Stuck in a place where you think there’s no way out,
Nobody can hear you even when you loudly shout.
You continuously banging the door wanting to have a taste of freedom,
But darkness hugs you and whispered “Nobody will come.”
There’s no more tears left from the agonizing days you’d been,
All that you wanted is just for you to be seen.
By whoever it will be as long it will save yourself,
From this darkness that surrounds you before there’s no more left.
Days passed by while continuously hoping for a change,
You hug yourself tight while saying someday it will all be arranged.
The scars present in your whole body will heal eventually,
And the pain that filled your heart will be gone slowly.
As long as tomorrow comes you’ll always have a chance,
Never give up even there’s no assurance.
Continue to reach your dreams and never back down,
Keep your head straight until you wear your own crown.
Seize every opporunity and seek every challenges as a room to grow,
Never ever fear anything because happines always comes after the sorrow.
Darkness will be present but never ever succumb to it,
Your sacrifice will be granted even you already reached your limit.
Fight for yourself even if you’re alone,
Even if no one believes, you can bravely do it on your own.
Let go of whatever holds you back and look straight in to their eyes,
Because this tomorrow is the end of your cries.
Be a work on progress even if no one will cheer you up,
He will be with you as you climb alone to the top.
That time when you decided to leaved that dark room after a long time,
Is the mark of your journey as you find you own rhyme.
Be the one who’ll continuosly inspire the rest,
Make them feel someone will always be there when their life is on test.
Because when that day when tomorrow never comes happen,
Will be the most regretful day as they realized that their story already meets its end.