25 years living in this world, I came across with a lot of people that taught me a lot of things. Some of them became my close friends and some are meant to stay temporary in my life.
Regardless of having ups and downs in my journey, their memories are still present in my heart. Their words of encouragement gave me more than enough inspiration for me to continuously strive for my goals.
For sure we all received best advices from the people we’d met along our journey. Some of it put a marked in our lives that until now helps us to keep going.
To start it, here’s the top 7 advices I received in my 25 years living.

Most of us tend to judge people based on our own impression. We usually decide right away once we see that person’s current status. The way that person talks, present themselves and their backgrounds made us judge them too quickly.
We tend to see their future based on what they show in the present, and that’s how it becomes a sin from our part.
Upon hearing this statement, I came to realize a lot of things such as:
- Nothing is constant in this world. Anyone can change their own fate.
- Someone’s present can’t determine what they’ll be in the future.
- We all have our own chosen journey that all needs to respect.
For me, rather than judging them to quickly, encouraging them to reach their goals will be the best thing that we can do. In the first place, we really don’t know that person’s challenges in life so it’s so wrong to put them down.
We all have a chance to be better, one’s words can be a powerful weapon so choose to use it in a right way.

It was a usual day when I heard this beautiful statement from a podcast of Mr. Rob Dial. Upon hearing this, I found myself guilty to consider goal as the only achievement.
I know everyone thinks that same thing. We usually focus ourselves in the outcome of everything we do but we don’t really appreciate the efforts that we put to make It all work. That’s why we all feel bad if the outcome is not what we expected. We only see the goal itself and don’t consider the path that we were able to surpass.
As we set our goals, it’s very important that we give importance to the growth we acquired. Whether we fail or succeed, let’s learn to appreciate that we were still able to make it happen by just trying.
By doing that, we can able to feel more grateful whatever outcome it will be.

As the saying goes, acceptance is the first step for someone who choose to move on in their lives. For us to be able to work on our own progress, it is very important that we acknowledge the fact that there will always be some who’s better.
We can’t always be on the top. Our journey simply differs from each other and comparison is one of the reasons what makes us toxic. Although we can’t stop ourselves to compare, we can simply choose to do it in a healthy way. How? We need see each other’s differences and use it as a motivation for us to do better.
Let’s stop comparing if the result will just end up bringing down each other. It’s a very beautiful world to live with so let’s not waste our precious time pointing out each other’s flaws.

You deserve to be appreciated. Don’t seek it from someone else but do it first for yourself. Whatever accomplishment it is, don’t forget to reward yourself. It is not necessarily a glamorous nor an expensive thing, a simple one that will make you happy is more than enough.
Appreciate every effort that you do, so that you won’t seek validation from someone else. Your own acknowledge is more than enough to cover everything that you’d done so far.
Prove to yourself that you’re complete even if you’re alone.

Guilty? Me too.
I know that all of us badly wanted to express ourselves just to prove our point. Because of that we failed to give someone a chance to tell their own worries. Since most of us compare every situation the same as what happen to our lives, we tend to tell every concern in our own perspective without thinking what that person will feel.
The most effective way to handle it is to just listen.
Oftentimes, people will prefer someone who’ll just listen and allow them to tell all of their pains that they’re keeping. No opinions, suggestions and feedbacks, just your presence will be more than enough.
Ask yourself, had you ever listened first to someone without cutting them off?
If you’re doing it so, this is the perfect time to change your ways and for sure they will appreciate it more.

We often take for granted our lives. The simple days, hours that had passed are nothing but a past memory for us. As the pandemic started and more lives meet it’s ending, I soon realized that I need to be grateful in every single day that I’m alive.
Rather than focusing on the negatives and problems that I faced, I wanted to look on the brighter side of everything. I wanted to live a life wherein I will not be worried if I’ll die tomorrow.
I wanted to make sure that I’m emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually happy every single day. So if ever that time comes, I will not regret anything that I wasn’t able to do.

This has been my mantra since I started to work. Although I’m not even on my halfway in the goals that I’d been aiming, I started to share my experiences and plans to others.
For me, I don’t prefer to live selfishly and as long as I have an opportunity to inspire people around me, I will choose to do it so. I know how simple words can give a big impact to one’s life. It can’t be easily given but few people will use it in a good way.
Putting someone else up while achieving your goals can be so much meaningful rather than having it solely for yourself. Is it ideal to see everyone achieving their goals as well? So even though I’m still in the process of achieving my own goals, I still wanted to take the opportunity to inspire others to do their best.
“Make the impossible, possible.”