is into to their digital life, one can easily absorb negative things that may affect their lives. This may sound weird, but this turns out as a fact nowadays. Now that people can easily share whatever happens in their life, whether its bad or good, people will see It according to what they personally perceive. The generation now is very emotional attach in digital world that it became a basis of someone’s standing in life. Sad but it’s true. Looking back to the past, the life right now indeed took a drastic change. The meaning of happiness seems like a rare thing to reach. Validation from everyone became a necessity to someone in order to exist. Due to these changes that took place in the world, people find it hard to keep going in their life.

They think that nobody appreciates everything that they do.

They think success is what they usually see in social media.


To be accepted by the society, you need to forcedly fit in.

Photo by Ono Kosuki on Pexels.com

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.” ― Bernard M. Baruch

A lot of people failed to appreciate what they’d done, thinking that someone is doing better than them. Due to the comparison of one’s life, whatever they worked on, feels like invalid to the rest. They all lose their hope and just settle in that dark place where no one can belittle them. Some even think of the worst thing and just totally give up their life. To overcome this, it requires a great effort to do so. One must commit their own selves in order to shift their mindset to positive one. It may take time for everyone to achieve it, so here are some statements that will greatly help everyone. These simple words can be a big help to one’s life as long as they follow it by heart not only by their mind. Remember that in any change you want to have in your life, the thing that you need to consider is the journey to achieve it. Don’t count all the achievements you’ll have but see every challenge that you were able to surpass. In that way, you won’t feel devastated to any failures or mistakes that you’ll experience.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. – Jeremiah 29:1

The moment you surrender your life to Him, your worries will automatically lessen. You will feel that big burden from your chest gradually lift up because you have this build up trust that you won’t be forsaken. Your days will be brighter and you’ll see the changes that will come to your life. That assurance will be your key in order not to doubt the things that are going to happen in your life. You’ll stay calm in any chaos that you will be in, because that one thing in mind that everything happens for a reason. It was Him who’s behind all of those challenges and He won’t do it if He knows that you can’t survive from it. The place that you are right now, the job that you’re working with, the house that shelters you and the people around you, are all part of His plans.

There will be times that you will doubt His plans, but at the end of the day, keep in mind that trusting Him will be your ticket to success. Some people you may know are savoring their success right now, but it doesn’t mean that it won’t happen to you. It will surely happen. That’s no doubt. The more you will cling to him while working for yourself as well, the more you’ll see the progress that you’re gaining. Life is never a competition. There’s no late and early success. It all happens in the right moment of your life. If ever you failed to achieve something that you’re aiming for, it only means that it is not yet right time for you to achieve it. Maybe you still need time, or maybe there’s better opportunity for you that’s on its way. By believing him and to yourself, you’ll find your life very meaningful. You will understand how law of attraction works and you’ll gradually apply it to your life.

You’ll come to understand that, it’s not about giving something up. It’s all about trusting His plans for you knowing that He wants best for you.

Trust Him even if it will take long years,

Believe him even if others will make you give up.

Because He will not let all of your tears,

Be put into waste and your goals stop.

Even though I walk through the darkest valley,I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.-Psalm 23:4

Are you that person who tend to worry about things that you know that you’re not in control?.

Those situations like you badly wanted to appreciate by your boss, those moments when you wanted to please every people around you, and those random events when you expect to be treated the same way that you treat others.  These situations are just an example, but if you found yourself feeling the same thing, then you guess it right. You are more focus on the external factors of your life. Is it a good thing? Nope. This is for the reason that you usually forgetting yourself in the process because you’re so cope up with all the negative things around you. Now, how did you end up in that situation? There’s a several reason behind someone action. In this specific situation, we can consider the following things:

  1. You let your stress consumes you in a way that you prolong it.

Example: Those people who keeps talking about any stressful situations that happened in their day without thinking that it became a daily habit.

2. You let negative things rule your life.

Example: Those people who easily influenced by any negative emotions, and they find it very hard to cast it out.

3. You don’t have any productive routine thus you mostly spend your time talking to someone.

Example: Those people who choose to spend their time talking about negative things which became a part of their daily routine

4. You keep resisting the things that is happening to your life.

Example: Those people who keeps complaining every single thing that is happening to their life, thinking that it should work based on their own way.

5. The group of friends that you currently in, have the same negative habit.

Example: Those people who have the same habit of talking ill to someone else, doing emotional dumping about what happened to their day etc.

The moment that you let those external factors rule your life, it will be very hard to start over again especially if it will become a habit of yours. To prevent it from happening, you should start as early as possible to just focus on things that you’re in control. Rather than investing your time thinking of the things around you, why don’t you start investing for yourself first. Put yourself as a priority. If your boss doesn’t appreciate your work, then let it be. Just continue doing great because in time you will find the best opportunity for you. If the people around you keep saying negative things about you, let it be. By means of doing what’s best for your growth like simply doing physical and mental exercises, you’ll find them talking more about you because not all people want best for you. JUST STOP LIVING ACCORDING TO WHAT THE SOCIETY REQUIRES YOU. Rule your own life.

Life is not a win or loss competition. It is not a battlefield that you’re required to join. It is not about how fast and slow you are. IT’S ALL ABOUT JOURNEY. We all have different journey to take. Your life shouldn’t be compared to someone else. The choices that people take, differs from each other. The way they think are entirely different. Just by thinking of this, one should never give up on their dreams thinking about how others achieve their own. You are in the right moment now. You are still working for yourself and it’s ok if it will still take time. It only means that you still have a lot of things to know, skills to experience and challenges that you need to survive. Those things should not hold you back, rather motivates you to give your best. YOU ARE DOING GREAT. All of the things that you experienced, whether it’s worse than anyone’s life moments, it is all part of your growth.

You should see all the things that happened to your life as a puzzle that makes your journey more meaningful. It’s a part of yourself that you should be proud of.  It is not a hindrance for you to achieve your goals, because it’s all part of the process and you should see it that way.

“Most of the time, the journey is worth more than the goal itself.”

Failures and mistakes should not be feared.

There’s no such thing as a perfect life. Successful people also experienced failures in their life, so why should you fear it? Rather than focusing on failing, why don’t you focus on what comes after that? Oftentimes, once people face mistakes and failures in their life, they find it very hard to bounce back again. This is for the reason that, they keep thinking of the mistakes that they did, hoping that it can still be undone. The truth is, it can’t be undone anymore. The moment that you accept that fact, will be your initial step to recover. Recovery is the crucial and most important part in this kind of situation. This is when you learn, review and reflect on what you did.  Without these three processes, there’s a chance of committing the same mistakes because you failed to realized the lesson it brought to your life.

The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead, he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. – 2 Peter 3:9

There’s no such thing as over once you make mistakes in your life. As long as you bounce back, your journey will still continue. Don’t lose hope but choose to be motivated on what happened. Think that it will be one of your key moments to achieve whatever you’re hoping for in your life. Stop procrastinating, start regaining your strength back again.

The only machinery that will help you to achieve your goals is yourself. Just imagine if you don’t trust it. Imagine if you don’t take care of it. Imagine if you choose to neglect it. Nothing will happen no matter how many times you make a perfect plan. Everything will only start if you believe and trust yourself. As long as you prepare yourself from the very beginning of your journey, rest assured that it will be a good start on your part. Not only by doing these two things, it is also important that you invest on it. Never deprived it on things that it deserves. Having a well-balanced life will help you to achieved your goals while taking care of yourself at the same time. Looks impossible? NOPE.

There’s a lot of ways for you to invest in yourself. In some cases, you don’t even need to spend a lot of money just to say that you did it. Simple things can be done for yourself, and here are some examples:

  1. Practice gratitude.
  2. Set daily affirmations that will help you to shift to a positive mindset.
  3. In times of challenges, don’t keep blaming yourself but rather assure it that it will get better soon.
  4. Conquer your inner demons. Don’t be scared, face it!
  5. Always develop your self-confidence.
  6. Never let situations bring you down.
  7. Knowledge is power. Keep learning!
  8. Take a day to travel and enjoy your self-time.
  9. Say NO to VICES!
  10.  Live your life ever single day to the fullest!

No matter where you are right now, what job you have, the salary that you’re receiving and the situation that you’re in, YOU ARE DOING GREAT. Keep reminding yourself that you are bless beyond measure. See yourself as your own team. In this challenging world, you badly need to trust yourself that you’ll make it happen.

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding; think about Him in all your ways, and He will guide you on the right paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6 

Limitations are all self made.

The situations that one is experiencing right now, is not an indication of what her or his future will be. It only affects the present situation but, it will not define YOU. Never listen to any negativity that people throw at you because they only choose to see what is your present situation, but failed to know the journey that you went through. Now, if a part of you believes that you’ll not going to make it, then perhaps you need to work on again in building yourself. It will all start within you. Regardless of gender, age, status in life and many more factors that may seem affects one’s life, that is all just a void excuse. In reality, there’s a lot of opportunities to everyone. The only problem is that people don’t have the right platform to know how they can grab that opportunity. Regardless of this, there will be a time that eventually they’ll achieve it.

“You can’t put a limit on anything. The more you dream, the farther you get.” Michael Phelps

Time passes by and you grow old at the same time. That’s why, it is very important that you’ll make most out of your day in order to take a step closer to what you are aiming for. Done with those lazy days when you usually spend your time in unnecessary things, GET IT DONE! Some of the things that will help you to somehow manage your day efficiently are the following:

  1. Make a daily routine.
  2. Set your priority task and work on it first.
  3. Assign a specific time when you can only use your phone for leisure.
  4. Wake up at the same time.
  5. Get rid of the unnecessary things that may affect your productivity.

The more you are productive, the more you will feel fulfilled. Remember that this is not about being busy but in a way that all your priority tasks are all taken care of. By doing this as well, it will help you to have a clear vision of what kind of day you wanted to have. Gradually you’ll see all the changes that will take place in your life. The more you prosper good things inside you, the more the changes in will be visible. Patience, consistency and attitude will help you to achieve anything that you hope for.

Life will never be easy, but we can still choose to enjoy our journey as we discover our goals in life. We should not fear what will happen tomorrow, rather look forward to it with joy and excitement. Isn’t it amazing that we are given a chance to choose what we can feel? It is all based from us whether we start our day with a smile on our faces, or be problematic.

With these statements above, it will greatly help someone who feels like on the verge of giving up. It will make them realized that life is not really complicated to live with. It’s a beautiful world that one should enjoy and make most out of it. With this small help which aims to give hope to others, may we all shift our mindset into positive one right at this moment.

Let’s live a beautiful life together.

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Hi, I am Lea Pearl

Working employee wherein blogging became my side hobby.
Creator of Living Her Own Life which aims to touch people’s heart and inspire them to achieve their own goals in life.
Writing has been my passion for almost 15 years. Last 2020, I made my very own website where I can share all of my thoughts and stories in life.

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